

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Welcome to the bunnies tea party

Can we live our dreams,
can fantasies come true?????
Now that's a thought to ponder as I write this blog post

So first of all I will say hello to T day friends who call in today,
we gather each Tuesday over at 
 where we are always made  very welcome with a drinks related post.

The background for this page is water colours, added using an old wipe not a brush.

Next   the wall stencil,  my paste  looked quite opaque and I decided to leave it  with no colour added .
The cut out rabbits  were in an old Daphne's Diary magazine.
 I added a few stamped images and a fussy cut fence and decided that this was where I would stop.

I am also linking up with folk at
 for September's  theme of a World of Fantasy, its been a  great month  and I am in awe of all the fantastic inspiration everyone is sharing there. 

Now for a question before I end this post... Are you ready for Christmas?
Last week in a Garden Center... Ambleside [Lake District/Cumbria]
the displays were being set up for Christmas.
This one appealed to me, the others were still work in progress.
Unfortunately we live to far away to return and see them completed.

However you spend today I hope it will be a good one for you and yours.


  1. Wonderful bunny page. It would be good if some good fantasies would come true. I'm not ready for Christmas, and all the shops here are already full of Xmas stuff.... Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. A lovely page Yvonne, I went in one of my local garden centres a couple of weeks ago and all their artificial Christmas trees were on the shelves, much too early for me.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. Oh yes - I am sure our dreams can come true when we believe in ourselves and dare to follow them!
    What a magical and fairytale-like page today! You really perform great magic this month! Happy T-Day - I love the beautiful display! I am never really in Christmas mood but I look forward to the wintertime as well. But firstly I want to enjoy autumn! Big hugs, Susi

  4. Wow. Christmas displays already. I guess that happens outside of the US too. It is a gorgeous display but isn't Christmas so far off? I love the bunny page. They are very cute and I bet it would be great camo for bunnies to be in naturally. And more great mugs this week. And as for your comment on your post today about the taxidermied animals. I know what you mean. I always feel bad that they were killed and stuffed but they are all from a time when that was more acceptable. And you can't bring them back at this point. That's how I look at them. Thanks for the comment though. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  5. I love your bunny page! The background with the brick stenciling looks perfect with your pretty bunny rabbit 😀. I think you can make your life dreams reality if you put your mind to it, not sure about fantasies like talking animals though 😉. I know that garden centre well although I haven't been in wintertime so have never seen the Christmas displays so maybe I'll pop along, the chocolate shop that's in the old Bank building on the corner is now calling to me 😉. Thanks for sharing 😀. Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  6. Oh I love your bunny page. I enjoyed seeing allot of the fantasy pieces this month-you picked a good theme
    when I was a kid my parents would take us into chicago downtown to view all the fabulous window displays of the large department stores at Christmas time-always a fun day for me. I have not seen any thing like that since-as we have always lived rural and avoid large cities but good memories-thanks
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  7. A wonderful page! This bunny is so amazing and the background so beautiful, I love all the other details too!
    I believe that we can live our dreams and that fantasies come true!!
    No, I am not ready for Christmas :))
    Wish you a happy day! Rike x

  8. It seems Christmas decorations go up earlier each year! I'm still in the mood for Autumn leaves. I don't even have Halloween decorations out yet lol Happy T Tuesday

  9. Oh Yvonne, I adore your bunny. I LOVE that wall stencil and the way you left it without color. I love your fantasy and am so glad you are hosting this month at Art Journal Journey.

    I SO enjoyed your Keep calm mug. It's adorable and perfect for YOU and for T day, too. Thanks for sharing your awesome art and your tea with us for T this Tuesday.

    When I was out last week, there were displays on one side of the aisle featuring Halloween, and on the other with Christmas decorations all lit, calling to people to get in the spirit. I think your garden center's displays will be a lot better than anything I saw.

  10. Cute page, Yvonne. You fussy cut that fence?!

    Christmas is coming - ready or not. We wanted to get a new smaller artificial tree. Two weeks ago we saw that Costco and Sam's were setting up their tree. So we knew we had to act fast. We went back a week later and they were all gone! There won't be any more either. In Mexico, you snooze, you lose. Luckily we found a nice one in a department store and at a good price.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  11. Love the display at your garden center! My hubby told me this morning “3 months till Christmas!” I like your bunny page. Happy TSFT!

  12. Bunny and tea result in running late.
    I love this especially!

  13. Wow! I am not surprised at the Christmas displays already being out. It comes sooner and sooner every year. I do think it detracts from the season and makes you tired of Christmas before it even gets here. Which is sad. I love the season but think that it being short adds to the excitement and anticipation.
    I am loving the bunny and tea party theme for your journal page! A lovely background that makes those bunnies pop!
    Happy Tea Day,

  14. What a wonderful fantasy page - I love the colours ! I love that Garden Centre but will wait until nearer Christmas to visit I think! Happy T day! Chrisx

  15. Interesting photos in the garden center and love this gorgeous bunny page.x

  16. A lovely bunny page and yes a great question, can we love our dreams.... I am not ready for Christmas at all yet, though I made my first card a few days ago, but I agree, the display looks wonderful! Here most places are still full of Halloween stuff...

  17. I'm glad I kept going and came to the bunnies tea party. That's a much better fantasy!
    Although these two bunnies on the bottom right look a bit stern and is that a large ghost bunny behind the fence?
    It's a great theme you've chosen, Yvonne, what a pity it's coming to an end soon.

  18. Your Art journal page is just GORGEOUS dear Yvonne !! Love this spectabular background, and the big rabbit with little butterfly and bird !! Love the little rabbits too, they are sweety !!
    How knows? Sometimes we can live our dreams ........ and fantasies come true !! :)
    Wonderful displays for Christmas, thank you very much for sharing those beautiful photographs with us, they are lovely.
    I wish you a very happy thursday, big hugs, Caty
