

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Who said this is not art

Hello  friends who call in from
where........ T stands for Tuesday
 and we are welcome with a drinks related post.
Thank you all for your kind wishes last week, as you see I am managing to pages.
 I am lucky to have had some  DT and diary projects  already  made.

This weeks drinks  photo was taken in the caravan,
hubby had assembled a cherry scone for me to have with my cuppa.......
filled with orange jam with a spoon of thick cream on top.
have my word for it , it tasted yummy.

My digital page was fun to make and kept me occupied for quite a while,
as did typing up this post
and the quote is one I really can relate to.
I would be stir crazy if I didn't have this crafting path to follow. until I can get hands on ink  again.
I've never been one to sit around, indoors  knitting, sewing, embroidery  were  my hobbies
 before I got the crafting bug.  
 I do however enjoy reading,there is nothing better than  getting engrossed with  a good book in the evening.. I am currently reading ...... The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton..... half way through it and I find it hard to put down, its a super book..

I will add my digital page to 
and Chris's theme...
Art for Arts Sake
Happy T day wishes and thank you for calling in today.


  1. ART comes in many forms and love this kind of art.xx

  2. I am totally impressed with this wonderful journal page. It is beautiful. I always love anything you create that is digital, a skill that totally eludes me. The only way I cut and paste is to use scissors and glue (grin). It is perfect, and so is the quote for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I can tell your husband is a real keeper. I suspect he is waiting on you hand and foot about now. That cherry scone has me craving one, and I' not sure I've ever had a real scone. Even the ones I made don't look as good as yours. Thanks for sharing your scone and tea with us for T this Tuesday. Hope you get your splint off soon, too.

  3. Gorgeous journal page, as always, and that scone look soooooo good. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. I love this page. Great colours and the words are perfect. Almost ethereal...

    Hope you heal quickly!

    Cath x

  5. Oh my gosh - this page is absolutely to my liking! This amazing depth you always create is stunning!
    I am the same kind of girl like you - I have always made something with my hands ever since I can remember.
    And reading is also something that makes my life better as I was a bookseller for over 20 years you can imagine that I like books. But I admit that I do not read as much as I would like to read nowadays because of the much time I sit on the computer creating pages and "stuff" and do gardening, dogwalking and boring housework.
    The quote I have pinned for me as well - a really good one for mixed media artists, isn't it?!
    You will see how fast the time runs and you will get rid of the plaster very soon!
    The scone looks tempting - your hubby spoils you in a lovely way!A sweetheart for sure!
    Big hugs, Susi

  6. What an amazing journal page! I love how you built up the beautiful design, it looks just like you have stenciled texture paste and splattered it with ink 😉. I couldn't agree more with your quote and I'm so glad you are spending time creating art digitally - you are very lucky that you can create art this way, if it were me I would be going totally mad as I haven't a clue how to create digital pieces 😉. Reading is a good way to keep busy too and that looks such a yummy scone - delicious! Sending you Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  7. it's amazing to me the depth and richness you so beautifully produce on a digital page-I love this!! Great quote too. I just made some cinnamon scones over the weekend:) Cherry sounds so good too. Happy T day!

  8. I love all the textures in your art today-beautiful digital page! I would be lost without a good book and by crafts too-hugs Kathy

  9. your journaling page looks fantastic! i love all the texture here and the cool colors are coming out great!
    happy t-day!

  10. Art is so subjective. I like a quote from the song, “Someone Is Calling My Name” by Harry Chapin. “I may be just four fingers old, but I know what I like.” Happy T Day!

  11. I have started rereading a book series.. The Strain.. and it is just as good the second time around... The best healing wishes are being sent your way yvonne!! Hugs! deb

  12. Great page, Yvonne. The quote made me smile. I hope your fingers are healing well and the splints will soon be off.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  13. The scone looks delicious. What a treat.

    I'm not familiar with that author but am googling now... :) Happy T Tuesday!

  14. Your Digital art always makes me happy! It makes me even happier that you have made this page for Art Journal Journey and my theme...and all one handed! Thank you so much Yvonne!
    Glad you have found a way to balance your book - The Miniaturist is a book that I would like to read! I have nearly finished my 800+ paged The Sunne In Splendour - the story of Richard III and I have just started Eleanor Elephant is Completely Fine at the caravan! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  15. Great quote! Glad to see you are still crafting even on caravan. Your drink and scones sound wonderful! The only way I would get scones over here is to make them myself, and I barely cook anymore! Thanks for the heads up on the book. I will look into it. Happy T day!

  16. Your digital page is Amazing! I like all the white and that really cool guy. I love scones but cherry is one of my favorites! Must have been very yummy.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Without question, it's art - it made me stop in my tracks to look closer, it made me feel and it made me think. That's art in my book. Take care of yourself.
    Alison x

  18. Your scone and tea look very very yummy. I have never had heavy cream like that. Not a US thing. And I am loving the art too. We r waiting at the airport in Toronto Canada for our plane. Has been a good way to do some catching up. Hugs Erika

  19. Oh wow, that's cream? Looks like delish eggs benedict to me haha with orange jam instead of béarnaise! Oh and playing with stuff is quite MY definition of art and your page is delightful! xoxo

  20. Brilliant artsy and grungy page - lovely colours and that quote made me smile.
    Still catching up :)
    Gill xx

  21. What a great page to see! I really love this one and the scone sounds right up my street too!

    Sally xx
