

Monday 2 July 2018

Heat, caravans, arm and art,

Hello everyone who calls in to see me today
and what an eventful week its been for me.
We went on a caravan trip to Kendal in the Lake District
 to take advantage of our lovely weather, I was not the only one on this beautiful site to say it is tooooooooooo   hot. You will gather that we are not used to such heat in the north of the UK.

The down side is that I tripped in the caravan and spent a couple of hours in the local hospital. I have fractured my radius.
So here I am showing the latest day wear of a plaster cast.
I really miss my arm and the fact they had to cut off my wedding ring because of the swelling was a bit distressing. .
  Some days do not go well.
I will be home  Tuesday and to my own hospital on
 Wedesday to find out what happens next.

We have also had not email use on this particular site and to add to the tale of woe
I haven't been able to access  one of my favourite sites in blogland Art Jounal Journey.
A problem with the caravan clubs internet provider.
However we have had restful days.

I am linking to
blog to share these 
 photos  of   a couple of our outdoor meals

a prawn salad and ice water. I mean't to take the photo before we started eating, the bottom pic is  gathering it all together. The top one is with the salad half eaten.

A BBQ  on another occasion,
chicken to go with the salad and iced water this time.
The page at the start of my post is all digital,  
created in the relative coolness of the evening.
Using the digital programs I use and a couple of trusty fingers on my good hand.
I am pleased I can create in this way as everything seems impossible with one arm at present.
Even reading a book is difficult, especially turning the pages when you are trying to balance the book on a plaster cast.

It makes me applaud the folk  with disabilities, 
you are awesome.

I am  a little in advance with projects and diaries at home with photos taken, so that is also a plus.

So from one armed  me..
Happy T day wishes.

A reminder  for the current theme
at Try it on Tuesdays as my page has got wings.


  1. Sending lots of sympathy, Yvonne. How marvellous that you can make digital art, to look on the brighter side. Seriously this piece is faboulous and beautiful whether made with one arm or many arms and I am in awe of your digital skills. I just love it, the pink wings of the angel, the bunny, the fine words and all of it.
    The Lake District is not famed for its wi-fi access but is so lovely we forgive it for that.
    Hope your arm gets better soon.

  2. Oh no, I do feel for you Yvonne! What an awful thing to happen- and to lose your wedding ring too:( Perhaps a wedding vow renewal - with a new ring- should be considered:):) We are experiencing a big heat wave too, but most have air conditioning here in the states thankfully. Your digital page is just beautiful. And how nice it is to be able to eat al fresco. Happy T day!

  3. Oh no Yvonne. The broken radius sounds like an awful event on your trip. Do you need a new wedding ring or can they fix cut ones? That may be a silly question. We have that heat now too, and I am with you. But I will say your food looks delicious. Your page is fantastic though. I hope this cast won't interfere too much with your creative endeavors. I hope your weather cools off and you are back to using both arms soon. Hugs-Erika

  4. Sending hugs for the broken radius. How awful, but you seem to be taking it in stride. It is great that you felt like sharing your photos with us for T Stands for Tuesday! Great post, except for the one arm thing. :)

  5. Sorry to hear about your arm and hope it will soon be better. Wonderful photos as always for TSFT, I hope you enjoy your stay in spite of it all. Hugs, Valerie

  6. Not only did you lose the use of your left arm, you lost your wedding ring. I'm sure that means a trip to the jewelry store where they can repair it, but still it's something I know you weren't expecting. I hope it's not too painful and you are able to sleep at night. My sincere sympathy for your accident.

    Your digital art always makes me smile and at least you are able to create using that program. As always, I think it is beautiful.

    I like the looks of your prawn salad. I can understand how tempting it would be to forget to take photos until the meal was nearly over. And even the chicken looks good. It's truly barbecue season in the U.S. this weekend, so you would fit right in. Thanks for sharing your lovely art, your salads and chicken, and your water with us for T this Tuesday.

  7. Sorry for your acsidence, Yvonne. If there is any good it is that your left hand harmed and you can work with the right one. Your digital page is just beautiful and well done.
    Wishing your hand is better soon.
    Have a nice day πŸŒΌπŸ’•

  8. Lovely project but goodness Yvonne, your arm....get better my friend. Sending cyber hugs.x

  9. Oh Yvonne I am so sorry to hear that you have tripped and broken a bone in your arm x Sending huge healing hugs to you xx I just love your digital artwork and this page is fab xx
    Like you we have been enjoying the weather and eating outside, which we love xx

    Take care and huge hugs
    Annie x

  10. many good vibes to your broken radius, hope it heals well and fast. your digital page is awesome and a good alternative when you can´t do things by Hand.
    all the best, xoxox

  11. I so hope your broken radius heals soon. I can imagine that all is painful and with the heat to have a plastered arm it is pretty awful and I am sure that your artistic creative soul is extra offended by this! Good that you have things prepaired already and that you can do your amazing digital art. But you know - first comes good health! I love the page! I hope you enjoy your caravan trip nontheless! ♥♥♥ My best wishes for a quick recovery!
    Happy T-Day dear Yvonne!
    Hugs, Susi

  12. Sorry to hear of your troubles while your away! Sounds like your making the best of it though. Wonderful digital page.

  13. Beautiful digital page. I hope you will soon be better. Hugs Marjut

  14. Oh no! I hope you are feeling better. Take care!
    Happy T day!

  15. Hood morning, I enjoyed your art today, and I thought wow a caravan trip sounds like fun-but then oh NO I am so sorry this happened to you, and then to have them cut your wedding ring off-that is even worse. I almost cried when I read your story.
    I am hoping no permanent damage and things will go better once you see your own doctors and hospitals
    Sending along healing prayers for you hugs Kathy

  16. Oh my, what a week and I was so sorry to hear about your arm! Wishing you a speedy recovery πŸ˜€. I'm so pleased that you are able to create digital art despite the plaster cask and what a stunning piece you have created too! Wow, I wouldn't have guessed it was digitally created either with all the lovely texture and layers - beautiful πŸ˜€. Your food looks yummy, especially that BBQ chicken - I've just had something similar for my lunch today πŸ˜‰. Wishing you well and Happy T Day! J 😊 x

    1. Should have been cast not cask πŸ˜‰. Hugs, Jo x

  17. One -armed Yvonne!!! Well i think you did amazingly well! That page at the beginning is just beautiful! You really achieved alot of depth and i love that. Look at that cute little bunny peeking Hoping you heal fast and have the full use of your hands to create and share many beautiful things soon! Happy T day hugs! deb

  18. I'm so sorry about your fall and your arm. Wow! I'm impressed you're coping so well! I hope your recovery is uncomplicated. Your cook-out looks tasty. Happy T Tuesday :)

  19. Sorry I have been absent - duty calls again. Home for a few days so am catching up.
    Flippin eck Yvonne - that fall must have been so painful. What a shame for you - and just when you were having a wonderful time too.
    Fab page (with one arm!) - hoping all is on the mend - even if you did have to lose your wedding band as long as arm mends quickly it will be worth it. x

  20. So sorry to her about your arm, Yvonne! I can relate. I broke my (dominant arm) elbow 5 years ago two weeks before our son's wedding! Can the ring be soldered back together? I had my wedding ring resized once, so I'm hoping yours can be fixed.

    I know what you mean about admiring people who live with disabilities all the time. Heal fast!

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  21. Oh no!!! I am so sorry to read about your arm!! Hope you are not in too much pain! And how positively awful about your wedding ring! I suppose the one silver lining is that is is your left hand (presuming you are right handed), hopefully that means you can still create some art? The piece you posted today is beautiful! Sending big hugs and fingers crossed it will all heal quickly!

  22. Your art piece is lovely and I like the words in it. I'm sorry about your arm. And how awful that they had to cut your wedding ring. It is very hot where I am in New England in the United States, but it's not out of the ordinary for our typical Summers. (Hopefully everyone's heat waves end soon.)

  23. So sorry to hear you broke your arm. I had to have my wedding band cut off while I was expecting The Eldest. I feel your pain. Your journal page is beautiful and the food looks amazing. Take care and stay cool. Happy T Day

  24. I'm sorry that you broke the radius of your arm Yvonne, and I hope that soon you'll find yourself better and without pain. Time passes quickly, and very soon you can use it again, you'll see.
    Your page is wonderful, as always, I love all the details that you have captured in it, and the quote is fabulous.
    I wish you a happy evening, big hugs, Caty

  25. This doesn't sound good at all! I think I would be upset too if I had to have my wedding ring cut off! I hope that you aren't in too much pain now! I love the digital page you made - fabulous even with one hand! Belated happy T day! Chrisx

  26. Oh Yvonne, so sorry to her about your arm. Get well soon.
    You've been showing great works here lately. I like them all very much.
    I'm sorry I don't come here so often... it's summer holidays and we're on the road a lot
    Greetings Carola

  27. Oh Yvonne, what an awful thing to happen and at the beginning of your holiday too, but it still looks like you enjoyed yourself and were able to craft a little, love the page with the butterfly lady, colours are gorgeous.
    Avril xx

  28. Oh dear, a plaster cast in this heat would be enough to finish anyone off in this heat! We had our hottest day so far yesterday at just over 30C! I confess I am looking forward to some cooler weather in the alps next week as, I'm sure, is Brodie. Thank goodness you are able to be creative in a digital way....because it's a beautiful page! Wishing you a rapid recovery......sally xxx

  29. Yvonne i'm so so sorry to hear this news and even sorrier that I have not seen it till today. It's been a busy week along with laptop issues and i've missed so many posts i'm sliding backwards gradually getting through them.
    I'm sending you a BIG healing (((HUG))) rest up and do not feel guilty about it & I hope you will soon be fighting fit.
    Kindest Regards Tracey xx
    P.S Beautiful piece of art btw xx

  30. Just catching up (actually pc getting hot already so maybe a slow catch up)
    ... and oh no !! ... so sorry to hear this news Yvonne and about your wedding ring too :( - wishing you better soon xx
    I haven't been online for a week as the PC is chugging in the hot weather and our conservatories make it feel like a sauna..great in the winter but not in the summer and making it hard to sleep...
    I can imagine how awful it must be for you in this heat I hope you are managing to keep cool.
    Love your page - thank goodness for digital arts - a real godesend at trying times like this :)
    Take care of youreslf ..
    Gill xxxxxx

  31. Oh no! Eegads I feelz for you, so sorry to hear about your arm. It does look like the left one and hopefully you are right-handed? Still, MAJOR INCONVENIENCE. Love your trooper attitude, you'd have been a heroine of The Blitz! And so sorry you had to lose your ring - hubby can replace that or have it re-done. I'd look at that as a new opportunity haha but you Brits are so sentimental! haha (I shouldn't talk, my dad's peeps hail from Northhamptonshire and Lincolnshire.) OKAY, I guess digital will have to do, but please promise you will resume glue-y fingers once you are healed, I live to see your non-digital stuff. xoxoxoxoxo
