

Monday 30 July 2018

Counting down the days.

I am on my countdown , hoping for a bit more freedom in two days time.
[ writing this post Monday evening].

With a bit of a struggle I managed to get a photo of  my new found craft item..........a large red poly bag, wrapped around my left arm.  
 An aid for me  to get a little bit messy  on a couple of occasions recently, its also a good paper weight as well, although it tends to slide around the desk a bit.
This page is simply stuck down book papers. Paint swiped over the top using a wipe, then a spray of ink [an own blend colour]
I had found some skeleton leaves to use and some stickers. The words are a stencil..

I am just in time to join the folk over at 
Art for Arts Sake,
  a new theme will be announced for August.

I am also adding a reminder for the current Try it on Tuesdays
theme..... Use Bookpaper

Now, I am  off to visit friends at
where we are always made very welcome with a drinks related post.

There has been a lot of plain iced water  to drink  during the very hot days we had in the UK.
I never thought I would say this but we had storms at the weekend and they were very welcome.

 After a visit to the Opticians last week we decided to have an Italian meal on the way home. Pasta for me and Lasagna for the OH.
Usually we have had to ask for a jug of water,  on this particular day it was offered. 

I will close by sharing 
 more photos of our walk in the grounds  of Wallington Hall,
 T day friends will have seen my first batch last week.

They were having a red squirrel watch, but we didn't see any.
But the ducks  were enjoying the sun by the edge of the pond.
We loved these little doors at the base of the trees,
 a great way to get children interested  and involved.

We left the glass houses  via one of the walled garden doors.
 The one on the right had us passing by.......
this environmentally friendly, waterless toilet,
 close to information on the new Biomass heating system  installed  also to benefit our environment.

This metal sculptured arch glinted in the sunshine, 
there was another identical one at the end of this long straight path.

Wallington has a lovely  display of snowdrops in the springtime.
This was a wonderful organic sculpture  to come across in  an open area of woodland.
I do hope ,as the polite notice asks, that it will be looked after for many years.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you all have a good day.


  1. Beautiful page Yvonne,love that big leaf. I bet you will be so glad to get rid of the plaster, I broke my right wrist a few years ago (I am right handed) got so frustrated as I kept dropping my stamps, ended up buying a stamp platform ! (now gathering dust in the cupboard)


  2. I am in awe of your journal page, and will gladly count down the days with you until that cast can be removed.

    Speaking of journal page, I was pleased to see how you used the lovely skeleton leaves. They were beautiful in that star shape. Also, it was a terrific and beautiful entry for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of your trip to Wallington Hall. The grounds are beautiful, the biomass structure is eco-friendly, and the snowdrop sculpture is incredible. I've never seen a snowdrop, except in photos, so this life size sculpture was amazing. I also enjoyed the red squirrel hunt and the doors for little ones to explore. I also remember the glass house, and enjoyed seeing inside and out.

    Your Italian meal spoke to me. Oh the Parmesan on top of yours. Now I'm starving because it looks so good. And a full pitcher of ice water. What more could you ask for. Thanks for sharing your incredible art, your trip to Wallington Hall, and your pasta and big jug of water with us for T this Tuesday. Two more days till hopefully freedom, dear Yvonne.

  3. How exciting it is only 2 more days. I hope they go quickly for you. I enjoyed seeing more of Wallington Hall. It looks like a great place to walk around and too bad you didn't see any red squirrels. I've heard about how the grey squirrels have overtaken the habitats. They have here too I think as I rarely see red squirrels anymore. And it's a good thing I had dinner as your Italian food looks very yummy. I haven't had pasta all summer. Happy T day and good luck with the arm later this week. Hugs-Erika

  4. So happy your cast is coming off very soon-and love the red bag you found to protect your cast
    wow I love those sculptors especially the snow drops.
    Your dinner sounds delicious! hope you get cooler weather soon
    Happy T Day hugs Kathy

  5. Beautiful journal page! You all are inspiring me! Maybe someday I will do and show a journal page. Lovely photos of Wallington. Thank you for sharing your lovely post with us. Happy Tea Day1

  6. Wonderful journal page. Glad to hear your arm will soon be freed. That will be a relief for you. Great photos from Wallington Hall, and your food looks so tasty. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. There really is no stopping you Yvonne, this is an amazing page with it's layers and that beautiful leaf. We are all counting down those days with you too.
    A beautiful walk through the Hall grounds, isn't it sad about the red squirrels.
    We used to have so many in our local park but they have declined rapid over the past 30 years. The Birmingham Wildlife conservation Park has successfully bred and released pairs in secret locations which is good to know.
    Happy T Day Hugs Tracey x

  8. beautiful page,loved the butterflys and the leaves,its amazing!The soft texture and the bookpaperbackround its fantastic too.
    happy new week,dear yvonne.

    hugs jenny

  9. the texture of your page is great, and it is so peaceful and calming. love the sculptures in that park, esp the snowdrops (oh, that makes me think of cooler days... but then, in winter we were longing for warmer temperatures...)
    wishing you a great week and a happy t-day!

  10. Your journal page is so amazingly pretty, I love how you used the skelleton leaves to build a chestnut leaf. And the wording is so beautiful! A good idea with the word stencil! I can't believe what you managed to do so much art with just one hand! How great that the cast can be removed real soon now. This will be
    a huge relief for you! It is a brilliant and beautiful entry for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Thank you so much for all your support again this month dear Yvonne! You are incredible!

    I so enjoyed the rest of your trip to Wallington . This place is so beautiful, how great with the biomass structure and those snowdrop sculptures are unique.

    Italian meal is always yummie. I got hungry now as I haven't had breakfast yet. Cold water is the best drink on hot days,and warm tea - I drink a lot of warm tea every day and it helps against the heat.

    Happy T-Day dear Yonne!
    Hugs, Susi

  11. You've made a really beautiful page, Yvonne. I love the colour of the background which sets off the blue butterflies beautifully.
    Thanks for all of these photos of Wallington. I've never been there, don't even know where it is and will look it up. The snowdrop sculpture is marvellous.
    Happy Tea Day, Yvonne.

    1. Oh Wallington is near Morpeth. That's on our way to another place so we could easily visit it. Thanks for the link.

  12. Your cast doesn't look like it hampered your artwork. Beautiful! Counting down with you to freedom. Wallington Hall looks lovely. We have a little red squirrel. He likes to climb on the birdfeeder and stuff his face. The fairy doors are adorable. I've seen lots of fairy doors, houses, and furnishings in some of the garden shops. The snowdrop sculpture is striking. Have a Happy T Day

  13. Such a fabulous page and I smiled at your colourful red bag crafting tool 😉. I'd be counting down the days too and I bet you can't wait to get the cast off so you can get all your fingers messy with inks and paints! Your page is amazing, I love the book paper and colours with those pretty stickers. I so enjoyed visiting Wallington Hall again, the old doors and sculptures are amazing! Your pasta looks so delicious and the ice water is a perfect choice anytime 😁. Sending you Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  14. Your journal page is lovely, Yvonne. You get quite the delicate effect from those skeleton leaves. The sepia toned background really brings that colorful butterfly to the front.
    Your walk had some beautiful sites. I am loving that amazing metal arch!
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Stunning page, Yvonne! And to think you accomplished it handicapped. One more day? I bet there will be a big celebration.

    The little doors at the base of the trees are very clever and cute. I can just imagine the reaction of children. I love the sculptures - both the arch and the snowdrops.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  16. I'm glad you're finding work-arounds but am glad to hear increased freedom is coming soon :) Water is usually my drink of choice, and that cold pitcher looks refreshing. Those little doors are delightful. What a fun addition! Those gardens offer so much variety. Happy T Tuesday

  17. So happy you are almost free, Yvonne! I do have to say, though, I hope if I ever break MY arm that my art will look this good! Lovely journal page, as usual! Remember: A watched pot never boils, damnit! haha xoxo

  18. Not many more sleepies now before the cast comes off. I bet you can’t wait!
    Thank you for the photos of Wallington Hall. It is such a beautiful place. I loved the little doors in the trees and also the snow drop sculpture.
    Happy T Day,

  19. Another brilliant page Yvonne! Great pics... and hoping your cast is cast away soon! x

  20. I love this page Yvonne, you really have created some beautiful pages for AJJ despite your having to wrap up your arm in that lovely red plastic!Thank you! Wallington Hall looks a great place to visit - the snowdrop sculpture looks amazing! Your pasta looks tasty - great that you didn't have to ask for water! Hugs,Chrisx

  21. Fabulous post and wow your page is awesome. Love what you do..xx

  22. A wonderful page and beautiful photos, I love the little doors.
    xxx Hazel.

  23. Great photos and a lovely page Yvonne! xx

  24. Love, love this page - the skeleton leaf, the beautiful colours, and the shimmer of brilliant blue of the butterflies' wings. The snowdrop sculpture is stunning - thanks for sharing that. I'm still struggling to keep up with necessities, and looking forward to the light at the end of the tunnel at the end of August, when I hope to get back in the swing of things properly.
    Alison x

  25. WOW sooo beautiful. Love it.
    Geetinhs Carola
