

Sunday 3 June 2018


A mixed media/hybrid journal page to share today,
for Gill's theme over at
Inspired by.....   my garden

When we came home last week the garden needed a lot of attention, but it was good to see the flowers were thriving and even though neglected they still shared their lovely bright colours and blooms.

There is a downside to this, the grass grows and the weeds flourish.
We had a rather large crop of dandelion gone to seed and some pretty daisies.

So I created a mixed media base using stencils, I used paste on the music stencil to give a little texture. also some  torn pieces of music. although these are  nearly all covered with paint.

Thank you for calling in to see me ,
I hope you all have a lovely day


  1. Good morning-I love your newest art page-and seeing all the photos for the inspiration-as I have gotten older-I have come to enjoy the happy faces of the dandelions again-as I did as a youngster-and blow on the seeds ha ha and they gift us with healing properties too-I want to make a batch of dandelion lotion bars soon a few years ago we still did not have any dandelions here-then one popped up and spread the seeds around-now I have enough around to make me smile -crazy I know lol enjoy your Sunday hugs Kathy

  2. You not just have a wonderful garden but you also made a fantastic page Yvonne!
    I took a class about edible weeds recently and learnt how to prepaire them. Dandelion is the best plant to use beside of stinging nettle. A wonderful entry for "Inspired by" at Art Journal Journey!
    Happy rest of your Sunday! I hope you have the same fantastic weather as we have just now!
    Hugs, Susi

  3. STUNNING!! I felt like I had entered a world of fantasy instead of your back yard! I can see why your garden inspires you. Of course, I had to laugh about the dandelions. You either love them or hate them, and I am truly impressed with this spread. So glad you joined us again at Art Journal Journey, Yvonne.

  4. Gorgeous page inspired by your wonderful garden. I love dandelions. Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  5. A lovely page Yvonne and I love how you've used the pictures from your own garden, flowers look lovely.
    Avril xx

  6. Wow Yvonne !!! love your so gorgeous page, it´s just amazing with all those so beautiful flowers you can see in your great garden!! Love the dandelion !! I wish you a very nice week, big hugs, Caty

  7. Oh yes, gardentime is the best time of a day and your nice page shows it at its best.
    Dear Greetings

  8. Pretty colors of flowers in your garden, and lovely page you made with the photos.

  9. Beautiful page Yvonne! When you have sold all your weeds, you can get mine and for free 😀

  10. The funny things about weeds is you can remove them one day and then they are back within a week. :) I pulled a bunch of weeds today trying to really clean out a garden. I love your stone pot filled with pansies. It is so cool. And you made the perfect art piece too.It's a beautiful page. Have a wonderful start to the new week. Hugs-Erika

  11. Beautiful flower post, love the weeds sentiment.[aussie aNNie blog]

  12. A fabulous page Yvonne x Love the summery x It has been so good to have such a great spell of weather here in Both West Scotland and you are right if you are away those weeds creep in xx

    Huge hugs
    Annie xx

  13. Beautiful page Yvonne - I love how you did the background and your flowers are lovely.
    What are the small Pink flowers?
    The 'weeds for sale' made me smile. This year we have a small corner where we have some weeds/wild flowers and one nettle for the Butterflies mainly but elsewhere they have to come up before they take over :)
    Thanks for sharing what inspired you and joining in at AJJ.
    Have a good week.
    Gill xx

  14. Wow! What an absolutely wonderful page - and a reminder that I will have to do some weeding at the weekend when we go to the caravan! Hugs, Chrisx
