

Monday 14 May 2018

Weeds are not always what they seem

Hello everyone who calls in to see me today.
After a few days with poor or no internet connection
 it is good to be back and able  to blog again and  begin with visiting friends over at
where each Tuesday we are always made welcome with a drinks related post..

I started by sharing a journal spread for
and Jo's theme of Flora and Fauna
The colour was spread on using a baby wipe, I borrowed some of my OH's colours [he takes watercolours and pencils away when we go off in the caravan]  to shade the weeds.
The ribbon was a bargain find in a Charity shop. The bubbles were  computer generated.

So what have I been up to.... there are  quite a number of photos I need to sort,
but, I will start with a visit to a Farm Shop in Malhamdale in Yorshire.
Folk in the UK may have seen a recent TV series  hosted by Tom Kerridge,
  filmed  at the Town End Farm shop.
 It was a competition to find the best Artisan Food producers

The first photo is the view  from the cafe  and sitting area,
below is the entrance.

A couple of photos inside, lots of delicious things to buy.

A cup of coffee for the OH and a breakfast sandwich,[ bacon, black pudding]
Tea for me and I chose the quiche, it was a huge portion as well.
We would certainly go back , should we be in the area again.

Thank you for calling in to see me today, 
you are always welcome here. and I will be stopping by to see you soon.


  1. That quiche looks delicious to me. I haven't had quiche for quite some time, time to have it again soon I think. And what is black pudding actually? I have heard of it-I think maybe there is blood in it? The artisan farm looks beautiful and I am all for helping out small local businesses. I am loving your pag today too. You are flowers, weeds are just unloved flowers. Maybe I should plant a garden full of weeds and at least it would mean I wouldn't need to do a lot of upkeep. Ha-ha. Hugs-Erika

  2. Those are some very fancy weeds, dear Yvonne. I can't believe how beautiful they are, and you created them in your caravan using your husband's colored pencils and watercolors. A great way to think outside the box. It was great to see made this beauty for Art Journal Journey, too.

    I was truly impressed with the look of the farm shop. I bet it pits Malhamdale on the map. The farm shop has such a different and country look. So very different from any place I have ever visited in the states. And that quiche looks great. I'll join you for a cup of tea, too. Thanks for sharing your art and your food and tea with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

  3. That's a wonderful journal page, and I love your weeds. I have lots of weeds on my balcony, I don't mind the pretty ones at all! The place you visited looks great, as does the food, yummy quiche! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. What a coincidence, yesterday I was speaking a friend and she said the same about the weeds in her garden πŸ˜€. Lovely page!

  5. I LOVE your fancy weed spread! This is fabulous and yes the quote says it all!
    And I love to see all this yummie food that looks so healthy and fresh! Gorgeous place to visit!
    Thank you for sharing for T-Day with us dear Yvonne and thank you for a fantastic entry for Art Journal Journey! Hugs, Susi

  6. Such fabulous pages! I love your flowers and those computer generated bubbles look stunning 😁. Yes I watched that TV series, it looks like an amazing place to visit more of a destination than a shop! I can see why from your photos and I'm feeling hungry after seeing that yummy sandwich and quiche πŸ˜‰. Thanks so much for joining us at AJJ with your happy flower/weed pages and sending you Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

    1. p.s. Thanks for stopping by my blog and all your lovely comments 😁. With regard to your question on my Tyger post - Yes the street art stays after the festival, infact they used to hold this particular festival every year to change these artworks, but it stopped in 2016 which is a shame. We have found out about another weekend festival where they create street art in another part of Blackpool though, which we plan to go to this year - yay! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine! J 😊 x

  7. Happy T day Yvonne!!1 I have never had quiche but it looks very yummy. Such a beautiful ArtJournal page. I have all this lovely washi tape and i never know what to do with it.. lol Hugs! deb

  8. Love your pretty "weeds" Yvonne! The bubbles are a such a delightful touch. Your washi tape looks like fabric. I have some fabric tapes but don't use them as often as I should;) The countryside looks so beautiful, and I would have loved your lunch choice. Thanks for sharing and happy T day!

  9. Good morning,I love your art page-and I agree so much about weeds-as many we now consider weeds are really healing plants.
    Your visit looks like a fun day out-and food sounds so good.
    Happy T Fay hugs Kathy

  10. A beautiful page, and it looks like you had a great day out Yvonne!
    Happy T-Day,
    Alison xx

  11. Great cheery page, Yvonne. I'm guessing you mean you spread watercolor paint with a baby wipe. It's a lovely background. We're planning a couple of trips - one this Oct. and another next April. I'm already thinking about what art supplies I can manage to bring along - lol.

    The stamped (or doodled?) weeds are really cute.

    The Farm Shop in Yorkshire looks like a fun place to visit. We haven't heard of the show yet, but enjoy most British TV series, so I'll be watching for it.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  12. We have lots of 'unloved flowers' here...mostly in the form of dandelions! but I agree...;) lovely photos of your outing. the shop looks fascinating and the food yummy! happy T day!

  13. What a sweet page.Poor weeds. If they didn't try to hog all the attention, maybe gardeners would appreciated them more. That shop looks very inviting as does your breakfast. Happy T Day

  14. I love the flowers on your journal page. A adorable little tea room. I love the stone. And really yummy looking food.
    Happy Tea Day,

  15. Such pretty "weeds" and I enjoyed that program!

    Sally xx

  16. Wonderful page with the extraordinary flower stamps. The tape with flowers is perfect to it. Great composition.
    Dear Greetings

  17. Such pretty flowers. Did you draw them yourself? Most weeds are beautiful. They are just in a spot where you don't want them.
    The farm shop looks like it is worth a visit. It's the sort of place and love and really should go without my purse, as I always spend so much money in such places.It's all so yummy and different and organic etc
    Not living in the UK, I have not heard of that TV show, but we go to the UK once a year to visit the grandchildren and we might see it then.
    A very belated happy T-Day,

  18. Some weeds have marvellous flowers. We have lots of yellow poppies which many people think of as a weed.
    So I love your painting which seems to make the weeds stand proud. Nice use of the charity shop ribbon too.

  19. I love this page - those flowers are great! I saw the Tom Kerridge programmes and thought that the shop looked interesting! It will go on our list now! We have a Teapot Trail book for the North of England and are slowly ticking them off - this one isn't in it! Hugs, Chrisx
