

Saturday 19 May 2018

Listen ......what can you hear

Do you listen to birds singing and wonder what they may be saying?

The birds and flowers were fussy cut from an old magazine. 
The background is  coloured with water colour  paint,
 using a wipe to spread it around.  A little random leaf stamping  and a stencil and a few extra paint splashes and I decided to stop.
The words were added in the digital program I use 
 [notes in my side bar].
Another page for Jo's theme over at
Flora and Fauna

If I could have found some photos of peacocks as I  created this page I would have done so.
My opening words are relevant to the call and sounds this handsome bird made.
We were lucky to have to have a peacock
 visit the site each day.
It was used to people and walked about visiting the caravans.

Here he is  calling to see us....

We would watch him leaving to go home , he would hop onto the fence, drop on the other side then off he went.  I have yet to find out where his.....home .... was.

Thank you for calling in today, I hope you have a good day.

I will be watching TV  as will many folk  around the world.
Congratulations Harry and Megan on your Wedding Day.
may you be blessed with a long and happy life together.


  1. What a beautiful pictures from the peacock. Great that he's coming to your caravan. The birds on your page are special and beautiful too. Have a great weekend!

  2. This page is one for the HEART today - so charming and beautiful made dear Yvonne and I LOVE to see the fabulous photos- WOW . Such a beautiful bird - charming!!! And great that he is used to people! Lovely!I am just watching the Royal Wedding now as well.
    Thank you for another fantastic page linked to Art Journal Joureny dear Yvonne!
    Enjoy the wedding event and happy weekend to you!
    Hugs, Susi

  3. Wow, what a so lovely page Yvonne !! It´s really gorgeous!! the flowers and the birds are so beautiful, and the background is wonderful, love the colours, Fabulous! This peacock is really sweet, lovely bird!
    I wish you a very happy weekend, big hugsss, Caty

  4. That's a gorgeous journal page, and how wonderful to see that peacock every day. I get woken up by the birds everyday, especially the ravens and blue tits! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Fabulous page! I smiled at the quote when you referred it to the peacock, we stayed at a B&B once which had a resident peacock - it was kind enough to wake us up every morning, very early 😉. I love the hummingbirds and funnily enough I'v been working on a hummingbird page too 😀. I hope you enjoyed the wedding, I've been glued to the TV all day watching, don't they make a wonderful couple! Happy Weekend! J 😊 x

  6. The wedding was certainly beautiful, wasn't it? They lucked out and had such a beautiful day-what a cute couple. I love your hummingbird page. I love hummingbirds. I have had to fill my feeder like every other day they are sucking down the sugar water so fast. And how cool to have the peacock visit you. That is pretty amazing I think. I can hear their call in my head but to see one come by must have been surprising at first. You got some good photos. Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Hugs-Erika

  7. Really beautiful page just as your words are too. The birds start their song around 5.30 this time of year it's the best alarm call, lucky for me I am an early riser. Wonderful to see photographs of your visiting peacock, they are such social creatures or is it the fact that they love to show off their magnificent colours? When my children were younger we would stay at a log cabin and visited by Peacocks daily, Mother and babies would be waiting for us each morning.
    Hope you enjoyed the Wedding?? A very uplifting day and beautiful to see a couple so happy.
    Sunday Hugs Tracey xx

  8. I was watching a British movie recently, and was drawn to how many birds I heard in the background. I don't get that here. The robins never chirp unless they feel threatened, which they don't. They don't sing like the birds in that movie, either. And the background sounds were not added in for effect, either. You are truly blessed to have a wonderful place to listen to the birds. Of course, the peacock was a real beauty, too. That is amazing. I've never seen one, not even in a zoo. I was thrilled you shared this with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Like you, I was mesmerized by the beauty and joy of the wedding. SO different from ones the tv personalities were showing from previous weddings. And they look so very happy. I think Harry and Meghan will lead the Crown into a new era with their warmth and openness, as opposed to William who must remain aloof and guarded since he will someday be King. I don't know if you get Suits in the UK, but I saw most of the cast were at the wedding, which made me feel good.

  9. A beautiful page Yvonne and I love the photos of the peacock.
    xxx Hazel

  10. We are home! Stayed an extra night at the caravan as the weather was so nice! I love your page and of course love to listen to bird song too! We have a wren (or two?) in our caravan garden and I love to listen to his song especially! The wedding was beautiful and I loved the story about the bouquet!
    Off to see what I've missed! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. I have managed to not have to get up at dawn the past couple of days so no dawn chorus but seeing the peacock pics reminds me of my granddaughter, she is very good at calling just like they do! Humming birds are great, a delight to watch and hear the whirring of their wings.

    Sally xx
