

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Fly away

Warm days really make me feel happy,
the birds are singing, the fields of crops are growing and the grass looks so green.
We were lucky this past weekend,we had heat and sun while we were away. many areas of the UK had thunderstorms and floods

This is how the page began, notice another torn napkin, there was a lot of green watercolour paint involved as well. The version of the page above was added to in the digital program I use while I was away,  as I didn't have  access to my stash.

On the left is how it looks in my journal. 
I added the stamped quote and a little background script. Just for fun I tried a hand drawn bird of my own to perch on the tree stump.

I have really enjoyed the theme set by Jo this month over at 
Flora and Fauna.

It is always a pleasure to join the folk over  at AJJ.
and I look forward  what the theme will be next month.

These are a few photos taken at the weekend.
These ones [above] are old and the pride and joy of their owners.
My family always go to gaze at them on display.

We had a laugh at the one perched on the ramp getting a good view if the field.

I'll leave you with a smile. We always get a booklet to let us know what will be happening over the weekend.
Always something for everyone including  a colouring page for the children .
 I won't complain about the poor quality of the paper or my lack of pencils, but I did have fun and my family had a good laugh.
Even the computer was acting up at the thought of altering this page.

Thank you for calling in today, you are always very welcome here.


  1. Beautiful journal page and I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend away, looks like fun. The colouring page is a great idea and your little bird is sweet. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Your artwork at the top is so complex and so beautiful. It would make a lovely framed picture with so much to look at every time one passed it. I like the quote on your journal version, how sensible is that!
    There's something about old cars, isn't there. I don't think I've seen old Land Rovers as clean as that.

  3. Your artwork at the top is so complex and so beautiful. It would make a lovely framed picture with so much to look at every time one passed it. I like the quote on your journal version, how sensible is that!
    There's something about old cars, isn't there. I don't think I've seen old Land Rovers as clean as that.

  4. What a beautiful page you made with a bike and flowers. I love all the green colours. The colouring page is so funny!

  5. I love this time of year with all the lush green vegetation and your happy journal page captures this beautifully! Your digital magic is amazing and your original bird drawing and both sentiments are wonderful too 😁. I enjoyed seeing the old Land Drovers, they look so pristine. I'm glad you had a lovely weekend and it looks like you had a fabulous time doing a little colouring too 😉. Thanks so much for joining Art Journal Journey this month with all your fabulous creations! J 😊 x

  6. The colors....wowwww.....this just has to make you happy...So fresh, so colorful.....It's beautiful. Ilove the pics of the cars.....and your colouring page turned out okay. It's the fun you had what's the most important.....Thanks for sharing so much with us today, I enjoyed it.
    xxx Plony

  7. GORGEOUS, SO love to see your new creations Yvonne, fabulous photos and colours.xx[aussie aNNie blog]

  8. Such a pretty & ethereal page Yvonne! Glad you had good weather rather than the storms of the south. Fun colouring page too :-)

    Sally xx

  9. I absolutely ADORE the beautiful art journal page you shared. It is simply fabulous, especially since I am unable to create anything hybrid or digital. You always amaze me with your art. It's a joy to have you join us again at Art Journal Journey.

    I really enjoyed the Land Rovers. They are definitely admired and admirable. The one on the ramp was a hoot, as was the coloring page. Laughed and laughed at those!!

  10. Where to start as I am really excited about all here today! Firstly the page with your handpainted bird and the wonderful Andy Warhol quote just makes me happy - it shows such a perfect complexity- Gorgeous and much appreciated at Art Journal Journey and Jo's amazing collection this month! You were such an inspiration again dear Yvonne!
    Thank you and another Thank you for the shots! I love these Land Rovers on display - what a fantastic event must this have been! And I can see that you had fun at the event and that you never miss a single chance to create art. I love your digitall colouring page - what a fun and lovely memory of the event is this now?!
    Thank you for all your support in May dear Yvonne!
    Hugs, Susi

  11. Those are nice old Land Rovers. I like the golden one. :) It looks like you had a fun time away-did you do any mud riding? I love your latest AJJ page-such a pretty scene. I didn't realize there were bad storm in the UK but I have been reading about them on various blogs. Glad you were fine and I hope the damage wasn't too terrible. And I do love your coloring page. It might be a kids page but how fun. Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

  12. Love your AJJ page and lovely quote and napkin.
    Looks like you had a fun time away - what a great ending to this post - those bears made me smile.
    Gill xx

  13. Your page is so wonderful Yvonne !! I love the bicycle with the beautiful flowers, the clock and the shoes, too sweet your own bird!!! :D
    so beautiful the land rovers and the colouring page!!! poor bears !! jaja.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, hugsss, Caty

  14. Sounds like a fabulous weekend Yvonne and even better that you had great weather x We have been pretty lucky in South West Scotland too and its been nice to have such a long spell as we have tended to have more rain over the last few years. Love your journal page x That napkin is stunning....I am keeping my eyes open for an old bike for my garden, somewhere else for flowers to be planted.

    Have a lovely weekend
    Annie xx

  15. I love both of your journal pages - a lovely Spring scene! Glad to hear you had good weather - we had a little rain yesterday but fortunately the rain forecast for today didn't arrive! I love seeing those Landrovers - I still can't resist a peek inside if I see an old one! LoVe the colouring page too! Hugs, Chrisx

  16. Your journal page is really lovely enjoyed the land rovers too sounds like nice weather for you too enjoy your weekend hugs Kathy

  17. Oh, this page makes me happy. The early summer greens are so vivid and you've captured them perfectly here. There's something so evocative about the bicycle image too. And this time I think the simple pre-digi version is the one which really captures my heart. The bears in the landrover made me laugh!
    Alison x
