

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Are birds tea drinkers as well?

Hello to everyone who calls in this Tuesday.
I made the journal page today using a base layer  of my own, some  embossed and painted left over papers and topped it off with a piece made in my computer program. So a real mixed /hybrid piece.
As its  T day over at
where we are always welcome.  with a drinks related post, I hope you all keep your cups covered in case out feathered friends may want to join us with a drink..
This is a scheduled post , so I may be late calling  in to see you all today.

Some last photo to share as well of our Abbey visits.
 This time the destination was Jedburgh { Link  with more information]

It was a dull damp day, very windy so  our lunch break in a  nice cafe frequented by locals
 as well as tourists was a welcome place to stop.

We also had a quick look at..
Mary Queen of Scots House
 [Link and link for more info if you were interested]

I managed to get a photo in a similar position to where the artist
 had set up his easel to paint this scene.

A trip back in time with these photos and  a copy of the warrant to execute Mary Queen of Scot's.
Also not to be forgotten, a scrap of material that was supposed to be from the gown she wore.
Sir Walter Scott [owner of Abbotsford]  had this in his collection of curiosities.
So here I am back full circle of my trip around the Scottish Borders.

Its the start of a new caravan trip for us today,
I may be late calling in as I don't know how the internet connections will be, I have my fingers crossed they will be okay.

Have a good day everyone.


  1. When I saw this was a scheduled post, I added your name to the list. At least others will be by to visit, now.

    I can't begin to tell you how much I love these Abbeys you visit. These are truly gorgeous photos of Jedburgh Abbey. And of course, I was truly impressed with the photo you took that was so similar to the painting from Mary, Queen of Scot's home, too. Far different landscape and less trees, but the house is still the same.

    I adore your hybrid art tea page today. It is adorable. And of course, I was happy to see the sandwiches and soup. They looked so good. Of course, you always seem to give us a choice of tea or coffee, which always makes me smile. Have fun on your next adventure and enjoy your time away. Thanks for sharing the Abbey, Mary's house, and your sandwiches, soup, and drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear Yvonne.

  2. Love your journal page and the beautiful photos of the abbeys. The house where Mary Queen of Scots lived looks most impressive, although I imagine her stay there was not too happy. Enjoy your trip, happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Gorgeous page and love the bird in the teacup..xx♥
    [aussie aNNie Blog]

  4. I love your idea of birds drinking tea, lol, Bailey always enjoyed a cuppa in the afternoon, drank it hot never cold! In fact if you gave him cold he'd completely ignore it! Have fun on your travels...

    Sally xx

  5. A beautiful page, I love the gorgeous green and the bird on the teacup.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. What a beautiful page and I love your little bird fluttering its wings as it drinks out of the teacup 😁. How wonderful to visit the abbey and Mary Queen of Scots House - amazing! Your soup and toasted sandwich looks so yummy, well it's nearly time for elevensies so I'll be joining you for a post of tea at least 😉. Sending you Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  7. Wow, Yvonne, that's a cool piece of art today. I love the idea-do birds drink tea? And your lunch looks yummy. I think the abbey photos are cool too. I just love ruins. I am going to pop back and take a peek at part 1. :) Hope your T Day s going great. Hugs-Erika

  8. I love your bird in the tea cup so perfect.and Wow the places you are visiting are just so awesome!! thanks so much for sharing with us-I really enjoy them. Your lunch looks so delicious too
    Happy T Day Kathy

  9. It looks like you are having a fun adventure and seeing some history at the same time. How you managed to do a great art page as well I don't know. I like the bird drinking from a tea cup.

  10. Love seeing your photos Yvonne.. Thats pretty much all the traveling i do these days I live vicariously through my T party friends. :) Do you remember who the artist was for that painting?? I wonder how old that painting is? How cool that you were able to stand in the same spot and take a photo! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Sorry I didn't see who the artist of the painting was. I did some research when we came home and the only other place I have found the picture is here
      No dates or artist mentioned.

  11. Love the bird on the teacup. What a fabulous trip to combine history, art, and architecture. Not to mention the food. Your lunch looks delicious!

  12. We are headed to the North East in a couple of weeks time but I don't think we are going so far up so Jedburgh will have to go on our list! I love your journal page and the way you have created it! Hugs, Chrisx

  13. "Are birds tea drinkers?" What an interesting thought illustrated with a darling page, Yvonne.

    The abbey photos have all been wonderful. I'm not sure which I liked most.

    Enjoy your caravan stay ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. And old abbey and a pot of tea! That sounds like the best day ever. And that lunch looks so yummy! Your journal page is perfectly lovely for tea day.

  15. do birds drink tea? i think when they eat berries and drink some water, it will mix up in their stomach to a fruit tea:)
    i envy your britains for These abbeys! the archway Looks gorgeous!
    have a great week, Yvonne ♥

  16. aww love your bird drinking the tea Yvonne :)
    Thanks for showing your photos too - what a great place.
    I especially love the two looking through the archway.
    Hope you have a fun trip and your internet works well. The weather is suppose to better from Friday
    and getting quite warm again.
    Gill xx

  17. I keep water out for the birds, so I think my tea cup will be safe ;) I've had lentil and bacon soup (yum) but never toasted salmon and cheese. That sounds interesting, but I've never seen it on a menu. Jedburgh Abbey and these other sites have such long and storied pasts. Such a fascinating tour. Thx!

    I missed T Tuesday completely, but Happy Whatever-Day-You're-Observing :)

  18. A beautiful page, I love the bird on the teacup. Great idea.
    Carola xx

  19. Fabulous spring green layers - vivid and fresh, and I love the bird perched on the teacup.
    Alison x
