

Sunday 6 May 2018

A Sunny Day in Yorkshire

First of all another page to share with the folk at
and Jo's theme  Flora and Fauna
The flowers across the bottom are paper handkerchief, far to posh to use for its purpose in life.
The large flower is cut from a magazine, the words are computer generated.

I will also join in at
Moo Mania and More
where the theme is ....

So how am I getting some journal pages made......
for 4 days there is a big cycle race in Yorkshire,,,,, Le Tour de Yorkshire.
Besides Landrovers this is the second love in my families list of pastimes.
We are staying near Grassington  on a lovely site

This is the fun welcome figure set up by the  site wardens
 and there is an abundance of primroses all over the grounds.

So this is us, its a lovely woodland behind  the caravan.
Okay, so I opt to stay home and view the race on TV.
I get to see it all not just when the riders race past
 and its over in a flash. As you can imagine I see more than the family this way.
I also get time to play.
A little bit about my caravan stash, bottom right photo on the seat beside me.
Crayons, a few inks  and glue, resting on some old magazines,
the striped  bag contains pencils, my journal diary is underneath this bag.
On the ledge another journal, a folder with a few stamps and another of stencils.
The next two photos are of the pond close to the site entrance,
a beautiful peaceful scene, Nature does share her wonders with us all.

Thank you for stopping by today,  I hope you all have a lovely day.


  1. I was immediately impressed with this page. It looked so fresh. The leaves on that flower practically jumped off the page, and the paper handkerchief really WAS made for art, not noses! It's a beautiful journal page and I'm so proud that you joined us today at Art Journal Journey.

    I loved the "guy" directing new arrivals. I laughed, too.

    Looks like you have a well stocked craft area and probably enjoyed more of the race than your family. If nothing else, I bet you got to see some great overhead countryside views. I know when they show these races in the States, I get to see the countryside that is so unlike here.

  2. Your journal page is beautiful, glad you can do your crafting there. It's a lovely place where you are staying, have fun watching the races. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Our area has an abundance of wild mountain laurel, and your blossoms remind me of those. How wonderful to take your crafting with you.

  4. Your page is amazing! You are right that handkerchief is far too pretty and looks wonderful on your page with the background you created and that beautiful white flower magazine image - perfect 😁. The woodland looks like a lovely place to stay in your caravan and watch the bike race from. It was fun seeing your craft space too! Enjoy your stay and thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey again! Happy Sunday! J 😊 x

  5. What a fantastic page and a beautiful place you stay now! Amazing! Great you have toys with you to keep you creative! Enjoy your trip and the event! Sounds amazing!
    Thanks for such a beautiful page for AJJ dear Yvonne!
    Hugs, Susi

  6. And THANK YOU ♥♥♥ so much for joining Moo Mania & More as well !
    Much appreciated !

  7. Wow-this sounds like such a fun adventure. It's very pretty there, and I love the idea of traveling and having art time and seeing your family and those beautiful views all wrapped up in one adventure. Your page is gorgeous too. Hope the race went like you wanted. Hugs-Erika

  8. This page is so fantastique Yvonne !! Love these little flowers!! Stunning! Enjoy your travel!! big hugs, Caty

  9. Oh You are just up the road from us again Yvonne ! one of my neighbours is on the caravan site at Grassington too. Tour De Yorkshire missed our village this year but went past our daughters at Pateley Bridge. Love your flowery page by the way


  10. A wonderful page, Yvonne

    Thank you for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

  11. A wonderful page, love the soft shading around te main flower, it briings it all beautifully together!

  12. Another great journal page and with tour of Yorkshire to view on the TV to keep you going too! Well, really, what more could a girl ask for! I shall try to grab some time this afternoon to do a little art whilst the pup naps and the Giro is on (seems strange that they started in Israel)

    Sally xx

  13. To answer your question "Do you choose the titles or are they given for you to interpret" you left on my collages blog post, sometimes (many times in fact) I start with the title in mind, and sometimes it develops as I create the collage. Sometimes I am stumped and have to turn the piece over and over, around and around (the beauty of creating squares) until something hits. Usually, the pieces I spend the least time on are ones most people like, but sometimes the ones I spend the most time on and take the most pride in, others do, too. Art is truly in the eye of the beholder. Thanks for asking, Yvonne.

  14. What a lovely combination page - magazine, napkin, digital words - they all came together perfectly. And how lovely that you also have some time to enjoy the Tour de Yorkshire as well as smell the flowers!
    Alison x

  15. A beautiful journal page what a very pretty tissue! Lovely photos, it looks like you are having a lovey time!

  16. A beautiful composition Yvonne I love all the white space around and how you have gradually blended those colours together.
    I always have so many problems deciding what to take away with me to create with, I end up writing more lists for my stash than clothing.. I'd much rather make sure I have enough pencils than that extra T-Shirt hee hee!!
    Wishing you plenty more sunshine and creativity, I'm making the most of it before it changes again.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  17. Beautiful floral page Yvonne!
    Hope you have a lovely day,
    Alison xx

  18. What a wonderful page - I love Horse Chestnut flowers and you have them perfectly featured here! Loved seeing what you take - need to plan for next week in Northumberland - so used to going to our caravan where I have a few supplies already or planning for travelling light by train! The camp site looks to have something to look at in all directions! Love the Grassington area - we honeymooned there! Hugs, Chrisx
