

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Recycle Something....

Recycle something is the new challenge theme at 

we have all had fun with this theme and we hope you will join us , we look forward to seeing what you will recycle or give a makeover.

My project wasn't easy  to photograph as it has a small mirror in the center,  this was the best one with a piece of lace cloth  showing in the mirror.

This is another photo where I covered the mirror with a piece of card. The light also gave me problems, so I will leave it to you to  decide which is a better photo

The mirror came from a well known Swedish store and over the years I have altered a few of these items. This one has been propped up in the corner of a bedroom  for ages,  since we changed  the room around.   They start out, plain  and boring [well that's my thoughts]  okay if you like a  minimal look and it did fit in the bedroom at the time.
First I  removed the mirror, then  painted  the surface with    white           gesso .
I used napkin flowers in opposite corners and some random stamping .
Next came the stencils using modelling paste.
To late I remembered I hadn't taken any in between photos, but fun was being had and the camera forgotten.

I then used gilding wax on the raised stencils and kind of smeared the excess over  edges etc. Last of all replace the mirror.

I still have the  first mirror I  recycled hanging in my craft room, this is how it looks.
 It was shared  quite a number of years ago.
There is another one here from 2011

So I think you with see that  I  enjoy  altering



As its Tuesday and  I am hoping I get an internet connection today and can visit with friends  at
 Bluebeard and Elizabeths
Just in case, I have scheduled this post and will catch up  later

I have my cuppa handy with scissors and the scraps box,
there is also a pile of magazines that are about to be cut up as well.
So I  got  cutting and hopefully  I will get a few of  scraps  recycled  into my  journal
This is what I made with some G45 papers, the  relatives and die cut cups.

I will share this page over at
  Art Journal Journal
where the new theme for the month set for us  by Alison... is  Recycle and Collage.
Thank you for calling in today you are always very welcome here.


  1. Love your altered mirror, I have 2 of them in my bed-room, too - IKEA be thanked! Love the journal page, too. Happy T Day, and enjoy your time! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Gorgeous recycling, Yvonne.

  3. I have some of those frames waiting to be fancied up, and your frames have really inspired me. They look GREAT. And I love your recycled paper collage. Those stacked tea cups with the little cuties inside is a clever. It's a fun page. The bunny mug is great too. Perfect for spring-if it returns to us again soon. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  4. I love all three variations of your Ikea mirror. All three variations are created in a timelessly and beautiful way! I love your beautiful layered collage page - such a fantastic arrangement of all the different bits and pieces! You never cease to amaze me with your works dear Yvonne! So pleased to see this lovely page linked to Alison's new theme at AJJ! Thanks a lot dear Yvonne! I hope the nice weather I sent in your direction arrived!
    We have 22°degrees Celsius today at noon now -- Really crazy changed form winter to almost summer... but on Thursday it should get colder and wet again. We will see!

    Hope you have a nice time and happy Try It On Tuesday and happy T-Day!

    What a lovely cup. Always good to have enough to drink whilst cutting up pieces for the journal! I am looking forward to the next pages you will create!

    oxo Susi

  5. Fantastic projects Yvonne and great recyling. You used lots of lovely pieces with wonderful details.
    It's amazing what can be achieved by recycling.
    Hope you had a nice Easter and wishing you a good week.
    Gill xx

  6. Your altered mirror is just gorgeous Yvonne-and I love the lace over the mirror too! Cute bunny mug. Fab collage page too-so many great layers of images to see. Good luck with your internet and happy T day!

  7. I love your recycle projects both just so lovely. you put allot of detail work into your pieces.
    no fun with the internet-so no rush
    Happy T Day Kathy

  8. both challenges with the Recycling theme, what fun! and as spring often is a time to sort out, Recycling is perfect for now. you did a good Job on both Projects!
    happy t-day!

  9. Lovely altered mirror Yvonne, I did loads of these for the grand daughters when they were young with cut outs from wrapping paper.


  10. Wonderful projects Yvonne!
    Happy T-Day!
    Alison xxx

  11. A lovely altered mirror and I loved the two older ones, much more personal that the plain original.
    A fabulous journal page the two little children look so sweet in the cups.
    Avril xx

  12. Love the design and the colours you have used to alter the mirror Yvonne! Good job!
    Lula oxo

  13. I like seeing how you alter the mirror to suit. What a cute bunny mug :) Happy T Tuesday

  14. Oh wow, what a great recycle projects. I like them all very much.
    Greetings Carola

  15. Your altered mirror and art journal page are lovely. Those kids in the tea cups are so adorable. A very vintage and nostalgic page. And I love the bunny cup! So cute.
    Happy Tea Day,

  16. Wow, your recycled frame and journal page are amazing! I loved seeing how you created the mirror, what a transformation 😁. Your collage page is wonderful too, I think the way you have arrange all the different pieces is perfect! Wishing you a very Happy T Day and your bunny mug is so cute! J 😊
    p.s. Thanks so much for your happy birthday wishes too! Hugs, J x

  17. Some days I want to throw my keyboard in the trash. I am so late visiting because it quit and took me forever to work again. Not sure where to begin. I can tell you like to alter mirrors, and this latest one is wonderful. Of course, so is the one from 2011.

    I was super impressed with your journal page for Art Journal Journey. What a great way to recycle a few elements and create some nice collage in the process. This is a a doubly wonderful entry. It works great as a theme at Art Journal Journey and perfect for T this Tuesday, too. Thanks for taking time to share in both places today.

  18. A beautiful way to revamp your mirror and frame Yvonne, it has turned out fabulous.. I love doing things just like this giving tired objects a new lease of life. Your journal page is super, there's some smashing scraps amongst them.
    Wishing you a creative week ahead Tracey xx
    P.S Adore the Bunny mug :)

  19. I love the makeovers for both of your mirrors - a brilliant idea for perking up those plain mirrors! Your AJJ collage page is fabulous! Happy T Day!,Chrisx

  20. I love both mirrors and your journal! Glad you shared them all today!
    Happy T day!

  21. A fabulous collage journal page Yvonne and I love your mirrors.
    xxx Hazel.

  22. I love the way the mirror was photographed with the lace. the florals and colors are so pretty. You turned something ordinary into extraordinary. Happy T Day

  23. I enjoyed your mirrors Yvonne... I love the one at the top with the flowers.. but i simply ADORE the one with the clocks! just gorgeous! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  24. Someone has been a busy girl! Lovely mirrors and well done with the recycling!

    Sally xx

  25. What great recycling, Yvonne. I love the mirror with the clocks. I'm afraid I wouldn't get any work done if I hung that in my craft room. It's too eye-cathing ;-)

    Your Recycle and Collage page is very charming.

    I'm late to T again. Sorry! I'll catch up one of these days ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  26. wonderful the collage from recycling!!!!
    Greetings Elke

  27. Loved this post Yvonne with the beautiful mirror and the fun rabbit mug.

    Great journal page and this belongs to----took me right back in time

    Love Chrissie xx

  28. Beautiful pages and lovely and colourful.xxπŸ’– [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  29. I'm sorry I'm so late in commenting. But, oh well, better late than never!
    love your altered mirrors. The photo with the lace is very effective.
    Your journal page is lovely with all those vintage pieces.
    Your rabbit mug is wonderful.
    I hope you have internet now.
    Wishing you a fab weekend and CU Tuesday,
