

Monday 16 April 2018

Food, a cuppa and bit of history.

Hello everyone  stopping by to see me today,
 this  post has  all kinds of everything,
 it is a real mixture of subjects.

I'll mention my journal spread first, last week as a few of you know we were away in the caravan in the Scottish borders.
One of the places  we wanted to visit was this Smokery
A lovely destination if the weather had  been kind. This particular day it.....snowed.
 We didn't get  walk around the  gardens or see the aquatic center. However I did buy some delicious smoked cheese  and salmon.

The pages are my way of remembering this outing
all cut outs from the advertising booklet, The label from the cheese I carefully  peeled off to use on the left  side of the spread..

All the extra  pieces I used  were scraps, so I will join the folk over at
and Alison's theme

With all this talk of food it does need a  cuppa to  go with it, so
I am happy to be off to join friends over at
Bleubeard and Elizabeths 
where we are welcome each Tuesday with a drinks related post.
Penny the hen is flapping her wings and saying hello.

[another link I found with  some tourist type information]
By coincidence my hubby took the same photo outside the house
 as one of the paintings shown inside.
Sir Walter Scott came from quite a humble background and according to one of the house guides was an avid collector, the rooms we were able to see were packed with     interesting items.
A down side was that only rooms on the ground floor were open to the public and I do feel I would have liked to see what was on the upper floors.
[My first post is here]

A few photos in the  entrance  hall
The Library
A room full of guns and swords.
I did like the these wall figures, every one was different.
At this point a coach trip arrived and taking  'people free photos' was impossible,
but I think you can see from these few, how full of interesting things this house is.
Though the arch was the entrance to the family chapel

I was taken with the fact there was a fireplace,  lit  to keep the family warm  on cold days.

All this history  and today's children who visit Abbotsford can play in this
modern futuristic play garden.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you all have a good Tuesday.


  1. oh what wonderful journal pages to remember your trip! The smoked salmon sounds awesome. And wow- Abbotsford- simply amazing. How I love that library especially! I wonder where in the Scottish borders you have been. I "know" an artist friend online that lives in Peeblesshire and it too looks so lovely. Happy T day!

  2. I was definitely impressed with the Smokery. You find the absolutely most impressive museums and places to visit. Not your typical tourist places, and I simply LOVED it. This must have been a dream vacation for you and your husband, including these places you shared with us today. I loved the journal pages you created and sharing them with us at Art Journal Journey was an even bigger treat.

    Abbotsford was also a fun place to see. I liked what looked like gargoyles, but the entire first floor, including the library looked like a worthy adventure. The photo by your husband and the painting were remarkably similar, and I was very impressed. I'm not sure I would want my children playing on that play garden, though. The metal slide looks like it would burn the children once the heat from the sun took over.

    And of course, I love Penny. So fun to see her flapping wings join us with her tea for T this Tuesday.

  3. Too bad you had that snow. Seems like the snow doesn't want to go away this year for lots of people. But I do like your photos. Abbotsford is very interesting. I love all the assortment of things Sir Walter Scott collected. Glad you shared with us and I hope you have a fantastic T day. Hugs-Erika

  4. Lovely post and gorgeous visit to your photos... 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  5. You packed a lot into your holiday, and thanks for sharing the photos. I love the idea of a fire in the chapel, they can be chilly places. The smokery looks great, I love smoked cheese and salmon, yummy! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Wow what interesting places - I love this chapel and I can imagine that Abbotsford is a fantastic place to visit! And wow this smokery!I love smoked food! Your pages are fantastic to memorate this and Penny helped with the art for sure! Happy T-Day Yvonne and thank you for sharing your pages and the photos of the impressive places at Art Journal Journey again! Happy Tuesday!

  7. abbordsford is bookmarked now, you really got my interest by your wonderful photos! and i love your journaling spread, esp the Header with the flower + colored lace... and never neglect awesome Labels!
    happy t-day:)

  8. I'm loving the beautiful labels and images from the leaflet that you used to create your smokery page and the touches of grey smokey ink are perfect too! You visited such interesting places on your travels, isn't Abbotsford amazing and so steeped in history 😀. Penny hen flapping her wings made me smile too - Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x

  9. That was fascinating Yvonne! Loved seeing that house.. and those wall figures would have grabbed my attention too. I would have been sad to miss the upper floors too.. Love your journal spread... such a great recycling idea! Happy T day to you and Penny the Hen! Hugs! deb

  10. Another beautiful castle, so much to see on the inside. Smoked cheese sounds yummy!

  11. What a shame it snowed the day you visited the smokery. I would have loved to visit that as well (snow or no snow). I love everything smoked. And it is one of the things I miss here in Spain where they don't smoke anything. Not fish nor cheese nor bacon or anything!) I love the fact that you stuck the cheese label in your journal page. Does it smell nice?
    Happy T-Day,

  12. I love how that photo is taken from the same perspective as the painting. The house certainly looks the same. What a joy to have it still. To think it was lived in until so recently!

    Loving your rooster mug :) Happy T Tuesday!

  13. It looks like a wonderful trip Yvonne! I'm longing to visit Scotland again! I love the page you created to commemorate your visit to the smokery.
    Alison xox

  14. I love your two-page spread about the Smokery, Yvonne.

    What a wonderful coincidence that your hubby took the same photo as the painting. Even the time of day looks the same by the shadows. The beautiful day sky in your photo is prettier though. I enjoyed your tour of Abbotsford.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  15. Aha.....more travel adventures that lead to an art spread! Nice shots of Abbotsford.

    Sally xx

  16. You'll have to go back to the Smokery when the weather is better. At least you have a delicious memory page of the outing. Abbotsford is awesome. The library is just breath-taking. I'd be curious to see what was upstairs, too.

  17. great spread and wonderful way to remember your trip. Love the photos of this old mansion/castle! all that beautiful woodwork must require a lot of dusting. ;) happy T day!

  18. I got stopped at the smokery. I like smoked salmon a lot. I think a fair amount of my money would have been left there. The family chapel at Abbotsford looks so interesting, I'd love to be able to sit there and contemplate

  19. Abbotsford looks an amazing place to visit, I can almost smell those wooden panels, always so inviting and a great Historical place. Just look at that Library! Super memories collected of the smokery great page. Thank you for sharing your visit with us.
    Hugs Tracey xx

  20. Love your journal page commemorating your trip to the smokery. Smoked cheese is my absolute favorite!! You are making my mouth water right now. And I have never had smoked salmon but that also sounds delicious. I need to find one near me to visit so I have an excuse to buy cheese!
    Your pictures of the house are beautiful but I am really digging that library. Cheese and books sound amazing!
    happy Tea day,
