

Monday 19 March 2018

Spring outings

I am starting my  post today with a large size  digital  tag for the theme over at 

and the theme of  Spring/Easter.
We are not seeing many rabbits in the fields here as yet, they don't seem to like the cold and who can blame theme. But I hope my Easter Bunny will out into some sunny days soon.

This past weekend we have been staying at Keswick in  the Lake District,  an outing for the family, a place where we all have many happy memories .
As its T day over at

 I thought I would share some photos with you all.
A weekend of no  driving for my OH and no cooking to be done by myself.
So how did we begin.... making up hot drinks to take in the car in case we got delayed on the journey.
There was a forecast of snow.

Saturday was a visit to the Slate mine at the top of Honister Pass.
It was blowing an icy gale, but I did manage to get a few photos to share.....
Yes....... the road was that narrow and it does  have a regular bus for     tourists.
It was not a person standing on the wall, it was a figure carved from slate.

Around the visitor center were lots of pieces made  with Slate,
 I loved the garden table and  stools beside the tree

Inside  there was an interesting selection of things for sale,
I cannot imagine either of the two wooden chairs being comfortable to sit on.

There were a lot of ceramic pieces for sale as well, I thought this sheep looked cute.

 We did have a snack in the cafe but it was quite full. We had a smile as well, the young waitress was obviously new and my son had to help with the amount of change he needed, as he paid in cash. It just shows how much we use our plastic cards these days, cash money seems to be going out of fashion.

So after a lovely  day out,  a few very short walks,
the weather looks better  in the photos
 than it was in reality.
It was so cold I could't feel my fingers to press the button on my camera.
It was back to the hotel for a welcome brew  before meeting up again with our sons for the evening meal.

I will share more photos next time as most were taken by the family and we haven't got them downloaded yet.

One last  crafty photo, I played around with the digital tag and made this page
for my digital journal,
which I will share over at Art Journal Journey
and Rosie's theme of... Spring

Thank you for calling in to see me today , I hope you all have a super day.


  1. Hi, I love your rabbit pieces-we started seeing a couple rabbits here-they are always fun to watch. Looks like a very interesting trip. I loved seeing the slate pieces. Hoping warmer weather arrives soon for you. Happy T Day Kathy

  2. what a really sweet journal page Yvonne. I love all the flora and fauna (and the mushrooms) surrounding the bunny:) Although it sounds pretty cold, there is nothing like a getaway where you can just enjoy and don't have to cook or drive. I quite like the sheep too:) Looking forward to seeing more of your vacation. Happy T day!

  3. Lovely creations you made ....I like the rabbit and it will be nice to see the rabbits play in the fields soon. Halfway march and still winter weather.....We all need spring now.....the sun....drinking tea in the garden....can't wait.
    Nice to see your lovely pics from the trip you made.....You took us with you by showing the pics and telling us how nice it was. Precious family moments......
    I say goodnight now......hugs Plony.

  4. A fabulous and interesting set of photos, love seeing your part of the world and just love your gorgeous tag.xx💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  5. First of all your bunny tag and page are gorgeous Yvonne. What is it about spring this year? It doesn't seem to want to come for anyone? I think your trip looks really fascinating and like a beautiful place. The mine has some fascinating art too. I can't wait to see some more photos. Happy T day-I think your warm thermos drinks must have helped keep you warm. :) Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  6. beautiful and so sweet..nice the Vader

  7. The Hare looks so alert, maybe he too has been shocked by the sudden awakening of Spring!! What a lovely break you have had with lots of sightseeing, I never tire of visiting favoured places as it always feels like coming home.
    I love your wee flasks, i'm glad you were prepared for your journey but even more so that you did not need them.
    What a Happy looking Cafe, inspiration whilst drinking a cuppa!!
    Warmest of wishes Tracey x

  8. What beautiful creations you have to show us today. I LOVE that wonderful tag, and the matching journal page. The trip you made at the weekend was great, but I can imagine it was very cold. Love all he slate buildings, and Honister Pass looks fantastic. There was some good stuff for sale at the gift shop, too. It's snowing again here today, it just doesn't want to stop. Happy T Day, and thanks for joining us at TT, hugs, Valerie

  9. Thanks for showing these fascinating photos, especially from the Honister Pass with that narrow road! I can imagine the coldness outside and the happy feeling about a hot cup of tea in the hotel!
    Wish you a happy day! Rike

  10. Your bunny page is just super and so is the lovely tag you made with it! Your layering always is so beautiful and skilful. You made me happy to link to AJJ again dear Yvonne! I don't like to see the bunnies here since the dogs run crazy about them always. Once a very big hare was on our way and observed us from behind. I looked back and really thought I see a kangaroo, so big was this hare. It sat on his legs and was sooo big that I really firstly thought of a I am just crazy- I am in Austria not in Australia.Your thermosbottles look super and so very British! Gosh that was really a narrow road on this pass- the ceramics at the shop there look pretty good. It's often that the young folk can't handle money. Sad but that's the credit card generation-lol!What a pitty that it was so cold. We have snowflakes and under zero again today on Spring start day! I am looking forward to more photos of your family meeting!
    Happy T-day dear Yvonne!
    Hugs, Susi

  11. I love your digital tag and along with your trip to the Lake District it reminds me of Peter Rabbit and visiting Hill Top with my family 😁. It looks like you had a wonderful time, despite the cold and it must have been nice to have a cuppa to warm up. I loved seeing all the slate creations too and recognise the views and vistas as we used to spend all our family holidays in the Lake District. The replica of Ambleside Bridge House is amazing too. Sending you Happy T Day wishes! J 😊 x
    p.s. sorry I haven't been around to visit, I've been unwell with the flu this past week, still battling with a terrible cough. I can't complain though as I feel much better than I did and hopefully I will be fully recovered soon. Take care J x

  12. You were brave to go on an outing on such a better cold day, Yvonne. You're right, the pictures don't show the icy gale, but I believe you! Especially when you wrote that your fingers were too numb to feel the camera button. I love that slate bench. It would fit beautifully in my garden. Those chairs for sale are designed for show, not comfort I guess. I like the bicycle with flower basket ceramic piece.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  13. Your rabbit page and tags are beautiful. A welcome sight on this first day of Spring as the view outside my window is stil a foot of snow. And more snow for Wednesday. Bunnies might not be out and about until July, at the rate we are going. Love the colors of the sky in the pic you took of Honister Pass. The sculptures are incredible. Happy T Day

  14. I am having a terrible week. I can’t stop coughing, my internet keeps going offline, and my keyboard works about half the time.

    Love the bunny tag, but really REALLY love it for Art Journal Journey.

    I realize I’m not a very good host, but want to also thank you for sharing T with us this Tuesday. Happy Vernal Equinox, too. I want to go to that Slate Museum. It sound FASCINATING.

  15. that slate really gives a great look! and i so much love your bunny page/tag - it really speaks of easter and spring!
    happy t-day!

  16. I love your bunny tag. So sweet.
    And what a wonderful trip you had, in spite of the cold. I can see the cold coming from the page. But the Lake District is so beautiful. We used to go there every year to do some walking (when we were a bit younger and fitter). Derwent water looks very 'full', I mean a lot of water in it. The slate mine is brilliant. I haven't been to that particular one I don't think (I've been to one in Wales) but it is very interesting nonetheless.
    Happy T-Day and have a good week,

  17. Thanks for sharing your trip to the slate museum, a new adventure for me! I hadn’t heard of digital journals yet! But why not, digital scrapbooking and cards! But I have too much paper! The digital age came too late for me! Your page is beautifully done! Happy T Day!

  18. Looks like you had a lovely weekend, so pleased you didn't get snow. Great photos of the slate mine, looks interesting.
    Love the rabbit page and the tag.
    Avril xx

  19. I like that spring rabbit. I'm a city girl, and I don't ever see them. I like slate and find your photos interesting. What a cozy cuppa :) Happy T Tuesday

  20. That is such a lovely tag with the writing on the background and the very alert bunny. He is probably saying "when will it be warmer?". Your photos of the Lake District are superb, love all the slate walls and buildings there. It all looks rather wild and cold.

  21. What a lovely journal page and tag. I love the bunny as the focal point. The slate mine looks like a interesting place to visit and I loved seeing all the pieces of slate art. I particularly liked that gorgeous cat on top of the wall.
    Happy Tea Day,

  22. Oh my gosh, this is just amazing! I'm so in love with this wee bunny and the little patch of forest floor with the mushrooms! Beautiful page, the script background is lovely! Great photos, that looks like such an interesting place to visit. hugs :)

  23. Love the Rabbit!!! SOunds like you had a great time in spite of the cold ♥
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Happy Late T Day!

  24. Stunning digital art piece! so sweet, and gives me hope for Spring finally arriving...gorgeous photos of your outing too- who knew all those things could be created with slate?! happy T day a bit late!

  25. Fabulous tag and I love the digital journal page too! Well done for braving the wind to go up Honister Pass! The visit to the Slate Mine looks interesting - something we have still to do!! A very belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  26. What wonderful art pieces you shared with us!! I love the bunny and the small mushrooms too!!!
