

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Share some love.

Its time to share some love as it will soon be Valentines day.
In case you wonder... no....  we don't celebrate this day in our home.
There is love in our home every day of the week and not just on special occasions.
So I will start off and say hello to friends over at

where we are always made welcome with a drinks related post .

There is my first cuppa today beside the computer as I am writing this post.

You can also see how my journal page began.

A paper hearts napkin, another  animal picture from the old calendar. A bit  of paint mop up on the page was easily  hidden as the layers went on top.
I also used the heart stencil as you  see in the first photo.

On the subject of photos my camera has needed a bit of care this week, which resulted in us having to make a trip to  The Metro Centre a large out of town shopping centre.  It turned out it needed a new battery as the one I use was  refusing to charge up. So much cheaper  than a new  camera.
Refreshments were needed, we decided to have a meal out in Frankie and Benny's .
Garlic mushrooms to begin, Lasagne  came next. I was flagging a bit by now as the portions were huge and I  did leave  some of this second course,  
This is always a popular eating place,  I was able to get a photo of the booth opposite us between diners.
My dink to end the meal was Tea  and we did have a laugh, it came as a brew your own, a mug of hot water with a teabag on the side.
I did find room for my added bonus of a small slice of chocolate fudge cake

A last photo to show  you today,
 of one of the patches of snowdrops in our garden.

We've even noticed the daffodils are  well on their way as well. Far to soon for some of  these flowers as winter hasn't left us yet.

Thank you for calling in to see me today, you are all, always welcome here.

I will  be sharing my journal page  with friends at ....
and Rike's theme of Animals A to Z

Another reminder  is  for the current challenge theme of
 Love is in the Air.... at
Try it on Tuesdays

I think my  8 x 8 inch journal  page  fits both of  these themes.

Thanks for the reminder Susi for the theme over at
Moo Mania and More
Love...Valentines..... I will add the page over there as well



  1. Your Love page is much beautiful - and your cute rabbits look so happy!
    The portions really look huge, I would like to have some Lasagne now :)
    So many blooming flowers in your garden - we have just winter and no flowers in sight.
    Thank you for joining us again at Art Journal Journey to my animals theme today, I appreciate it!
    And Happy T Day!
    Rike x

  2. I love your page of today....and like you I don't celebrate valentinesday.Love should be around every day.
    I like the pics from today and fantastic to see the little snowdrops....must be the beginning of spring. Sunshine in Holland today so it isn't difficult to imagine spring being here soon.....but you never
    Have a great day Plony

  3. what a fabulous card Yvonne and I just love that napkin xx Totally agree about Love being there every day and shown in so many ways xx Glad you got the camera sorted out too as the snowdrops are so beautiful xx

    Best wishes Annie x

  4. A very beautiful Page. I love those Bunny`s.

  5. Your journal page is lovely, but you are right, love needs to be celebrated every day. Your meal at the diner looks good, and even choccie cake afterwards, yummy! Have a great and happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Really beautiful page and quote - what a lovely heart warming post Yvonne. I totally agree with you about love everyday :)
    That's a nice big area of snowdrops aren't they wonderful.
    The weather is often so weird and inconsistent I'm not sure some plants know when they are suppose to grow. Our Hebes haven't stopped flowering for months and I'm sure some things like 'Kerria' have bloomed more than twice last year.
    Have a lovely day... Gill xx

  7. I can imagine that LOVE is everday in your home!
    I adore your HARE page - you have always the perfect touch in your designs! it's just wonderful! Thank you for sharing it at Art Journal Journey!
    This shopping center seems to have great restaurants - the food looks delicious!
    Oh wow those patches of snowdrops let us hope for spring coming soon! Wonderful!

    Happy T-Day and TioT, AJJ and maybe you could link even to Moo Mania & More if you have time - would be a pleasure for us there as well!
    oxo Susi

  8. Brilliant page and love the gorgeous colours, love is all around.xx [aNNie]


  9. You page is perfect and I love all those hearts and the words you added too! That was good news about your camera, I'm glad it was your battery and not your camera that needed replacing 😁. Your food looks so yummy too, such great menu choices and your cuppa with the little slice of fudge cake looks yummy! The snowdrops are flowering here and we have tulips, daffodils and bluebells all peeking through. I'm not sure why they are so early with all the cold weather we've been having, maybe spring is on its way 😉. Sending you Happy T Day wishes! J 😊

  10. LOVE your journal page Yvonne!!! Bunnies and hearts-awe... Bonus that you not only got your camera repaired but had a wonderful looking meal too-yum! Wishing you a happy T day!

  11. you found a beautiful pic of the hares and the hearts are awesome! oh my, that meal... makes my mouth watering instantly...
    happy t-day:)

  12. I Love your journal page and I agree we need to love every day. I am not familiar at all with digital art-so thank you for introducing me as to how you are creating this pretty page.
    Your meal looks so delicious, I had allot of problems with my camera too last year and discovered it was the battery-and they hard to find.
    you will have spring flowers very soon-we may too as we are heading towards 70 degrees on thursday-crazy roller coaster weather here
    Happy T Day hugs Kathy

  13. Awww, more wildlife images, just loving these beautiful rabbits!! We don't celebrate Valentine's either, but it sure is a good excuse to use lots of red, pink and hearts in our artwork, yeah!! Gorgeous page Yvonne! Dinner looks yummy. Love the snowdrops, never seen them in person, but they look like such lovely flowers! hugs :)

  14. So cute and lovely! And the snowdrops are so very nice, your climate is maybe warmer than ours.
    Happy T-day from Germany

  15. Yay for photographic proof that spring is coming! beautiful flowers, and wonderful bunny art! happy Tea day!

  16. Fabulous love inspired make Yvonne! Like you we don't celebrate it in our house, but to share love is always good! Your snowdrops look lovely, real messengers of Spring! Happy Valentine's day!

  17. Wow, so sweet. This is wonderful Yvonne. Love it.
    Greetings Carola

  18. A gorgeous page Yvonne! I love the hares! X

  19. Your love page is wonderful and I love the sentiment, Yvonne. The hares are a very cute centerpiece.

    What a scrumptious meal! I've never seen such tiny piece of chocolate fudge cake at a restaurant, but that was probably a good thing by that time ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  20. I love this page Yvonne - your rabbits are a lovely couple!!! We have always exchanged cards on Valentines Day but that's the extent of our celebrating the day! We enjoy our time together all of the time! Frankie and Benny's is a lively place to visit! Happy T day!Chris

  21. Love your art today ♥♥♥ it's always nice to see flowers even when they are arriving too early. Nothing popping out in our little hid away yet :(
    Thanks for stopping by for a visit too. As for purging every day... Tuesdays are the days that will be hardest for me so I'll just have to work a little extra on Mondays and Wednesdays :)
    Happy T Day!!

  22. Such a sweet layout Yvonne! The bunnies are adorable and I LOVE the quote!!! Your food looks amazing and so does your garden. I have never seen snowdrops but they are very exotic looking and something I would love to see in my garden.
    Happy Tea Day,

  23. I apologize. I would have been by sooner, but I ate something at dinner last night that did not set well and I got very ill. I'm still fighting it.

    I'll begin with your beautiful bunnies/hares and their love for each other. What a fun and enjoyable journal page. It is perfect for Rike's chosen theme this month. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Your meal looks delicious, especially the mushrooms. I admit the lasagna looked tempting. I had to laugh at the tea. That is how it is served at most places in the states. Only at "better" restaurants do you get a pot with the bag in it already. Of course, there's always room for chocolate fudge (grin). Thanks for sharing your meal at Frankie and Benny's with us for T this Tuesday. Again, I am sorry I'm so late visiting.

  24. I love your bunnies and hearts. That's a wonderful saying and I think that really captures what it is to fall in love. And that lasagna looks yummy. I haven't had lasagna for a long time. Think I might need to get me some.:) And wow. Your winter is so mild and ours has been tough. We have several inches of snow and ice on the ground-my driveway looks like a frozen pond so no crocuses or dafs for me yet. It is early but it must be nice to see signs of spring. Hope it was a great T day and Happy Valentine's day to you. Hugs-Erika

  25. I read the sentiment on your wonderful page as Every bunny...:-D I don't think I've ever had a cup of tea brewed for me at a restaurant. It's always either a personal pot of hot water with a tea bag or a mug of hot water with a tea bag. The only time I've been served brewed tea was having Afternoon Tea at the Boston Public Library. Very fancy. I've never seen that many snow drops either. It will be another month or two before we see crocus and daffs. thanks for sharing the flowers. I'm so sick of snow, ice, and cold. Happy T Day

  26. A very beautiful page ;O)) love your bunny. Soon spring will denmark we still have cold though ;O(

  27. ♥♥♥ Thank you for linking Yvonne ♥♥♥
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    oxo Susi

  28. Absolutely beautiful

    Thank you so much for joining us at MOO MANIA & MORE

    Happy Valentine's Day

  29. No, we don't celebrate Valentine's day either. I tell my hubby I love him practically every day. No need for a card. But your page is adorable with the rabbit and the hearts. Very nice.
    Gosh yeah. Those portions are certainly huge. Probably because Frankie and Benny is American, and there the portions are twice the size of ours.
    Snowdrops always point towards spring. Not long now!
    Happy Valentine's Day
    and a belated happy T-Day,

  30. Boohoo, my comments via bloglovin seem to vanish into thin air!

    Sally xx

  31. A beautiful page and a lovely photo of the snowdrops.
    xxx Hazel.

  32. Sounds like a fabulous meal! Beautiful bunny page! Forgive me if I posted twice. I was sure I had already, but can't find it! Happy Valentines Day!
