

Sunday 25 February 2018

Dogs just want to have fun.

I've had one of those weeks when  plans made went out of the window,
 or were put on hold for later in the week, 
 unexpected things happened and needed attention.
Thank goodness that I have crafting as a means to escape and  get back to normality
and I had some posts organised  for TioT's and my Diary Day.

 Its now Sunday afternoon and there is calmness in our household again.....for now.....
I found this page I started possibly last  weekend   and had  forgotten  until I reached for this journal book to begin another page.

The background was  a mop up and I had stamped the cat images and background stamping.
I cannot remember where I intended to go next with the page.

I'm sure it was  meant for Rike's theme of Animal A to Z
 over at

A search though magazine cut outs, old calendars  etc  and I found this fun piece  to add to the page.
Now that would be a sight  to see, a dog balancing on a rope holding up his friend in a barrow.
The sentiment stamp  I used  just seemed to fit this page's start in life.
The cat sitting wondering  if she can believe  what she is seeing on the page,
 was computer generated.
Thank you for calling in to see me today, you are always very welcome here.


  1. I hope this new week is smoother and everything goes as needed and as planned. I didn't even notice the cats in the background at first, but they make it interesting. I wonder if those circus dogs know that they are hiding there, otherwise I am sure they would rather chase them away. It's a fun pge, and I am loving the cats and dogs. :) Hugs-Erika

  2. Glad everything has calmed down, fun page
    Amanda x

  3. I am off to bed with a smile on my face! I do so love this! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. This page is fun Yvonne,I love the cats peeking out from the background.

  5. Haha my dog just wants to this page.xx[aNNie' blog]

  6. Those dogs are performing some awesome balancing act. I love that you included the quizzical cats, too. This is a great page, and I love the chevrons that seem to glow on my screen. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey.

  7. Fab page Yvonne, sorry your weekend was complicated! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  8. Haha, I LOVE this page! Dogs want to have fun and the cat cannot believe what she is seeing here - this is a fabulous collage! The cats in the background I only saw at the second look, they are so well included. The chevrons make the frame for the dogs shining.
    Thanks a lot for joining us again with such a fantastic animal page at AJJ!
    Wish you a happy week! Rike xx

  9. I am sorry to hear you had troubles - hope all has really calmed down now♥♥♥
    What a lovely page - that is appropriate to my Liyongo - as he was a little pup I went with him to dog education and playing with other dogs and he didn't like to climb over something - he really seemed to suffer from vertigo. And even nowadays he is afraid to take open riser stairs. So this would be a good comic about him - and as cats are his preferred quarry the background is fitting as well...
    Thinking of you and wishing you a good week now!
    Thank you very much for such a beautiful page for the Animal A-Z theme again!
    So glad we have you as a AJJ team member ♥♥♥
    and thanks a lot for all the housekeeping of the challenges!

  10. Pleased that things got back to normal for you Yvonne.

    What a wonderful page with the amazing background and I love the cat looking on

    Have a great day-are you ready for the snow? We have some already.

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. I'm still chuckling at the idea of this being possible!

    Sally xx

  12. A wonderful page Yvonne, the image is fabulous and I love the cat background,
    xxx Hazel

  13. I can relate to your week sometimes things just don't work out as planned, I hope all is ok now and your week is a better one 😁. The dog image makes me smile and I can just imagine the cat wondering what they are up to 😉. Have a great day! J 😊 x

  14. What cute dogs! Wonderful page.
    I understand what you mean about plans going out the window. I hope you are able to accomplish all that you have planned.

  15. This is wonderful. The dogs and the cats....great idea.
    Greetings Carola
