

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Mr Fox.... and .......Tea.... because its Tuesday.

I often say a huge thank you to the folk who design rubber stamps.
I am hopeless at drawing anything as detailed as this fox.
When I saw  Sheena Douglas's   stamp I was reminded of our neighbourhood fox,
 he's not been seen for a while.
I'd like to think he was safe in his lair with his mate.

The stamp was a Christmas gift, I have yet to ink up the other one which is a hare.

I stamped  him onto water colour card, borrowed husbands masking fluid and water coloured the background.
Then I coloured him in with water based pencils.

I added some digital background layers and the card is ready to print out to send in the mail.

 current challenge theme is Favourite Things.
I'm sure my regular visitors know I love to  to alter pieces in a computer program, as well as initially getting hands on messy.

I have been also sorting through some photos taken in Yorkshire  last year
[I can say that as its now 2018].  It 's so dull and grey here I thought I would share these photo's of warmer sunnier day with friends over at

where we are always made to feel welcome with a drinks related post.

Hardly any folk around, but this is as close as we got to the ruins, as we were on our way home from  a long day out. the birds were singing .
 It is hard to describe the peace and tranquility we both commented upon.
We had stopped earlier  for a  snack  lunch in the market town of Masham .

Our sons, both  bikers, have  always told us to keep a look out for where the bikers, parked up and ate.

They have an eye for  wholesome no fuss food .

So here we are in the market square in Masham on  hot sunny Sunday afternoon. Lots of motor bikes and pedal bikers around and there it is.
An open window straight into the kitchen of a cafe with the most amazing aroma's wafting across the square. Folk standing around waiting for their orders to be made up.

I can thoroughly  vouch for the bacon and Mushroom   roll that we ordered, together with the tea.
 No posh  cups here.

One last page from my digital playtime using Mr Fox.
I'm sure adventures do await us all if  we take time to get away from the pressures of everyday life and get out and about in the clean country air.. This is an easy remark for me to make, as being retired  we can get off in the caravan , sit and watch nature at its very best and   see the changing countryside around us.
I will add this page to
  Art Journal Journey

and Erika's theme of New Year, New Adventures.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you all have a good day.

Digital information can be
 found in my sidebar.


  1. Gorgeous journal page, love Mr Fox, what a gorgeous stamp. We always had foxes in the back garden when I was living in London, they evidently feel well in that urban jungle. The place you visited looks beautiful, and I am sure that sandwich was delicious, it looks yummy. Happy T Day, hug, Valerie

  2. Fabulous page and love the photos, always of interest to me.xx [aNNie]

  3. What a fabulous Christmas gift you got of the fox (and the hare). It's a beautiful stamp, but it is also wonderfully colored, too. I really LOVE the three versions you created for it, too. I really like how you worked the background, and the way you treated the card that any man would appreciate. Of course, I'm sure Mr. Fox is full of new and wonderful adventures, too, so thanks for sharing him with us at Art Journal Journey today. Wonderful art.

    I enjoyed your photos of the Jervaulx Abbey. Of course I had to stop by and visit their web site. I can only imagine an honesty box here in the States. I simply adore how trusting your country is!

    The biker hang out looks busy and that bacon mushroom roll looks interesting. Enjoyed the poshless cups you were given with your tea, too. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos of Jervaulx Abbey and your meal and tea at the biker hang out with us for for T this Tuesday, Yvonne.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wowwwww.....fantastic creation with Mr.Fox......I simply love it. It's so lovely the way you used the stamp...with the background and everything......Awesome.
    Lovely pictures .....can't wait for the summer to be in Holland again. Today is a cold, stormy and rainy winter at's depressing weather......we have to search for a little bit of sun so I am coloring a little cute image in summer it will help feeling good in this dark weather.
    Have a lovely day

  5. what a great stamp! and i love what you did with it, a gorgeous hybrid creation which will make awesome Cards!
    happy t-day, Yvonne!

  6. Fabulous art Yvonne, i love Mr Fox, he’ll look great printed out.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Happy T-Day Yvonne!
    I love Mr. Fox!
    Alison xox

  8. What a wonderful stamp you got as a gift! I enjoyed the photos you've shared, sunny and warm!

  9. Your fox pages are all so gorgeous, as well as the card too Yvonne. That is a great stamp. You used it quite creatively. And the ruins look interesting. Maybe you'll get back there sometime. And nice lunch. It's an interesting combo. I don't think I've ever seen that on a menu before. :) Hope you are having a great T day. Hugs-Erika

  10. Yvonne, even I can't remove links. Seems it may be because I don't pay for the linky linkup. You did great with your steering people here. I just ran my mouse over your name and knew which one it was, but some probably wouldn't remember the name of your previous post.

    I've had that same "publishing" problem for three days, and was going to mention it on my blog, but forgot. Johanna had the same problem this morning, so it's not just you. Seems it has struck all countries and many blogs, even those who fail to mention it!

  11. What a gorgeous Mr Fox Project!

  12. Your post is amazing dear Yvonne - you are such a clever pro!
    The fox is a fabulous stamp and came to the exact fitting home to you!
    I love the quote about the comfort zone and all your makes! Thank you for a great AJJ entry again!♥
    This Jervaulx Abbey looks amazing and thanks for the tip with the bikers - I will keep this in mind!

    Happy T-Day
    wouldn't mind that bacon mushroom roll just now!
    oxo Susi

  13. Wow, so many handsome Mr. Fox creations! He was very versatile and I love the bright colours you chose and all those fabulous backgrounds and beautiful layers you created on the different pieces - perfect 😁. Lovely photos too and I could just eat that bacon and mushroom roll with my cuppa this cold morning, yum! Wishing you happy T Day wishes! J 😊

  14. fabulous journal page! Great job coloring that finely detailed fox stamp. Looking forward to seeing the hare stamp too:) Your visit to the abbey sounds lovely. Happy T day!

  15. Have just seen that roll!! Would MURDER for one right now....
    Great journal page Yvonne. The fox stamp is amazing.

  16. I love the fox!!!! Nice photos of the ruins and I love the statue standing there all by itself. Beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing your outing and it was pleasant to see warm sunny photos on this COLD grey day here.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and I"m sure you'll be seeing more "POURS" in the future as it is very addictive.
    Happy T DAY!

  17. I love your fox stamp and love the pages you have made with the fox They are so fun to watch-we see them sometimes here especially if I put old fruit on the stump. I enjoyed the photos too the food looks yummy
    Happy T Day Kathy

  18. It's wonderful fox stamp and that is gorgeous journal page. I am thrilled love Meggy!!
    beautiful photos from an outing with tasty snack!!
    Greetings Elke

  19. Oh yes, that certainly is an amazing stamp. The digital page at the end of your blog is a stunning result.
    Jervaulx Abbey look like a lovely place. The sort of place I like to visit. So I went straight to the website to see where it is. I have made a mental note for next year.
    The food at the cafe looks scrummy. Look out for the bikers is a good tip. Here in Spain we look out for the restaurants where the lorry drivers stop. No greasy spoons here in Spain. The lorry drivers want a proper cooked lunch for a reasonable price. So we look out for the trucks.
    Happy T-Day,

  20. New adventures! And memories of old ones :) I love the statue at that abbey. Striking. We need more outdoor sculpture in our lives. Happy T Tuesday

  21. What a cool stamp and the way you have colored Mr. Fox. I've seen foxes from time to time on my way to visit my friend, Red. They are really beautiful creatures. So glad you showed some sunny photos as we're getting another round of snow tomorrow. Have a Happy T Day

  22. A beautiful journal page! That fox is so very detailed. And I love your beautiful additions.
    Happy Tea Day,

  23. Aww, I just love your fox! What a great image. The clip is great, looks very real and creates amazing depth. I would love to see a fox, this is a wishlist animal for me! Those ruins looks just wonderful, I would walk around in there for hours and enjoy the quiet! Fabulous post Yvonne. hugs :)

  24. That really is a fabulous stamp and I love how you used it and your digital enhancements too! It was good to see some sunshine and greenery too! I see from a comment on Elizabeth's blog that you too are having problems commenting - it seems to take an age for a comment to be published on some blogs and normal speed on others - I thought it was our computer or connection playing up!!! Have a good week, Belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  25. Wowww Gorgeous creation !! Beautiful page ..
    Love the colors and your fox stamp .
    Hugs Doris

  26. Sorry to be so late getting around, Yvonne. We’ve had terrible & intermittant internet for a couple of days – often less than 1 megabyte download!

    The fox stamp is wonderful and I love what you did with it. I'm not clear on your hybrid work. Maybe some day you can explain in a post. Do you print the hybrid one and send it off, keeping the original for yourself? I also love the top image and wonder if that's a hybrid collage as well.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Hi Eileen
      I store my hybrid pages on the computer, I often have many versions using the same starting point. Be it background or own made work and coloured images.
      Yes the top page is a hybrid page as well. The original fox was made into a card .
      Hope that helps.
      Yvonne xx

  27. Fabulous fox creations! It is indee a wonderful stamp and you have used it very creatively in all of your pieces!!

  28. Wow, this is another great page. Great design and I love the sweet fox.
    Greetings Carola

  29. Love what you did with the fox. Glad you explained the process a bit.
