

Monday 1 January 2018

Last of the Old and First of the New

My last post of the year is this page for my digital journal.
I have enjoyed my personal journey this past year,
 which has taken me into the world of creating art on the computer. But saying that I have never lost my love of getting messy.  So now I can say I have two avenues to follow in this coming year.

This page can only be called my own work in  its later digital stages. It began with the water coloured painted Christmas card my husband made for me.

The idea to use this card came when we had a heavy snow fall here a couple of days ago.  The silence was quite magical and peaceful.
{notes about my digital pages can be found in my sidebar]

So  now for a bit of mess, big style..... to celebrate the start of a New Year
On the right... the messy painted stages ......

Paint, paste, stencil, fussy cutting, ending up with my  hands a rather  fetching colour of blue and green.

The words were computer generated.

Thank you for following me on my crafty journey this past year.
I very much appreciate the time you take to call in  to see me .

I hope you all have a wonderful creative, happy and peaceful New Year.


  1. I've enjoyed the views of your journey in 2017. You shared a lot of great art with us Yvonne. I hope you have a fantastic 2018 also. Happy New Year! Hugs-erika

  2. Beautiful wok. You have made some beautiful art in 2018 and I am looking forward to seeing what you make this year, Have a great 2018, hugs, Valerie

  3. You share so many wonderful pieces with us here and on the challenges - THANK YOU!!!
    Beautiful are those both pages - you have such an unique way with your digital additions and editing.
    Happy 2018 dear Yvonne!
    All the best for you and your family!


  4. and wow - your hubby is a great watercolourist!

  5. What a lovely post Yvonne.. your digital and hybrid pieces are always stunning so
    I of course love both of these very much.... and wow what a talented hubby you have too,
    what a beautiful card he painted for you.
    Happy New Year.... Gill xx

  6. WOW, they're both beautiful. I especially love the first page... wonderful!
    I wish you a happy new year 2018.
    Greetings Carola

  7. Happy New Year Yvonne! Beautiful card your husband painted, love the texture of your digital additions. Great quote on the second page, it's fun to get messy in art, even if your skin turns colors! :)

  8. Two fabulous pages, and what a lovely card your husband painted for you. I love the texture and creativity of your digital additions. Great quote and lovely colours on the second page too.
    Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Creative New Year.
    Jean x

  9. Gorgeous delight love this post, happy new year from me in denmark

  10. Happy 2018 to you too, Yvonne. I see art runs in your family. Your husband's card is fabulous. And I like that you got messy, too. Two wonderful creations on your part, and two totally different avenues to explore in 2018.

  11. Wow, what an amazing card your hubby painted and created for you! Your digital piece looks so beautiful and I love your messy celebration of the New Year too 😁. Wishing you a wonderful creative, happy and peaceful New Year too! J 😊

  12. Both pages are wonderful Yvonne, the digi one has almost a Turner feel to it! How wonderful it started with a painting of your hubby! Wow, he must be a fantastic artist!

  13. How Beautiful both of these pages are! Love the bright page as much for the way you described your hands as for the dreamy look of the page! Hugs, Chrisx
