

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Happy Tuesday, A Tag a Page and a Brew.

Happy Tuesday everyone
and to friends   calling in from Bluebeard and Elizabeths 

where its T day and we are always made welcome with a drinks related post

You can still have an adventure on a snowy day.
[Last week we had a number of those days here].
The best thing to do on days like these are to create a mess and have some fun.
So my first share today is for  Erika over at
  Art Journal Journey

 and her theme for the month of  New Year, New Adventures

Notice I was amply supplied with my  mug of tea,
although I have to admit I was having so much fun it got forgotten for a while and was cold when I  remembered to drink it.

I used pieces of book paper,
torn tissue, lots of watercolour paint, stencils, die cuts, washi tape and stamps.
All the things I love to use, sometimes the results can look a lot neater than this, but I went with the flow and had a good time. That's what crafting means to me.


I also made this tag for the current challenge theme at
Tag Tuesday

which is Anything Goes

It is a larger size tag, cut from a left over piece of card which I covered with a piece of a
 coffee cup napkin.
I added the die cut cups and leaves using distress ink to add some colour.

I hope this tag  appeals to the folk who prefer coffee as their drink of choice,
 I'll stick with the tea today.

But if you would like a glass of wine at the end of your day.
 Here is a collage  page I made  in my computer digital program ,
 using the tag, and  a fun wine drinkers  napkin given me by a friend.

Thank you for calling by to see me today,
 your visit and comments are always very much appreciated.


  1. WOW, lots of drinks today, dear Yvonne. I was so impressed with your Art Journal Journey entry. It is fabulous. I didn't realize the women were from a piece of tissue until I looked closer. You made a fabulous entry and I can relate to getting into crafting and forgetting my coffee is cold.

    I love the tag, and I love how you even shared it with wine drinkers. I don't think you left anyone out! Thanks for sharing your art with Art Journal Journey and for T this Tuesday.

  2. Oooh, what a wonderful post, something for everyone. Love the first journal page, with the lovely faces, and of course, the gorgeous coffee cup tag. Thanks so much for linking to Tag Tuesday, much appreciated! Ans the last collage with the wine drinkers is such fun! Well done on something for everyone today. Have a very happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh Yvonne I resonate with the drinks going cold on your desk and hubby often makes me a cup of tea in the afternoons, I say I’ll be down to drink it and completely forget lol. Great makes from your desk, love the tag with the leaves on it and all those fabulous faces xxx

  4. So much cool art today Yvonne. I love your I am woman piece. I has a lot of power and good energy. I also love how you showed us your techniques making it- and I do like that cup. You have showed us that before. :)And I also love your tag. Perfect for T day. Hope yours is going well. :) Thanks for joining it at AJJ. Hugs-Erika

  5. Good morning your art pieces are amazing-and I really love your tag. My drink always gets cold as well so I end up heating it back up in the microwave. I have been spending many days in my craft room this winter too-the hallway project can wait a bit longer lol Happy T Day Kathy

  6. Wonderful art! Your page is so empowering and I love the tag that you created with the teacups and pretty die cut branches 😁. The wine napkin really made me smile too, so funny 😉. Sending you Happy T Day wishes! J 😊

  7. I enjoyed watching the process of you creating your wonderful page. I sometimes forget my cup of tea, too, though I'm apt to swish a pen or brush in it thinking it's the cleaning water. I love those cups on the tag. Maybe I'll have to get a die cutting machine. Happy T Day!

  8. wow, you have such Special napkins, i´ve never seen any like that here. and i also love the tag very much.
    happy t-day!

  9. Oh wow.. what a fantastic post Yvonne! I love the page and the tag and your never ending ideas for digital play and combining!
    Happy T-Day and thank you once again for a FABULOUS entry for the "Adventures" collection at AJJ !
    oxo Susi

  10. Very creative. Aren't paper napkins fun to work with? I have to get mine out and play again soon.

  11. I like that coffee cup tag, but I'm happy with tea, coffee, or wine :) Happy T Tuesday!

  12. Love your post I love to get messy in my journals and consider it a safe zone! No mistakes they are all lessons...have a great day.Cathee

  13. Wow Yvonne, botha are wonderful. It's nice to see how that was created.
    By the way, my tea always gets cold ;)
    Greetings Carola

  14. Great journal page, Yvonne. I love it! The sketchy faces are from napkins? How cool. I can't get artsy napkins where we live ;-( As well, another great tag for tag Tuesday.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  15. That journal page is wonderful! A feel good page! :). Great tags and cup of tea; when I am crafting, my tea always gets cold. So I warm it up in the micro wave and forget about it again! Sometimes days later find a yucky cup of yuck in the micro wave! Have a great Tuesday!

  16. I always worry about having a drink near me when I'm painting. Brushes seem to find their way into the mug/cup quite easy. :) Love the tag!!
    Happy T day!

  17. I LOVE those tea cups! And the collaged journal page. All those faces and book paper is the perfect combination.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. Such wonderful projects! You have been busy. The I am a woman is great and the tag is gorgeous. But I really am a wine girl so your last bit of digital art appealed to me most. So funny. The cartoons look familiar. Did you find out who drew them? was it a Dutch artist? They certainly made me smile.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  19. Love your journal page and tag, so much to see.

  20. Fabulous journal page Yvonne! Your tag looks brilliant and I love the fun digital additions! Couldn't join in for T this week but wishing you a belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  21. Love your journal page!!! Sorry I am so late getting around... the cold bug finally caught up with me and zapped all of my energy . Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such kind words. Mini was a stitch in her boots but they have been returned to the store. The bottoms were so slick that she would have slid all over the place if she had kept them on.
    See ya next week.

  22. Beautiful journal page and tags! love the sentiment on the journal page and all the faces...colorful too! Can I tell you a secret? I am so easily distracted that sometimes I have to reheat my tea or coffee in the 2 or 3 times! lol! so you aren't alone ;) happy T day...very late!

  23. wow !!! it's beautiful i really like your good idea so much ,thank for sharing.

