

Friday 3 November 2017

Take a walk

The new theme chosen by Chris for November over at
  Art Journal Journey ....... is
'101 ways to keep warm'.
Going out for a walk  on a cool autumn day  can make you feel warm inside,
 even though the sun may not be shining, as long as you keep moving.
 you will be creating your own heat, your own inner sunshine.
The idea for this page came for a visit to the coast we made yesterday.

It was a clear, but cool day, a bit of a breeze,  an interesting scenic place to visit.
I will add more photos when I visit with the T. folk on Tuesday

This is how my hybrid/mixed media  journal page began.
Water colour background, some raised stencils, a scene torn form an old calendar,
  washi tape scraps.
Other additions were added in the digital program I use. [notes in  my sidebar].

Thank you for calling in to see me today,
you are always welcome here.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day out! It was lovely and sunny here too yesterday with no breeze which is unusual so we went for a walk along the beachfront, it was so warm 😁. You page is lovely with the beautiful sunshine and couple walking hand in hand - perfect! Wishing you a Happy November! J 😊

  2. beautiful walk can be so warming
    a beautiful journal page
    I had nice weather yesterday and use it for a walk by the sea
    happy November time

  3. What a fascinating journal entry and perfect for AJJ. I love the use of your stencils and watercolors. It turned out so seamless and lovely. I look forward to seeing more of the lighthouse and your walk on Tuesday, but for now I will a stay warm by walking with you along this beautiful path.

  4. Oh yes - you are so right with what you say - and I love the photo of the Souter Lighthouse - looking forward to more of that day out! The page is just AMAZING - so well designed!The couple walking hand by hand was a fantastic addition to the already beautiful handmade version !
    THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this beautiful page linked to the AJJ November collection!
    I think the theme is quite versatile! Looking forward to the different ideas of all the talented people!
    Happy weekend ahead! We had nice weather as well and I could do some gardening out in the sun.
    Sunshine always warms the soul!!!

    oxo Susi

  5. Oh! I love a good brisk walk at any time - you're so right it can make you feel warm inside! I love how you started this page and then those fabulous digital additions. I love the couple holding hands! Thank you so much for this fabulous scene for 101 ways to Keep warm at AJJ! Have great weekend! Hugs, Chrisx

  6. There's a lovely glow about this page - they've got the sun's rays as well as all that internal activity warmth - fabulous colour intensity and great images to capture your thought about an autumn walk.
    Alison x

  7. Gorgeous journal page, that is a lovely place you visited. A nice, brisk walk on a chilly day is just the thing! Have a nice evening, hugs, Valerie

  8. A lovely walk on a crisp autumn day beautifully portrayed in your journal page Yvonne x

  9. I love taking walks although I haven't done much walking as of late. Your page is a lovely color and I love the house on the cliff. A beautiful place to take a walk!

  10. Beautiful, take a walk on the bright side of life.xx[aNNie]πŸŽ„

  11. A beautiful page and photo, I love walking especially this time of the year.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Yes, going out for a walk on a cool autumn day can make you feel warm inside, it's equal if the sun is shining or not. Your page looks beautiful with lovely colors and a wonderful picture of a wild coast!

  13. beautiful day and love and love your page-Happy Saturday

  14. This page is amazing. The sky was that color blue yesterday morning on my way to work and I tried to snap a photo of it, but couldn't. You certainly nailed it though. I just got back from my morning dog walk and it is chilly this morning. I even needed mittens for the first time. :) That lighthouse is cool. I love walking by the water. I think an old castle like that would make a walk even better. Have a great start to your weekend Yvonne. Hugs-Erika

  15. Your page is terrific. I love how you made it with all the bits, then added the digital bits too, like the birds. It looks so sunny and warm, and yes once one starts walking one does seem to keep warm on a cold day.

  16. Another terrific page, lovel colours and images. It certainly a good time of year for taking a walk.
    Jean x

  17. I love your quote on the beautiful page.
