

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Book Marks and a Tuesday cuppa.

I am about to share a bit of a saga with you today.
A while ago I signed up for a  workshop at  the Library in the  next village to us.
Its only open part time and they try to get folk through the door.
It was to be Book Binding........whoopee I thought and waited for the day to arrive.
The week before the said workshop was our   Reading Group........ and imagine  a few of us being disappointed when we saw, that this workshop would now be  to make Book marks.

I thought, as we are trying to keep the library open   I would still go and on the day only 6 out of 10  folk turned up.
It was a two hour session  and the girl leading the workshop was really pleasant  and gave a good demonstration.  
 It was a messy session, we all had a laugh.
Now.... a  big...........  ' However/But   ..... from me'.
on the left you can see the result of the  two hours  session.
It was card,  glued and wrapped in a paper towel, then painted.
This is a good starting point, but what would we add next???

I used to teach this type of thing to the youngsters in school, back in my working life,  everyone has to start somewhere. and its good to get youngsters interested in creating  with everyday items easily found in the home. Find the spark of creating early and it is a gift for the future.
I won't tell you the average age of the group, but we are all retired.

These were  considered to be  our  completed book marks. Like myself most were interested in creating things and  I think  we would have liked to pretty them up a bit.l

I did say that when I got home , I would be changing them to suit my style  of crafting.
The star is reposing at the bottom of the bits box and I think will be eventually thrown out.

On the right , you can see how the additions began , just some scraps of napkins, glued to both sides. I didn't want to add any thickness as  they were already deeper than I would have liked.

Gilding wax and the bit of random stamping you can see in the first photo.

I fixed a couple of charms on to a ribbon at the front of the bookmark,  pulled the ribbon through to the back , simply knotting the strands together.

You can see how it marks the page of the current book. Simply pull the charms over the cover of the book.

I am quite happy with to share with you all today, my finished book marks, much more my style than the ones I brought home.

Now as its Tuesday I will be calling in to see friends over at
Bleaubeard and Elizabeths.
where its T stands for Tuesday and  we are always made welcome with a drinks related post

As I was writing this blog post  I remembered to get a photo of my mug of the day, as always close to hand.
In case you wonder the book is a good one, I am about a third of the way through reading it  and know that it is a book  I would recommend.

I  am adding a reminder for the current challenge theme over at Try it on Tuesdays
'Colourful',  information can be found here

Thank you for calling in to see me, I hope you are all having a good day.


  1. These are fabulous, love the look of them.x[aNNie]๐ŸŽ„

  2. that has become beautiful these two days for a book! great idea!
    have a nice day

  3. Love your bookmarks, sounds like you had a fun day. Our library is too small for things like that, more's the pity! Enjoy your book! Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  4. oh wow I would have been very disappointed over the class being about book binding turned into bookmarks. You made the best of it and I love your bookmarks much better after the class. enjoy your book Happy T Day Kathy

  5. I had a smile on my face the whole time I read through your posting - can imagine how disappointed you all were. Book Binding course sounds so exciting and you ended up with card glued and wrappend in paper towel....
    but you really made the best out of the situation and now you have at least wonderful bookmarks!
    What about you teaching a stamping course there - or something like this! I bet they would love you to do it!
    Happy T-Day Yvonne!
    I don't look for courses here local - there are thousands of better free YT Videos online-
    but it is very sad for sure.

    Here in Austria or in Germany as well, they are always 3 years behind with all the techniques that are new.
    That is so boring for me always-
    they now sell since a cear gelli printing plates at the art supplies stores...oh wow.... how up to date they are!

    Happy T-Day my friend!

    oxo Susi

    1. Hi Susi,
      The courses in the library are free ones. I would have been more upset if we'd had to pay.
      We go to support and try to keep the building open .
      Yvonne xx

  6. so good that you can help yourself! now you don´t Need to live longer with the simple result of the course! i fully understand your disappointment, but you improved the pieces so well. hope one day there will be the book binding course you wanted (and with a good final result).
    happy t-day!

  7. Your story made me laugh. I guess the teacher wasn't all that talented herself. Or had no faith in her students. You do have push people a bit though. But I do LOVE what you did to your bookmarks. They are gorgeous. I love your rabbit mug too. How are you enjoying the book? I read it a long time ago, and although I can't say it was a favorite story, it was good enough that I still remember it.Have a great T day. Hugs-Erika

  8. It's so good to support local libraries and your finished bookmarks are a triumph, they look so stylish! It's such a shame that the book binding course to be changed and I had to smile as your story unfolded ๐Ÿ˜‰. Your bunny mug is so cute! Wishing you much happiness this T Day! J ๐Ÿ˜Š

  9. Gorgeous bookmarks ! Great idea!
    have a nice day !
    Hugs Doris

  10. Your bookmarks came out beautifully! It should have been you teaching the class. It is a good thing to support our libraries but I don't think changing a class almost last minute is helpful. You made the best of it though. Happy T day!

  11. Wow, these are amazing Yvonne! I love the warm and rich tones you used, very fiery! So much texture and the gilding wax is a great way to highlight! I do love when you tap into your inner mixed media gal! hugs :)

  12. Stunning bookmarks Yvonne. Why don't you have a class of your own?!They'd flock there and make sure your little library was kept open... you have so much talent it's a shame not to share it!

  13. Love your finished bookmarks Yvonne!!! You certainly added your personal style!! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  14. I'm thinking they need to ask you to lead the next class ;) It's like she didn't have a plan for finishing the bookmarks. Yours look complete. Happy T Tuesday!

  15. I love what you did with the bookmarks from the 'course'. Beautiful. The person doing the bookbinding probably couldn't do it and someone helped out but wasn't that crafty. Oh well, you supported your local library.
    I have read the Red Tent. It was in Dec 06 and I gave it 4 stars out of 5. I keep a little book that i write my books in. I started it in 2003 and every book I read gets a comment and a score out of 5. Of course the story of Dinah is in the Bible.
    Happy T-Day,

  16. I love how you didn't stop at the bookmarks you made at the library. I simply adore the one with the cup and embellishments on it, but they are both really lovely. I always ask myself "what do I have and what do I need." I go from there. You did a fabulous job. BTW, don't be too quick to get rid of that star. It looks like it might come in handy in the near future in a digital or hybrid project.

    Thanks for sharing your bookmarks and your TEA with us for T this Tuesday, dear Yvonne.

  17. Nice save, Yvonne. I do imagine the bookmarks are a bit thicker than bookmarks should be but they're beautiful. You told the story so kindly a well. Good for you ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  18. Well I can see you must have been disappointed, but good on you to still support the local library.... your finished bookmarks have turned out beautifully, maybe you could run a workshop at the library next??? :o)

  19. Wow, I love the way that you upgraded those bookmarks. And the one with the little cup and saucer is so great for T Day. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Are you reading The Red Tent? I read it many years ago, and I liked the way that the author focused on women's perspectives in the story. Parts of it were kind of gross, but overall I enjoyed it.

    Happy T Day! ☕️

  20. These bookmarks are fabulous! I love the texture. This would make reading so fun!I am inspired to make some bookmarks now! Happy tea day,

  21. What a shame that the book binding class was cancelled - your bookmarks turned out fabulous in the end.
    xxx Hazel.

  22. A brilliant save to make them into bookmarks to be proud of! I love the finished bookmarks and the added charms are a fab idea! I hope the library puts the book binding class on at a later date and well done for supporting them! xxx

  23. I can imagine your disappointment when the class changed, but at lease you enjoyed the social side to the book mark class and at least you had your starting point for 2 gorgeous makeovers. The addition of the charms is a great idea, pretty and practical.
    Avril xx
