

Monday 9 October 2017

Tags and Tea

I am starting the post with Tags for
the theme is All Creatures Great and small.

I have two tags to share  for the theme and had hoped to post them Saturday, but
things  do not always go to plan.
 I had my annual Flu injection on Saturday  and took a reaction to it, so I haven't been feeling so good. Mind you this is not unusual for me, it happens every year, but this one is worse than usual. Three days later and I still feel rough.  Enough moaning Yvonne.
 On the first tag  I stamped these two fun critters, they are best friends even though there is a big difference in their heights. I layered the tag,added some scraps of material.
 The splatters were added digitally.

The tag on the left is all digital images added to a corrugated base tag of my own. 

I do hope the elephant is a friendly one.

Now I am off to visit with friends over at

where we are always made very welcome with a drinks related post.
In the summer when were were in Yorkshire I took many photos that I am just getting round to sorting out, so I thought I would share some today from our visit to Richmond and its ruined castle.

In its day Richmond Castle would have been a huge imposing  sight, it was built
on a hill overlooking the River Swale.

 Restoration has been carried out in the 12th century Keep

The next two photos were taken of the view down the valley through a gap in the  crumbling walls.
Considering the age of the castle, I am  surprised that as much of it still remains.
They began building it in 1071

After our visit we walked back into the town for a late  lunch. 
We were lucky in our timing and I was able to get one photo inside. 

As you can see my usual drink was a pot of Tea
with  a tasty tuna, sweetcorn and mayo jacket potato  for my lunch.

Thank you for calling in to see me, I hope you all have a good day.


  1. I simply adore both tags, but the second one blew me away. I could NOT believe it was digital. That elephant looks like you cut it out of a magazine. It is awesome.

    I really enjoyed the trip to Richmond Castle. It was so much fun to see this imposing place that is mostly gone, now. I'm like you and surprised anything is still standing. I was truly impressed. I loved the photos you took and got a bit dizzy from the height of that one photo. Yes, I am THAT afraid of heights.

    I'm really hungry because I haven't eaten today. So I am ready to take a bite of that tuna and the rest of the meal, too. You may keep the tea, and I'll have my coffee. This looks absolutely awesome.

    Thanks for sharing those adorable tags, taking us to Richmond Castle, and sharing your lunch and tea with us for T this Tuesday.

  2. Love both of your tags!! Just had my flu shot the other day but thankfully only a sore arm for a day.
    Richmond castle looks amazing-I have never visited a castle that didn't mesmerize me! And lunch sounds perfect. Happy T day!

  3. The tags are great. I have never been sick from my shot but always get a sore arm. Sorry to hear you haven't been well. And wow- that castle is really amazing. It is up high, isn't it? And I always forget how big they actually are which makes sense so many people lived/functioned within them. We don't have castles so it's always so cool to see then. Happy T day. And hope you are feeling perfect again soon. Hugs-Erika

  4. although I am still unwell, your post has cheered me up so [aNNie]

  5. the tags are wonderful!!! The photos from richmondcastle is great!!!! after this trip a good lunch!
    Happy day

  6. Wonderful tags, both so different and both so gorgeous. Thanks do much for joining us at TT. Great photos of the castle, too, and your food looks wonderful. Sorry ou had a bad reaction to your flu jab. Happy T Day, Hugs, Valerie

  7. another Castle i would love to visit, thanks for the photos. and i totally love both of your tags!!
    happy t-day!

  8. Fabulous tags and beautiful photos, sorry you’re not feeling well, I had a flu jab a few years ago and was ill for a couple of weeks - I’ve not had another one.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Great pair of tags and both so different but equally fabulous
    Amanda x

  10. I hope you're feeling much better soon! Those tags are wonderful and your fun critters made me smile, they look like the best of friends too 😉. The castle looks amazing and your photos look very atmospheric with those beautiful dark clouds 😁. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊

  11. What a beautiful old castle. I'm always amazed how these were built in such high places. Your tags are adorable.

  12. I really enjoyed the trip to Richmond Castle and those tags are really pretty dear Yvonne! I hope you feel much better soon. I often heard this about the Flu injections - I had this also many years ago- I was 18 at that time- since then I didn't take this injections any more and was lucky enough just having flue for just three times over all the years.Hope this will last for me.
    Happy T-Day my friend!

  13. I'm entirely charmed by both tags - such different image styles, yet both with that common thread of friendship between two very differently-sized creatures - very sweet. Fabulous photos of your day out at Richmond Castle too - thanks for sharing those - and you have my flu-jab sympathies. They used to make us have them at the RSC, and I hated them - always felt horrible afterwards. Hope you pluck up soon.
    Alison x

  14. I love castles.... have i told you i LOVE castles?? When stationed in Germany for three years with the military we did alot of castle hopping on the weekends ... I miss it...So i really enjoyed your castle photos....

    Hubs and i never get flu shots... one day that may come back and bite us but for now.. no thanks..

    Love your tags! You have such a talent for composition... really great! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  15. I enjoyed my virtual trip to Richmond Castle. Inside and out, what a treat! I'm sorry about you reaction to the flu shot :(

    Happy T Tuesday

  16. Love your tags this week!!! You are not the only one who reacts to the flu shots. I stopped getting them as each reaction was worse. Beautiful photos you shared also and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  17. I love both of your tags-especially the first one. and I love your castle photos! I would love to visit a castle. food looks delicious-Happy T Day

  18. Such cute tags...really love the birdies, and the photos too! Happy T day!

  19. What a great tag, Yvonne. I sat smiling at the first one for a minute or two before even reading on ;-) Both tags are perfect for "all creatures great and small." Brilliant!

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  20. Oh Yvonne! I adore both of your tags, although I am a big Elenazinski fan so that has a big appeal! Loved the photos of Richmond Castle - we visited there years ago but from the books I have read since then would love to visit again, especially now you have whetted my appetite! Talking of which the baked potato looks delicious! I had hoped by now that I would have caught up with everyones blogs but I think I am just going to try and keep up for now with new posts as I still can't sit for long! At least I can craft standing up! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  21. The little girl in me still wants to live in a castle! I think she would even live in the ruins of one LOL!
    Love your tags
    Very belated T-day wishes
