

Sunday 29 October 2017

Sunshine in my soul

When the sun shines, does it make you feel happy inside?
This is my last page for Elke's theme..... Landscapes of the Soul,  over at 

After a number of cold, dull days, today the sun is shining
 and what a difference to my feelings this has made.

This page began with me colouring, then fussy cutting this lady from one of my colouring in books. Another bargain buy, it is great what you can find when looking in bargain baskets and  on reduced counters. 

Here she is  stuck  to  the page, a painted
  base, random  script stamps
and stencils. Perhaps you will notice her she  looks lighter on the journal page. When I had coloured her it was  a dull day, and the  light wasn't so good for photo taking, so the photo looked darkerl
 Today the sun is streaming through the window
 and she looks  paler.
 In real life she looks okay to me , this makes me happy.
It is all about doing what is good for you .
I added a few more additions in the digital program I use.
 [notes in  my sidebar]

Thank you Elke for making me look inside myself  and   think  outside my comfort zone this month.  I have enjoyed your theme at AJJ.

Thank you for calling in to see me today, your visit is always appreciated.

My Halloween Treat give away is  HERE,
One more day to link.


  1. Wonderful journal page, love your smart lady on the beautiful background. I always look in the bargain baskets, and mostly I find good stuff there. Have a great Sunday afternoon, hugs, Valerie

  2. shunsine in the Soul..there is no nicer thing like this!
    Beautifully your journal; I am very happy and thank you for linking to AJJ on the topic landscapes for the soul!
    have a nice evening
    Greetings Elke

  3. I love your wonderful page Yvonne! That woman looks wonderful on this beautiful background! I am glad to hear that Elke's theme made you thinking outside your comfort zone. That's what a challenge is meant for initially, am I right?! Thank you for all your support this month again dear Yvonne!♥♥♥
    Happy start of the new week for you!
    oxo Susi

  4. A lovely sunny page Yvonne, your beautiful cut out lady certainly looks happy there. I agree with you that a sunny day, especially after a spell of dull or cold weather can really lift the spirits.
    Jean x

  5. I think you have such a great idea cutting out of coloring books and putting images onto your journal pages. That way there you get to color for fun and make a fun page. It's a double art treat. :) Love how the sun shines and how true that is. When our sun came out Friday after a spell of grey skies it was such a happy feeling. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  6. Sunshine definitely makes me feel happy too, as does your beautiful page! The background colours remind me of sunny days and your lady looks right at home - perfect 😁. Wishing you a happy new week! J 😊

  7. Very nice page and I like how you coloured the Lady. Wonderful composition.
    Dear Greetings

  8. What a great idea to use a piece from a coloring page! She looks perfect against your background. And I am loving that Eiffel Tower.

  9. LOVE this Yvonne, definitely my style.xx [aNNie]

  10. The font on that saying is one of my favorite's. I never seem to remember to use it, though. Your use of the coloring page was wonderful and your fussy cut woman turned out fabulous. Sorry I'm late visiting. Just got my batteries recharged.

  11. Fabulous page Yvonne! Love hoe you coloured her dress, very chic and fashionable! Beautiful background and the colour palette is so fresh and bright! I sure do love when the sun shines! My favourite is when is shines on the surface of the snow making it look all twinkly!! hugs :)

  12. Hi what a fabulous page-and I love that she was in a coloring book never would have thought of that-love it

  13. Yes the sun does make such a difference to my mood! We were lucky enough to have sun for a trip to Skipton with grandchildren and then yesterday to tidy the caravan garden! Definitely feeling good at the moment! This is a fabulous page full of joy! Chrisx

  14. A lovely page Yvonne, and your lady does look as if she's enjoying the sunshine. Love the background.
    Avril xx
