

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Transported back in time.

Hello T day friends and everyone who calls in to see me today.
You are all very welcome.

First of all I am sharing another hybrid page,  and a reminder for the
current challenge theme at Try it on Tuesdays.....Transport
The base layer was made with stamps and stencils, then I added one of the photos
from our outing before adding a few digital additions.[information in my side bar]

Just before Easter we went  to the Beamish Living museum again ...
it was for the Vintage transport  weekend.
So I have lots of photos to share today

These vehicles we saw driving around at various time of the day. The noise they made made me appreciate our modern cars
An array of old bicycles including some old motorcycles
It was a fantastic delivery bike with its large baskets.

Grand old cars, all highly polished and  cosseted like old family members.

We both loved the steam engines and it would be very hard to describe the smells, but  they were memorable.

The old station was quiet today

The last two photos were of the butchers delivery van.
I was pleased to see that the rabbits and birds on display  weren't the real thing.

Now as its T Day over at
 Bleubeard and Elizabeths

and we are all made very welcome with a drinks related post. I have added a collage of my photos and what we had for a snack that day.
Its another sausage sandwich for me and a cup of tea, which we ate  in one of the rather old fashioned cafe's on the site. I thought I had another photo of the inside of this one, but  it must have been deleted from my camera.
I have to say the sit down was very welcome and the little silver teapot was refreshed with hot water so I could have a second cup.

  I am sharing one last photo collage, to end up in the present day.
This past  week we have been away  in the caravan, I have a lot of  blog visiting
and catching up to do.
Staying at  one of our  favourite destinations,  not Grassington as we thought,
 it was getting a make over.
This we found when we arrived and were re located to Strid Wood beside Bolton Abbey
To add to my cycle loving family's  joy,
 the Tour de Yorkshire
 race passed right by the site and one of out son's came to join us for the weekend

This was the third/last day  of the race, those guys sure are fit
 as the hills go straight up in parts of that area.

Thank you all for calling in today and I hope you have a Happy T day.


  1. Amazing pages are this and such interesting photos of the Beamish Living museum! Thank you for sharing! Happy T-Day!

  2. What a lovely post - lots to look at, fabulous pages and lovely photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. I was going to say just the same as Hazel, it is a lovely post. There is something magical about old cars although maybe they would not be so comfortable as today's cars - but lovely to look at from the outside. Loved the photos of the cycles and the butcher's van and steamroller too.
    Your art page is beautiful with lots of lovely layers. Wouldn't that be a great card design for an anniversary.

  4. What a gorgeous post, I especially love the photos from the transport museum and the one of the sausage sandwich, yummy. Love the journal pages you made, too. Have a happy T Day and enjoy the rest of the week, hugs, Valerie

  5. I think one of those old cars would be fun to ride around in on a beautiful day. But, in the day to day, I'm with you about modern cars. :) That's a fantastic new art piece today too. I love the layering and especially how those people have that those plaid clothes. :) They look very retro. :) Looks like you had great time away, even if your usually spot wasn't available. Hugs-Erika

  6. Love the photos of the old vehicles and bikes. What a fun time it would have been looking at all of them. Wonderful pages, and I'm sure you all enjoyed seeing the bike race!

  7. What a great post, your transport page is lovely with the layers and sentiment! I loved exploring the old vehicles with you and steam engines are my favourite too :-) . How wonderful to see the Tour de Yorkshire, I bet it was fantastic and you took some wonderful photos! I remember seeing the Giro d'Italia when we were on holiday in Sorrento - it's such an amazing site to see them racing! Wishing you a Happy T Day Yvonne! J :-)

  8. great transport page and love the yorkshire photos..just finished reading the yorkshire shepherd by Amanda owen very good

  9. What lovely collages Yvonne... and your hybrid piece is beautiful as always.. Happy T day hugs! deb

  10. Good morning, I loved your post too especially your art page. sounds like a fun "adventure"
    Happy T Day

  11. What a fantastic post Yvonne - love your journal page and your photos
    really appealed to me - what a great day out!
    Hope you had a nice break - I guess you've been away in the caravan - hope the weather was kind to you.
    Gill x

  12. Happy T Day Yvonne.

    Your transport collages of Beamish and the beautiful page are stunning. Nice bacon but tie and a drink as well, yummy.

    Terrific design for the photographs of the Tour de Yorkshire they really capture the event .

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. My younger son used to love cars, trucks, tractors, etc., and we used to take every opportunity to go to exhibits featuring them. Fond memories :)

    Your cafe food looks like just the thing. Yummmmm!

    Happy T Tuesday

  14. Lovely collages Yvonne, interesting theme!
    Val x

  15. Wow Yvonne, what a great collage! Wonderful mix.
    The photos of the Beamish Living museum are super. I love old cars.
    Greetings Carola

  16. Lovely hybrid collage page with an interesting theme. Great photos of your day out at the museum as well, it's lovely to see these vintage vehicles so lovingly cared for.
    Jean x

  17. Great collage page Yvonne - and fab pics!

  18. Exciting events and fun photos! Love your digital art, and the wonderful vintage transports... Happy T Day!😃

  19. Great photos….and I'll say it again… I really hope we can get to Beamish one day! There is something especially exciting about seeing cycle race going by - wondering where the Tour of Britain will be this year! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  20. I love your digital transport piece Yvonne, its just amazing ! Great photos of Beamish, only been once but loved it. We had the Tour De Yorkshire right through our village,past the end of our little cul-de-sac. We had a street party as our road was closed,great day ! Apparently OH and I were shown on TV, daughter spotted us in the group in a neighbours garden with a grandstand view of all the bikes !

  21. Beautiful art work, and great pbotos! Happy T day!

  22. A great post Yvonne and a fabulous hybrid page with a mix of lovely images xxx

  23. i see you could gather a lot of beautiful photos for further hybrid pieces! i love the one you made, just wonderful!
    happy belated t-day:)

  24. Wonderful pieces Yvonne, so clever how they came together!! We went to the Beamish many years agao when our kids were small, it's such a great place! Love all your photos!

  25. A most interesting and awesome post Yvonne, I thoroughly enjoyed browsing at all of the postings here.xx ♥[aNNie]

  26. Love the photo collages. And what a grand outing you had. Old cars, a bicycle race, and tea. Happy Day AFter T Day

  27. Love the page you created!!! The photos are fantastic too. I love going to events like this. I want one of those delivery bikes with the big baskets :) I could fill it with milkweed leaves for the caterpillars ♥ Thanks so much for stopping by my blog ♥

  28. Fabulous transport page, Yvonne! I enjoyed the photos of all the antique vehicles. How serendipitous that your caravan spot had to change and you got to see the Tour de Yorkshire. Nice photos and collage of that as well.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  29. Wonderful page Yvonne !! really gorgeous!! I like very much the photographs you haver shared, all very interesting, thank you. I wish you a very nice evening, big hugs, Caty.

  30. Love your digital piece Yvonne. The scene you created is amazing and has so much depth to it. All the layering with the building and the foliage, even the perspective creates a sense of dimension that looks so authentic! Wow, look at all those amazing old vehicles, that is so cool!! Absolutely love that tractor, wow, what a fun thing to get to experience!!

    I have missed many of your posts Yvonne, my apologies. I wish I had time to leave a comment on each one, but I've just a short time for visiting today. I hope you are having a wonderful spring time, sending hugs :)
