

Monday 15 May 2017

Fun days.... In and Out and always a cuppa close by.

Hello everyone who calls in to see me today.
this is quite a long post so I hope you are sitting comfortably with a cuppa close by...
First of all a journal page. made for Gills' theme Elegance and Grunge over at
  Art Journal Journey

Its a hybrid page which began looking like this.......

I used wax crayons and loads of water to blend then and still couldn't get a smooth looking base, but grungy is fun and  coloured fingers is a fashion statement for crafters.
 I then added some stencils, some with paste some just inked. A bit of gilding wax highlighted the stencil words.
Then it was off to the computer to add some extra images.

I will now say hello to the T gang, where over at
Bleubeard and Elizabeths
we are all made welcome with a drinks related post
Its an overload of photos today as we went for another visit to Beamish last week,
this time to visit the 1940's farm
So   lets begin

Getting close to the farmyard, hens  and ducks enjoying the sunshine beside the pond.

The hens were wandering everywhere. however the star of the morning was seeing the new born lambs in one of the sheds. This one was just minutes old. [photo top right].

A look around the barns and here was an old machine marked out as scrap to be used for the war effort fund raising

Doesn't the sun shining make a huge difference to a day out. Every thing looks so clean. This is no coincidence at Beamish, as the volunteers and staff keep it looking so good. 

Inside now and as it was cleaning day a few parts did't have easy access, but I think you get an impression of the rooms from the few shots I managed to get.
Even though they were cleaning the staff were wearing costumes appropriate for the  times. We spoke to the chap who had just finished black leading the stove and he said he had been  working on it for more than two hours. It was gleaming.

I have just to end with a photos of the cafe and the delicious lunch that we had.
The interesting thing in here was the information on Rationing. The children had a special menu where they could spend not money but coupon points, the meal had a points value and they couldn't go over it.
 [ the parents had to pay in real money]

We chose  a Beamish Rarebit, closely related to what we in the UK know as Welsh Rarebit.
here is a recipe link if you are interested

This was the childrens menu board.
A good idea we thought to help children value the food they can readily get these days.

Thank you for staying with me this long, your visit  as always is realy appreciated.
Happy T day.

Is anyone having problems with scheduled posts,
I have had a couple  of mine  show up on the  dashboard
 that were not meant to  be published until later this month,
Fortunately there was no connection to the whole post.


  1. What a beautiful AJJ entry, Yvonne. I've never heard of wax crayons before, unless you mean regular crayons. I'm a bit dense at times, I fear. Regardless, this is a lovely entry.

    I LOVE it when you go to Beamish. The fact you saw the lamb right after it was born was probably worth the price of admission.

    I can understand why it took so long to clean and lead that stove. It was a monster, huge, and beautiful.

    I enjoyed seeing the children's menu with the rations. I agree it's a great idea to show them what life was like back then.

    I've HEARD of Welsh Rarebit before, but had no idea it was cheesy. I am quite sure I would love them. For some reason, I always thought it was rabbit, not rarebit. Again, DUH!!

    Thanks for sharing your AJJ art, your trip to Beamish, and your tea and rarebits with us for T this Tuesday.

  2. I forgot to mention that when I have to schedule a post, I always add the date and time before I do anything else. That way if I suddenly hit a key that publishes, it will publish for the scheduled day, not immediately. Then I can go back and put it in my draft folder.

  3. Beautiful page for AJJ!! Always a treat for me to see a farm so thank you for sharing your visit along with the wonderful café lunch. Happy T day!

  4. Fun Journal page Yvonne, beautiful layers.
    I enjoyed your Beamish photos, this is something new to me :)

  5. Lovely post Yvonne, the journal page is gorgeous, and the place you visited looks lovely, as does the food and drink. Haven't seen a rarebit in a loooooong time! I Haven't had any problems with scheduling lately, sorry, don't know what's up there. Have a happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Happy T Day Yvonne

    Not had problems with scheduled posts yet and I have loads ready so I will keep my fingers crossed

    Love the beautiful page and I have never tried wax crayons so must give those a go.

    Always love to see your Beamish photographs and would definitely like to go there again sometime

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. FANTASTIC Yvonne, love the gorgeous colours on this fab page. Your photos are just so interesting.xx

  8. Now the post is really online for me... blogger sometimes is strange - I know that from personal experience!
    An amazing page - as I read about blending the wax crayons with water I wanted to ask you if you ever have tried to blend wax crayons with an old cloth saturated with kitchenoil?! That blends so so well... even with a moist babywipe it works quite well - in case there is a kind of oilbased moisture in the wipes.
    I have to do this kind of background again soon, you inspired me!
    Thank you for this wonderful charming page for AJJ and thank you so much for the Beamish photos!
    This ia a wonderful place, I really would love to visit such an old farm!!!
    Happy T-Day dear Yvonne!
    oxo Susi

  9. You really make me smile, your piece is wonderful and I enjoyed reading how you created it too, I think coloured fingers is a fashion statement for crafter's too ... lol 😀. Beamish looks such an amazing place, there is so much to see and I loved visiting 1940s farm. It's so nice to have sunny weather too, isn't it! Although it's changed here, we have rain this week which is much needed for the garden 😊. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  10. What a fun Elegant and Grunge journal page, Yvonne. I giggled at the weird images you combined to suit the text.

    More fun and interesting photos of the Beamish farm. The bit about rationing is a great way to teach children a bit about what it must have been like. I was just a baby, but my mom saved and passed on to us kids the leftover ration tickets issued for us. I only learned recently that rationing continued after the war.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  11. Love your journal page - beautiful lashes on your lady and the giraffe! It is so good to see around Beamish - one day we will get there! Welsh rarebit - yes please! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  12. What c oil place Beamish is. I love the farm. It must have been a hard life. But still better than some lives with all the fresh air and outside time. I would take that over the mines or a factory any day I think. 😀Gorgeous piece for AJJ too. Hoping today might be the day I get back in to play a little. Happy t day. Hugs erika

  13. thanks for taking us to the beamish farm! wonderful ajj page, also!
    happy t-day!

  14. Such a pretty grungy ArtJournal page Yvonne... love the colors especially.. Thank you for taking me to the farm with you.. such a sweet baby lamb.. Happy Tday hugs! deb

  15. This art journal page is Gorgeous Yvonne !! Love these bright colours!! just amazing !! This farm may be fabulous!! Love your cards, atcs and tag too, from before publications.. All your creations are wonderful! I wish you a very nice evening. Big hugs.

  16. ooo, what a great site! I'd enjoy the history and scenery there for sure. Happy T Tuesday

  17. Beautiful art you've created! and an interesting visit to a charming all the photos! the cheese toast looks quite scrumptious...happy T day!

  18. Great post and photos. That's a beautiful and grungy page - thank you Yvonne. The quotes made me smile.
    Re the crayon problem - silly question - but did you gesso page first? or could it be that some colours/pigments just react differently.
    I've not had that scheduling problem as my posts with dates are still in drafts in case I want to add/alter things at last minute - however I've noticed the number of posts showing in the drafts is one less than there really is and I can't see the missing one until I go to 'all posts'. Fingers crossed that it doesn't happen for you again.
    Have a great day.. Gill xx

  19. Great Pages very nice !
    Beautiful foto's .
    Hugs Doris
