

Monday 10 April 2017

Take a moment and share a cuppa

Hello everyone who calls in to see me today.
My journal page is going off to
where the current theme is... Magical Mystery Tour.

Its a hybrid page, with a water coloured background,  the scenery in the foreground is a table napkin. The rest of the images  are digital [information is in my side bar.]
My mystery tour today has taken me back in time , especially at this time of year, with new lambs to be seen and the new wild flowers blooming in the hedgerows. But as its Easter time. I remember most of all looking for eggs in my grandparents garden,
they were mainly painted  hard boiled eggs, but maybe if we were lucky it would be a chocolate one.

Now I will say hello to friends from

 who have called in  to share a cuppa, everyone is welcomed
 and made to feel at home and share a drinks related post.
I am adding a message for Elizabeth here,
I have only been able to leave you a message  once in the past days and that was a struggle,
Your posts are inspirational and its great to see your wonderful recycling ideas.

Signs of spring in the garden today  and at last some flowers to be seen under the trees beside the fence.

We even got some new pansy plants  into the containers near the house. It was good to see  some colour and not just  brown soil.

Today's cuppa goes along side a very tasty hot cross bun. 
Notice my napkin tucked under the plate... Yep its the same as the  one I used for my journal page at the top of the post.

The mug just had to go in my basket  when I was shopping for groceries this week. I  had walked past it a couple of times on past shopping trips,   the will power to say don't pick one up...  didn't happen this time

Happy T Day everyone and thank you for stopping by.


  1. Your AJJ entry is incredible. Although I like the flowers, I REALLY like the various bunnies and lamb. It is adorable.

    I'm not sure I could resist that awesome mug, either, Yvonne. It is wonderful and fits in great with Easter. The bun looks pretty tasty, too.

    I'm SO, SO sorry you can't leave comments on my blog. I got to yours from Valerie's, so that's why I'm here already. Thanks for your wonderful comments about my recycling posts, and thanks for sharing your AJJ page with us, as well as your tea and hot cross bun for T this Tuesday. I hope you can use the link so others know where you are.

  2. Beautiful page, it really reminds me of Easter and springtime - I love it! How wonderful to go on a egg hunt in your grandparents garden, it must have been so much fun :-) . Your hot cross bun looks yummy and your new mug is perfect, I wouldn't have been able to resist it either! Happy T Day! J :-)
    p.s. I can't access any links or leave my page link on T Stands for Tuesday, did you have problems too? I'll just keep trying. x

  3. What a fabulous page! I too have those napkins but so far have resisted the mug - maybe not for much longer though….you can never have too many mugs in my opinion! We have also been enjoying a hot cross bun with our afternoon coffee lately! Your garden is certainly showing some good signs of Spring! Happy T Day (and Happy Easter too - we are away with grandchildren later this week!), hugs, Chrisx

  4. A delightful and magical hybrid page Yvonne! And oh, I could not have resisted that darling mug either:) Happy T day!

  5. Fabulous memories Yvonne and a delightful page to go with them

  6. Lovely journal page, so pretty, and glad you were able to recycle your napkin! The pansies look great, we need colour. The hot cross bun makes m mouth water, can't get them here! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. awesome hybrid page - and this Cup is just perfect for the season! happy t-day!

  8. what a wonderful magical page for Easter I love the rabbit and the little girl

  9. An amazing journal page and it made me feel happy just dancing along in the countryside.

    Nothing nicer than a scone and a drink of your choice.

    Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Beautiful post, yummy food and a happy page.xx ♥[aNNie]

  11. Gorgeous your magical magazine, what I see it feels so great at and the cup with the Easter motifs so pretty.
    Nice day

  12. LINKS ARE FIXED, thanks to my friend Scott.

  13. This is such a fun and playful page. I would never have guessed that was a napkin until you pointed it out with your T. It works perfect for your page, which made me smile this morning. Yup, spring is coming here too and it is a good thing. I hope all is well and happy happy T day Yvonne. Hugs-Erika

  14. Your page is just adorable! I'm amazed at the wonderful napkins you use, I haven't seen anything here even close to them. Love your sweet mug too, I don't think I would be able to pass it up either!

  15. What a lovely journal page Yvonne! Spring is definitely in the air. Everything is turning so green around here...The Dogwood trees are blooming and the Daffodils are just getting past their bloom... The days are in the 70's almost 80 and the nights in the 50's... a gorgeous time soon to dissolve into a hot summer... Big T day hugs! deb

  16. Glad you treated yourself to that cute cup and those pretty napkins which certainly came in handy for your lovely art piece too!
    The girl with the bonnet is such a sweet image in your fun scene Yvonne.
    The parade of blooms certainly IS most welcome again.
    Happy T Day to you oxo

  17. Your journal page is so sweet and your new cup and napkins match it perfectly. The flowers in your garden are so pretty. I especially like the lone blue flower surrounded by the white ones. Have a happy T Day

  18. An amazing page Yvonne and your flowers and the new cup are just beautiful! Isay Thank you once again! You make the most charming pages always for Art-Journal-Journey! Happy T-Day! oxo Susi who would love to taste the scone!

  19. such a sweet journal evokes walks in the meadow with all the peaceful sights and smells! yummy looking bun too...happy to join you for a cuppa! happy T day!

  20. It's a wonder-full page, Yvonne. I love the bunnies you digitized. That's a darling mug. I haven't had a hot cross bun for many years. It looks delicious!

    Happy T-day and Happy Easter! Hugs, Eileen

  21. What a sweet, Eastery page. Your treats look yummy - I have to remember to eat before I check out all these posts. :)

  22. Love the page and the mug is so cute. I find mugs are so hard to resist, and baby lambs are my absolute favorite animal..Happy t day:)

  23. Hello, Oh I love your journal page. and I love pansies too they always make me smile-I need to get me some. I gree that is a really cute mug-enjoy
    Happy T Day

  24. What an adorable scene you created Yvonne. The mug and napkin make a lovely set!
    Mar xx

  25. It looks a lot like Spring on your blog. The journal page made me smile. I like the mug a lot and can understand how you couldn't resist one more time. :-)

  26. Your bright, positive, happy, spring page is delightful. No, I admit I hadn't noticed the napkin. Very clever!
    I'm not sure I would have been able to resist that mug either. It's so cute.
    Belated happy T-Day,

  27. A wonderful spring page with lovely images. The hot cross bun looks yummy - I've just had a couple for breakfast.
    xxx Hazel.
