

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Sausage sandwiches and a trip back in time.

Hello everyone who calls in  to see me today.
Its T Stands for Tuesdays over at
where we are all made very welcome with a drinks related post.

I am sharing more photos with you from one of our recent  trips to Beamish,
to be exact this Co-Operative society store.

I do have memories of this type of store,  they sold
absolutely everything, food,  knicker elastic. shoes, hammers. pans   etc.....
 you name it they sold it.
It was a days outing as we didn't live close to a large store 
If  we were lucky  we were taken to the Cafe.
 which is  situated on the top floor in this particular store , 
 for an  ice cream,  while Gran had a cup of tea and a natter to her friends.
Thinking back I do wonder  how her friends  always managed to  be there at the same time,
as we didn't have a car back then,  we would walk part of the way to  a  bus stop, but always a bus ride on the way back , because the shopping was to heavy to carry all the way home.

Here are some of the photos I took inside the store.....

The counter selling pots and pans to name a few items... in the  Hardware part of the store

A photo of the grocery counter, close to the cooking pots

Wash tubs and bath tubs.

Dressmaking and clothing in the Drapery Department

There was something to see in every nook and cranny.
So after the shopping we just had to go up the stairs to the Cafe/Tea room

The entrance  to the cafe, self service and plenty of choice

Plastic table cloths, were on many tables.
The food served was what you would call old fashioned, but that was part of the charm.
The photo here was of the cold sandwich section,
no one we saw went there.
I didn't get a photo of the hot meal section, the queue was to  long and the delicious smells were making us hungry.

Now we could have had a a simple sandwich or a large  pie and two vegetable dinner, but we opted to go back   in time and have a sausage and onion gravy sandwich.  Not much to look at,  but I had to take a couple of bites before I took the photo to tell you it tasted delicious and brought many childhood memories flooding back.

This poster was on the wall behind my seat.
 which was an old church pew.

Thank you for calling in today
and I hope you have a Happy T Day.


  1. Happy T Day Yvonne.

    Always great to see the wonders of Beamish and relive things from the past. I recall shops that sold everything when I was young but they just the front room of someones house and the over riding smell was firelighters and wood as they sold bundles of sticks for the fire. How things have changed so quickly you would think I was over 100 years old but rules have been made to stop this sort of mix of good being sold together.

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Would love to see something like this, it looks so inviting..xx ♥[aNNie]

  3. What a fun outing. That store looks really cool and reminds me of the one we visited in Vermont, but this one is much more organized. And your lunch looks delicious. I can image the smells here this morning. :) I love interesting places like that, and really enjoyed your post today. Happy T day-hugs-Erika

  4. An amazing place this Beamish! Thank you so much for taking us with you ! Fantastic impressions!
    Happy T-Day dear Yvonne!
    oxo Susi

  5. Knicker elastic? Say it in your best British accent, because I, the silly American find it SO funny. Not sure I've seen a store quite like that, but I would love to travel back in time to visit this one in its heyday.

    Gosh that's a unique looking bowl and pitcher. Amazing that I have one of those wash thingies (technical term for not being awake yet) that scrubs your laundry. I would LOVE to have one of those hat boxes.

    Were those scones or biscuits on the table? It looked so yummy. I've never heard of sausage and onions in gravy, but it looks decadent. I really like the tiny tea pot made just for one.

    Thanks for taking us back to Beamish and the Cooperative for a look at the past and to enjoy tea and sandwiches with you for T this Tuesday.

    1. It was scones piled on the plates and under the glass covers were simple homely sponge cakes with a jam filling , also slices, I think you call them tray bakes in the USA.
      Yvonne xx

  6. i would love to go there... yes, memories of ancient times (am i that old *g*?)
    happy t-day!!

  7. such a charming place Yvonne-I could lose myself in that Cooperative store for hours on end! Nice to have such a place that brings back such fond memories and is still going strong. Love the poster too. Happy T day!

  8. What a wonderful and special visit made extra nice in that it brought back so many fond memories.
    You are lovely to share this with us Yvonne.
    Those metal wash tubs are winking at me.
    Not sure why I like them so much.
    Perfect poster too.
    Happy T Day oxo

  9. Isn't it nice to visit childhood memories Yvonne.... taste and smells can do that... Thank you for sharing your trip with us.. I love it when my T people take me on trips with them :) I can think of a few meals that would bring up childhood memories. My mom was a great cook.. not that i take after I don't have her patience for cooking.. Happy T day hugs! deb

  10. That sandwich looks yummy, and was one of the treats of my youth! Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of your outing. Happy T Day! Hugs, Valerie

  11. I love the way the coop looks, fun, cozy and inviting. Avoca(one of my favorite places) may modeled themselves on Annfield Plain Industrial and Coop!

  12. Thank you for sharing the Beamish photos. Such nostalgia. I am 66 yrs old but because our city (Rotterdam) was bombed during the war, I don't have memories of old stores like that because they were all destroyed. I bet it was a fab outing in those days to go shopping with grandma and even have tea afterwords. What a treat that must have been.
    Happy T-Day,

  13. I remember the Co-op when they sold everything too, I loved looking round this old store. It must have been so much fun visiting Beamish - thanks for sharing your happy memories! That sausage and onion gravy sandwich looks very tasty, yum :-) . Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

  14. A store with everything! And an on-site cafe. It'd definitely be worth a trip, and you had the added joy of fond memories :) Happy T Tuesday!

  15. I am loving the visits to Beamish! I remember the aroma in the Co-Op as you went through the different departments - no 'Air- con' in those days!!! Your sausage sandwich looks delicious! Hugs, Chrisx

  16. What a delightful trip back in time. I love old-looking places like this that are still in operation. They do bring back memories. Thanks for taking us along.

    Happy T-day, Yvonne! Hugs, Eileen

  17. This place is so interesting and great! Thank you for taking me I was very happy!
    Nice week

  18. Wow, what a wonderful little spot! I imagine I would just love these types of stores. The vintage rustic feel appeals to me so much. These Walmart types of places are so impersonal and clinical. I believe I was born in the wrong generation Yvonne. I'd give up a lot of this technology for just a little peace and quiet in the world. lol. have a great day! hugs :)

  19. I can remember a store like that in Kentucky. My family was from there and we would visit the grandparents and other relatives every summer. The penny candy section was always my favorite. :) Thanks for sharing !!! Thanks also for visiting my blog ♥
