

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Etal and Ford in the Springtime

Hello  everyone  from
  Bleubeard and Elizabeths
and friends who visit me here, you are all very welcome.

I did get my photographs sorted through from the Easter weekend, there were about 80.
Don't worry,
 I won't be sharing that many, however I have collaged a few to give you an idea of the lovely countryside we have here in Northumberland..

The next village was Ford

The long walk took us to the church and Ford Castle.
Pretty houses and inset figure  and his friends were guarding the tea rooms.
Which weren't open when we passed by.

This old church was lovely and had a fantastic view of the countryside from the church yard.

In case you wonder about the boat, and no water to be seen,  so did we. I think it may have been for sale as this was the car parking place for the antiques shop, which was just down the lane. .

Here is a link to the Website of the estates,
if you would like more information on the area and the history.

Now for a welcome cuppa

And a messy inky session.....

The latest tea mug came with the cute little sheep soft toy as an alternative to a Chocolate egg.
I am happy to give this one a home.

This is the page I had a good time making.
Inky and stencils for the background.
This sweet lamb  is a napkin, which came with my prize a few weeks ago from Valerie.
Finished off with a few computer additions, butterflies, music and words.
Phew......... that's it for today.
Happy T day everyone.

I will visit as soon as I can, internet willing.


  1. You are so lucky living in such beautifu surroundings! Great photo collages! Fab spread too, love the subtle textures!

  2. I was really impressed with the Etal Castle ruins. So good to see they are still there sharing their history of the area. And Ford Church is beautiful, with the lovely stained glass and statues. It's so very different from the ruins, yet shows how they may have been built not too far apart. Beautiful scenery and countryside, as well as lovely ruins and Church.

    I simply adore your little lamb mug. I would have taken the cute lamb instead of a chocolate egg, too. It's adorable, as is your journal entry.

    Thanks for sharing your photos of Ford and Etal, as well as your art and adorable mug with us for T this Tuesday.

  3. Wonderful castle and an adorable mug and journal page Yvonne - An amazing post - thank you for sharing that beautiful things with us!

    oxo Susi

  4. Your little lamb mug is adorable.You made a great page to match too. I don' live in sheep country but a field with lots of little playful lambs is a nice scene. Speaking of scenes, it looks like you saw some wonderful things over your Easter weekend journey. Loving that old castle. I think I mentioned how I love seeing ruins. They are really foreign to me here in New England as we don't have old castles. A few new ones that some people build. Happy T day Yvonne. Hugs-Erika

  5. Great post withwonderfuldesignwith photographs and it even looks like a sunny day as well. Never been there so must add it to my list..

    Love the page and the sweet lamb image

    Chrissie xx

  6. Wonderful post, That castle looks wonderful. Great journal page, too, glad you could use the napkin. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. I noticed you hadn't linked, so I'm linking you to T.

  8. It looks like you had the most amazing Easter weekend discovering Northumberland! The stone work and architecture are beautiful, I really enjoyed seeing your photos and reading the commentary - thanks for taking me with you! :-) Your mug and little lamb are adorable and you created such a magical spring page, I love the stencils you used to create the background and your lamb is so sweet. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  9. I really enjoyed all the photos and would love to be able to visit a castle That would be neat for sure. I am going to check out your link next.
    I also Loved the mug and the art but the sheep are one of my favorites.
    Happy T Day Kathy

  10. Some day maybe we'll make it to Europe and explore some castles. They fascinate me. Thanks for the tour.
    Great page as well!
    Happy T day!

  11. Wow! What lovely castle and beautiful church and setting. Thank you for sharing those photos. I have been to Northumbria twice and really loved it.
    Your mug with frolicking lamb is so cute, and really a sign of spring. I love your 'lamby' page. I love the quote too: Spring is the music of open windows.
    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog page. Members of other photoclubs were visiting us, so the photos you see on my blog pòst, are taken in the village where I live. There will be more on Friday.
    Happy T-Day,

  12. So pretty Yvonne!! Ahhh i miss the 'castle hopping ' we used to do when stationed in Germany in the early 90's ... We used to go almost every weekend.. lovely photos!! And the journal page is beautiful too.. love the lamb. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  13. Thanks for sharing the fascinating photos, Yvonne. I've never been to a castle anywhere! I especially like the current photo next to the "how it might have been then." Lovely "sweet spring" hybrid page.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  14. I love the armchair tours. The castles and countryside are so beautiful. Your teacup and stuffed lambie are so cute. What a pretty Spring page you created. I though the lamb was a painting. That must have been some napkin. Happy T Day

  15. I so love seeing the castles, although I suspect they must have been cold and drafty to live in originally! Love your little lamb mug, and your adorable inky lamb page! happy T day!

  16. i´m always surprised of all the british Castles and churches. love this architecture so much. and your "sweet spring" page is lovely... we have "lovely" snow this morning;)
    happy belated t-day, Yvonne!!

  17. Such an adorable page and mug. Love the photos you shared, would enjoy a visit there.

  18. Oh I just love that lamb Yvonne! We haven't had any in the field at the back of us this year,really missed watching their playtimes. Your photos made me quite sad that we can't travel much anymore, we spent a lot of holidays in glorious Northumberland and visited Ford and Etal several times, the last time with both my sisters over from California.


  19. Beautiful castle and grounds. The mug and your page are so cute. Belated
    Happy T day

  20. Virtual travel is almost as good as the real thing :) Thx for the beautiful trip!

  21. What a wonderful area - need to visit Northumberland again I think! I love your journal page! Chrisx

  22. Wow Yvonne, I sure chose a great post to drop in on today!! So many wonderful photos, what a fantastic place to visit. I just love these old buildings and structures. You don't find much of that sort of culture around these parts. Canadians prefer to demolish old buildings to make room for condos! doh! I just love your journal page. How sweet is that face!! I love the ivy texture and the addition of the butterflies. What a wonderful springtime page!! hugs to you :)
