

Thursday 13 April 2017

April Showers

This week the theme for the Three Muses Challenge is
April Showers.

Another hybrid page, on the left is my page before it had digital additions.
A splashed and sprayed base,  random stamping of some rather large rain drops and Mr Umbrella man  sheltering some pretty spring flowers with his umbrella.

I will go over and join in at Art Journal Journey as well where this months theme is ...
.A Magical Mystery Tour.

We should never let a bit of rain stop us from going out.  My mystery trip would be to see  the effects of rain.  especially in the evenings,. The  surface water lying  on the ground and in puddles seems to glow, shimmer and perhaps sparkle as the light catches it,  from the street lamps or cars. or even the moonlight when you live in the countryside.

On the right is the digital page I made last night, again the rain drop look huge, I have't fathomed out how to get a smaller light shower effect as yet. I will keep trying. 

Thank you for calling in to see me , you are most welcome and your comments are always appreciated.


  1. Fabulous and interesting page..
    Have a happy Easter I will catch up with you later as will be away..

  2. Oh my, what wonderful pages to celebrate our rain! The background your created with the big rain drop stamping is beautiful and I love your little girl with her blue umbrella :-) . I think I will enjoy the rain more now because I will think of your pages and that will make me smile! Happy Thursday and wishing you a lovely Easter weekend! J :-)

  3. I love this TH man with the umbrella image, and I like how you used it on your page. Yup, got to cover those fragile petals on those flowers, especially if you are like me and have been waiting for them to come for so long.:) Hope its a fantastic day. Hugs-Erika

  4. Both is fantastic Yvonne and fits me perfect today, as my daughter an I made an extensive walk in the rain with the dogs - and we all survived the rain and feel good now!
    Happy Thursday for you! Thank you so much for all the fantastic pages you always link to AJJ!
    You rock again!
    oxo Susi

  5. Fun pages for those rainy days, love the quotes on both of them. I don't mind being out in the rain, only if it's warm though!

  6. Beautiful pages, both of them. No rain here, but it's got very chilly. I'm happy we've got a long weekend, I need the break! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Both delightful pages Yvonne and a great message for all as well. It is dry here but so cold so I guess we have to glad when it rains as it is usually a bit warmer

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. I loved your quote. Funny, it reminded me of one of my poems I submitted to a poetry challenge this week:
    When I was young and sparkly
    I had a lot of sizzle
    Now that I’ve grown older
    My sizzle is a fizzle

    I start my day all perky
    My expectations are great
    But drizzles seem to beset me
    And my perk seems to abate.

  9. Fabulous, yeautiful this page .. yes,the rain has what wonderful ...
    Have a nice Easter!
    Greetings Elke

  10. Beautifully done! I love the colour pops!

  11. Beautiful pages Yvonne, you've taken me on a journey down Memory Lane, when I was a child I lived in Manchester and we had a lot of rain, I loved going out in it with my welly's on splashing in the puddles and some of the raindrops looked huge to me.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Beautiful pages Yvonne and two great quotes.
    Have a lovely Easter
    Avril x

  13. What fun and wonderful work! Love it!

  14. Love your rainy page both with and without the street scene - fab use of the new Umbrella Man! And the little girl is delightful.
    Alison x

  15. It may be raining but both of these are wonderful - great raindrop effect! Chrisx
