

Tuesday 28 March 2017


I am Out and About today for AJJ
 as well as visiting friends  for T day at 

Where we are all made very welcome and share a tea related post.
So I will start by sharing a cuppa.
Always to hand when I am in the craft room.
this is how the journal page began, with some colouring in.

I also wanted to use the photo of the fungi we found quite unexpectedly growing on a  wall/stepped area in the garden
  after a frosty start to the day. 

Another clump of them,
perhaps they grew and were protected because we hadn't cleared all the leaves in this area.
Also the amount of rain before the frost, we had could have helped as well . I don't have an answer, but we've never had them in the garden before.

On the left is some photos of the stages in creating the digital version.
It  can be just as much fun creating pages 
 as hands on creating.
Its not a quick process and can take  just as long as the creative way.  It does have a few  bonus points ....
 Clean hands, and less mess for a start.
Would I take this step completely, 
nothing can beat inky . messy fingers and  the clutter and  the creative fun of making something in the real. not virtual world.
The page is for
where there are only a few days left to join in.
Thank you to my T day friends who have also joined  the Out and About fun at AJJ this month and enjoyed the theme.

Happy T Day everyone.


  1. I'll have a cuppa with you and we can color together. Another super piece and I really enjoyed seeing your process. Happy T day Yvonne. Hugs-erika

  2. Just had my cuppa while looking over this delightful page.xx ♥[aNNie]

  3. Wonderful journal page, and good that your tea always keeps you company. Have a great day, Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. The page is amazing Yvonne and just the sort of place I would love to find along life's way.

    Have a very Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. I drink tea just now and enjoy your wonderful page for AJJ - You are amazing Yvonne!
    Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  6. I love this page and seeing the process too! I very rarely take drinks into my craft room - I know I would forget to drink them!!! Happy T Day! Chrisx

    1. I couldn't do without a drink close by Chris. Even though it often is cold when I get round to drinking it.
      Yvonne xx

  7. Cute coloring page, I like the added photo of the mushrooms you found. I forgot to say Happy Mother's Day to you the other day...hope you had a pampered day!

  8. it´s a nice way to create a "hybrid" page. isn´t it great which numerous possibilities we have?
    wishing you a happy t-day and a great week!

  9. What a lovely hybrid piece! And thanks for showing the process. Very interesting.
    Happy T-Day

  10. such a lovely page Yvonne. Thank you for sharing your process. I have only dabbled with digital play like this a few times and have many wonderful images specifically for layering etc. but just am not so into it. You really create the most beautiful projects. Super job hosting for AJJ this month! And happy T day too!

  11. Oh I loved seeing how your page was created-loved the process-beautiful!
    Happy T Day Kathy

  12. I so enjoyed watching this process come together. Like Chris, I seldom take my coffee in the craft room, but when I do, it's in my covered mug. I've learned it's safer when my mug is covered, in case I would accidentally dip my brush in it instead of dirty water. Your woodlands entry is wonderful, and the mushrooms and bird really put the icing on the cake.

    Thanks for sharing this beauty, as well as your tea with us for T this Tuesday.

  13. Your woodlands creations is really wonderful.
    I admire digital artists very much for their skill and patience.
    Fun to see your layers and of course the finished piece.
    Mushrooms always speak to me with their beauty and variety.
    Happy T Day dear Yvonne oxo

  14. I love finding mushrooms and toadstools. That red color is a treat :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  15. Lovely page, thanks for showing the digital process and layering you used to create it - amazing! There seems to have been more fungi around this spring, we have even seen some growing on the beach near the sand dunes :-) . I always take a drink with me to enjoy whilst I'm crafting - Happy T Day! J :-)

  16. Your mysterious, mushroomy forest is so beautiful and evocative of it! happy T day!

  17. Love the view into your crafty world MeggyMay.... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  18. Love your journal page ♥ It's always nice when mushrooms show up in unexpected places ♥

  19. You'll probably see mushrooms for many springs to come. I believe that once the spores have reached an area, they continue to propogate. I've always been delighted by their surprise appearances too. Wish I knew which ones were safe to eat.

    Love your spring journal page. Thanks for sharing the steps. I do some digital art too and have wondered how you create your pages.

    Belated happy T-day, Yvonne! Hugs, Eileen
