

Friday 10 March 2017

Destinations and Hats

A strange combination for the title for  this post but way back in time,
 folk would never be seen out in public places  without a hat.

First you have to have a destination.........

I'm heading  .....Out and About ...... today for

and taking a trip in a  Flying Machine.

First of all I have an admission to make, I have never been on a plane since I was in my teens. This is because of a very frightening flight, on an old rust bucket of a plane that should never have been allowed off the ground ,  in extreme weather conditions  and I vowed back then,
 never to get on a plane  again.
Ferry Boats and other modes of transport, not a problem.

So for fun today I have stepped outside and instead of walking , I will try to be positive and brave and take a trip in the flying machine. I have told the driver he isn't to go more than  two feet off the ground and to be sure its a smooth ride. On reflection he looks like   he is propping himself up and it  may not be a wise choice. Notice the hat..... if I had time I would be asking to see his qualifications. he doesn't look very professional to me...... but as this is all in my head....
I am off out and about, the easy way.......on foot.

The page in my journal was spray painted and splashed. The machine and words are Sheena  stamps.


Now for a Tag all about hats.......

The folk over at
  Tag Tuesday

have the theme of
Hats and Headgear for their third challenge.

I wonder how this modern Miss in my tag, who loves collecting  and wearing hats,
 would like to use the flying machine.
I think not,
 how could she safely transport her hat collection in that machine.

Thank you for calling in today, you are very welcome here..

For digital notes, please see my sidebar.
The tag was all made in the digital program.



  1. Two wonderful projects love the one of the hats Yvonne, great colours and your fabulous destination page is very adventurous... have a lovely weekend.x ♥[aNNie]

  2. Two fabulous pieces today Yvonne. I think your flight would have scared me off of flying too. I get it. But I am loving the balloon. It has a bit of steampunk feel, but plenty of fun too. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  3. Oh I really love LOVE your page Yvonne - brilliant idea and beautifully created.
    (aren't those dies and stamps of Sheenas fabulous!)
    Yes - I would keep an eye on that chap - he looks a little shifty to me - hope he hasn't a gin bottle
    hiding in his coat... or under his hat :)
    Love your tag too - lovely colours. I envy anyone that can carry off wearing a hat - I can't.
    Have a wonderful weekend... Gill xx

  4. A wonderful page with another great story. The first plane I ever went on was in. Dakota and only to Jersey but we bounced around in air pockets all the way back home. I have been in lots of planes since but would rather be on a train

    The tag is stunning with such rich colours and images. I with we all wore hats now

    Thank you for your support at Tag Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. I wouldn't go two feet off the ground in that flying machine either!! Fun page and story. Love the hats tag, I am a collector of them myself :)

  6. Wonderful journal page, and love the tag for TT, thanks so much for joining us. I once went up in a balloon and was so scared I nearly wet my pants, but the views were so fantastic once I stopped being scared! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Wonderfully creative! Great story, too!

  8. Wonderful page and tag Yvonne !! inviting us to fly and enjoy the views. Great both ! I wish you a very happy weekend, hugs. Caty.

  9. Oh Yvonne, I do love your stories, what a wonderful imagination you have! ( and goes without saying I love your pieces of art too)


  10. The sides are beautiful with the flight and with the hat, the day is fantastic. I love the artworks of you!
    Have a nice Weekend

  11. Hello Yvonne,
    Wouw Gorgeous page lovely stamps and colors i love this !
    Lovely tag Love this colors .
    Have a nice weekend
    Greetings Doris

  12. Two great projects Yvonne, I love the flying machine image but I'm not sure I would want to travel in it. The colours in the hat tag are gorgeous, my Mum never went out of the house without a hat on.
    Jean x

  13. I love your page Yvonne! I think you will just have to hope that the driver is having a break before putting on his posh uniform! I adore your hat tag - what a great collection she's got! Have a great weekend! Chrisx

  14. Great art journal pages. I love your take on up and about.Thanks for visiting my blog and for the thoughtful comments.

  15. Oh wow.. what a fab page and tag Yvonne, your imagination is wonderful! Your ideas are just fantastic!
    Happy start of the weekend for you!
    oxo Susi

  16. Love the journal page and I don't think I would like to ride in that flying machine with that 'gent' either.
    Love the hat tag, love the purple and I think your girl does too.
    Avril xx

  17. A great page with a fabulous design, and I also love the beautiful tag, the colours and hats images are super!
    Have a lovely weekend, Yvonne!
    Mar xx

  18. Both entries are adorable, Yvonne. I like the story about the airplane ride in your teens and can relate to some rather scary air rides myself over the years. Wish I'd had that airship, though.

    Your girl in the tag has the hots for hats. Seems she has all kinds. I imagine she has a thing for purple shades.

  19. Both great pieces Yvonne, love the hot air balloon and the cheeky chappie and the vibrant purples in the hat tag. Have a great weekend xxx

  20. Love both things you have made. wish you luck!
    You have used beautiful Colors together!

  21. Gorgeous digital tag Yvonne, I have just looked through your digi blog, fantastic work. I just can't get the hang of it.

  22. So beautiful , your work has really some personality, I love the colours and the image!!
    Have fun!!

  23. What a fun post. I think I would ask him as well. Fabulous page and beautiful tag. Love the colour combo on your tag.
    Hugs Flo x

  24. What beautiful artwork - I love it all!! Glad you joined us at Tag Tuesday!

  25. so pretty! and i love purple! thanks for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  26. Great tag - there ought to be a group called "Purple Hatters" too. Very clever.

  27. I love purple! Thanks for sharing your beautiful tag at Tag Tuesday! ~ Karen
