

Monday 6 February 2017

Sharing the love........

A  warm welcome to friends who call in to see me today
and thank you all for the kind messages you left on my last post.

I am starting off with another  tag I had  made  for the current challenge theme over at
It had a well painted and inked base and I used a favourite stamp on the heart shape.

I've also  been catching with things in Blogland....

This involved a few cups of Tea, so I can call in to see  the T gang,
 everyone is made very welcome by...... 
where it 's  T day.

Today  we had some sunshine  and look at one of the patches of  beautiful snowdrops,
 flowering under  the trees.
A sign of spring in our  garden

Then to blow the cobwebs away  we headed to the coast and a walk 
 where the river reaches the North Sea. 

Not many folk around today.

The fishing boats were all out .

Everywhere seemed to be calm and peaceful.
I wish we could say that more often,
it would make our lives and the world we live in a  much happier place to be.

Thank you for calling in today, you are very welcome  and Happy T day to you all.


  1. Love your tag! It's good to see the snowdrops - we saw our first yesterday in a garden we passed! Great to have some sunshine too! Calm and peace sounds good to me! Chrisx

  2. Lovely tag Yvonne. We've just got our first few snowdrops out in the garden, always cheers me up. Envy you your lovely walk on the coast, haven't been to the coast fir nearly two years and I so miss going.


  3. Lovely tag.....I love tags....You can use a tag for more than one purpose. My friends love to have one with a present or with a bunch of flowers....It's lovely as a card too....
    I love the pictures....nice to see the snowdrops...the first sign of spring. Coming week is going to be a bit frosty again in Holland....with sunshine so it's going to be nice winter weather.
    XXX Plony

  4. such a pretty tag. I think there is nothing like walking along a waterway. And snowdrops? Perhaps I should begin looking around my parts-although that's awfully optimistic. Happy T day!

  5. That is a gorgeous tag Yvonne, and I am jealous. You have flowers blooming. We have about 8 inches of frozen snow-it has melted so much and refrozen. Its too slippery to even walk outside. I think a couple of mugs of tea is perfect to stay warm or catch u on the internet. :) Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  6. Peace and calm and so much beauty Yvonne.
    My heart went pitter pat when I saw your snowdrops!
    We are not as far advanced as that quite yet here in Virginia.
    Really lovely tag you created.
    Happy T Day to you oxo

  7. I am in awe of your beautiful tag. I really MUST get something made for TioT before the challenge ends.

    Snowdrops? I had NO idea that is what those are called. They are beautiful, though. At first I thought they were Lily of the Valley, then realized they didn't have the bell shaped flowers. They are gorgeous, though.

    Thanks for taking us to the sea, too. I'm always impressed when I see water, even if it looks cold. And thanks, too for sharing your tag, your snowdrops, and your tea with us for T this Tuesday.

  8. A beautiful tag Yvonne and nice to have lots of tea while you craft.

    Looks like a beautiful place by the sea for a walk and it is so good to find somewhere peaceful

    Happy at day

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. A gorgeous richly coloured tag. Love your coastal photos, everything does indeed look serene and calm xxx

  10. Wonderful tag, so pretty. Perhaps you can make one for our new challenge at Tag Tuesday? The photos are lovely, so good to see the sea, that's something I miss here. Happy T Day, take care of yourself, hugs, Valerie

  11. Magical tag Yvonne and spectacular pics..xx{aNNie}

  12. Gorgeous tag Yvonne and lovely photos. Snowdrops just lift the spirit.
    Val x

  13. Your tag is so pretty and is very Vintage Romance-esk with those lovely images stamped on your heart-shape and the addition of the lace, ribbon and flowers! It's a joy to see your snowdrops, I noticed we have them flowering in our garden too. Your walk along the beach looks lovely with the bright sunshine, although I know what you mean about the wind blowing you along ... lol :-). The fishing boats are a lovely sight, thanks for sharing. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  14. Very pretty tag Yvonne, I love the fibers and flowers you added. Sweet flowers that are blooming there, we are not quite there yet here. Looks like you had a nice calm trip to the shore, it does look very peaceful.

  15. your snowdrops made me go out to the garden... but nothing in sight here.
    beautiful tag and peaceful photos at the shore.
    happy t-day!

  16. Snow drops! Spring is coming! Aren't they lovely!
    Thank you for sharing the photos of your walk. It is a beautiful place. Yes, peace is certainly not often felt these days.
    Happy T-Day,

  17. What a beautiful place to have peaceful walk.
    The early spring flowers are all starting to pop their heads from the ground, I love your snowdrops.
    Your tag is amazing!
    Happy T-Day

  18. A gorgeous tag Yvonne, love the image on the heart, looks very romantic. Lovely coastal pictures, it does look very quiet and calm.
    Avril xx

  19. Gorgeous tag, Yvonne! The first brave flowers to poke their heads up above the frosty ground are always a delight to see. Spring is on its way! Happy T Day! Hugs, Eileen

  20. Your tag is stunning. My parents used to have snowdrops in the garden, but were always buried under feet of snow. We're having rain, sleet, and ice, so your delicate snowdrops are a welcome sight. Happy T Day

  21. What a lovely, peaceful Spring view. A walk there must be delightful :) Happy T Tuesday!

  22. Love the tag!!!! You have excelled with this one :) Love the photos of your outing too.. I need to get out more often !

  23. Lovely tag... I really like the fishing boat photo.
    Happy T day!

  24. Lovely tag Yvonne. Great photos. TFS. The snowdrops are so pretty. I think the mice or something has eaten ours :(
    Hugs Flo x

  25. such a gorgeous tag! and love the peaceful photos too...the sea...and snowdrops! Is it Spring yet? happy Tea a bit late...♥
