

Tuesday 21 February 2017

A red Journal and a stop at the Tea Junction

Another hybrid  and you can say 'Messy' journal spread from me today.
As you know I often use my own base layers and complete them in my digital program

On the left is a group  of  photos.
You can see the original messy pages,. It is a kraft paper journal so I started out with a layer of white acrylic paint then inks stamps and torn papers in my hands on journal..

Now the digital  additions...
far left the  main image I wanted to use. the base background from above,  many layers of colour, digital splashes etc.

On the right with additional red colours.
so I can join in at
 Art Journal Journey again for the 50 Shades of Red theme

These pages proved to me that digital can also be 'messy' when creating  them
 and a very enjoyable way to pass a cool dull afternoon.
THe bonus of these stages is that, I did have clean hands.
I will add a quick reminder that the
Try it onTuesdays  current challenge theme is
 Lets Get Messy.

Now a big Hello to friends from 

where every Tuesday we are made very welcome if we have a Tea related post.

This was the tidiest part of my craft desk today.
I am managing to add an entry into my diary/ journal each day,
 its only a few words, but for me its progress.
Do you like my Tea sign, a gift with the mug  at Christmas.

On the subject of mess, The craft room is a shared space and here is a peek, at the other side of the room and  some of my husbands mess.
 He has a model railway in our loft,
 out of bounds to me.

He brings the trains down to  tinker with them if they aren't running smoothly.
He calls this area his repair/shunning yard.
There is always work in progress, new buildings this time. I have to shut my eyes to the dust, when they come downstairs,  but he does have some very useful tools lying around, that  come in quite useful for me as well.

Thank you all for calling in today, you are very welcome
and I hope you have a Happy T Day.


  1. Great hybrid pages Yvonne and love the journaling layers you are able to add to the pages. Also love your tea sign, looks amazing. What fun that you and hubby share a creative space together and you even get to 'borrow' his tools, how cool.
    Hugs Brenda sxx

  2. Love your messy, red page, really gorgeous. Thanks for the view of your craft room, looks tidier than mine. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Beautiful pages Yvonne with just the right amount of everything. I could imagine the one on the right as a curtain print and I would love that material in my bedroom.

    Great that you share your craft space with your husband and I love the sound of his hubby. We are trying to board our loft but it isn't high enough to stand up in so no chance of a railway up there.

    Happy T Day and congrats on winning Valerie's prize at Tag Tuesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Great 'messy' pages Yvonne and I love the bold colours. Love the tea sign, how fabulous.
    Avril xx

  5. wow,love your messy page,the colors just pop,and with the images looks so dreamy and romantic,love this so much.
    happy week.

    hugs jenny

  6. This lady fits your red - mess - wonder perfectly!
    And I can't see any mess in your work space - this are all just flying ideas!
    Your hubby is a model railway man ?! --
    also an addict I guess...

    So that is like paradise in your workspace you both have always something to do there!
    Happy T-Day and you made me happy with this beautiful hybrid entry for
    Linda's theme over at AJJ Yvonne!

  7. wow, that red really is energizing! perfect "messiness" with all those splatters, i love that look!
    happy t-day!

  8. What a cute sign and mug, love the give way to biscuits saying!! It's nice that you both have a shared hobby space, and that you can swipe his tools from time to time! Always enjoy your hybrid pages, you do so well with the digital additions.

  9. Your digital skills are incredible. I love that you said your hands don't get dirty when you work with digital art. Seems like a plus to me. And of course, the art is out of this world. It is so beautiful and appropriate for both AJJ and TioT.

    YES, I LOVE your tea junction sign. It is divine, as is the mug. Someone knows you well. I think you have packed a lot into your space, and it's all within arm's reach, something I can't say about mine. Of course, I like the idea of having your hubby's tools nearby, too. I have to head to my garage for mine!

    Thanks for sharing your art and your tea sign and mug with us for T this Tuesday. I would LOVE to see your husband's train setup one of these days, too.

  10. Your work space looks better than mine. I have been planning on cleaning it back in January and that hasn't happened yet. I love the big tea sign! I also really like how you take a background and digitally play with it. They always come out so cool. I should try it-one of these days. Happy T day Yvonne.

  11. gorgeous pages Yvonne!!! I never thought about "getting messy" digitally-brilliant!Love your mug and tea sign:)
    My art spaces are pretty much filled and hubby's a wood crafter so the basement(his workshop) is filled to the gills too. So thankful we have our own spaces:) Happy T day!

  12. Your lady is a beauty as is your wonderful background - I love the layers and texture you have created and the stamps you have used! Oh my, what a fantastic present, the sign made me smile - perfect! Sharing your craft space with your hubby must be fun, especially as you get to use the useful tools that are lying around, I can see he must have a great eye for detail too :-). Happy T Day! J :-)

  13. Shared space.... I like to share crafting space with hubby... It just means we get to spend more time together... Infact we probably will share some space in this huge craftroom we are building.. A place where he can do some of his more delicate work... I'am not techsavie so i find it quite interesting to see your process with your hybrids.. You seem to enjoy it so much and your pieces are so lovely.. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  14. Terrific journal entry Yvonne. I share the craftie space with other half too - he has 3 PC screens,a steering wheel, a joystick, headphones and lord knows what else - Friday night is 'Games Night' with his 'mates' - they're all around the same age as him!!! This is the one night where I don't stay!!They talk and laugh with each other and generally allow their 'inner child' out! x

  15. Gorgeous messy digi page Yvonne, love the beautiful lady! Love your tea sign and what great houses your OH makes for his railway!
    Val x

  16. I like that cup and your tea sign. "Give way to biscuits" is a good plan :) Happy T Tuesday

  17. Great hybrid page again Yvonne. Lovely image! Love everything about this. Your pages have always something so special.
    I really like your fab tea sign!
    Mar xx

  18. Amazing scarlet pages, Yvonne - the colour absolutely sings, and that image is beautiful. Great to see your husband's hobby coming down to play too... Cestina is after a train layout for her dollshouse museum, but I'm trying to restrain her.
    Alison x

  19. Your 'messy' red art is lovely! I would be sorely tempted to paint a mini mural on one of those building models in the train area...But I suppose your hubby wouldn't approve! Lol. Happy T Day!

  20. Wow Yvonne! These pages look amazing! I love your sign - and I love that you share your craft room although I bet it can get noisy at times! Chrisx

  21. Great journal page Yvonne!!!! I share my space with the husband too and sometimes it feel more than a bit over crowded in here. We both are constantly invading the others space ♥ HAPPY T DAY!!!

  22. Really LOVE LOVE LOVE This page Yvonne, amazing work.xx{aNNie}

  23. I love all the paint, layering and texture in your in your art journal. I like that you mixed the page with digital art. The sign and mug are funny and perfect for a tea post.

  24. Wonderful hybrid spread page Yvonne !! Love the blackground and this red colour ! It ´s great !
    That ´s fantastique you could enjoy your ´s husband hubby. Love your scrap space. Happy day !! big hugs.

  25. Lovely hybrid pieces! That 50 shades of red is turning out some amazing stuff.
    Thank you for the glimpse of your craft corner. I think everybody's craft space is a mess. Hubby doing model railway? Sounds great. Does he have friends coming to 'play'? At the place where my hubby used to work, there was a disused garage rented out to a group of elderly gents who had (permanently) set up a model railway. They would come and 'play' several times a week. I think the maintenance was done at home. I would sometimes be allowed to have a look. Fascinating.
    Belated happy T-Day,

  26. What a gorgeous spread you created for 50 Shades of Red, Yvonne. It's a beautiful mess ;-) I love your tea sign and mug. What thoughtul gifts. My hubby is about 20 feet away from my craft room - far enough that we can both concentrate on our different endeavors, but close enough that I can call out, "help" when my computer does weird things. lol.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  27. I LOVE your sign and coffee cup!!!
    50 Shades of Red has been a fun challenge this month, and I really like what you have do here. I admire anybody who has mastered the digital part of art journaling.
    My craft room is also a shared space with DH......and his half looks a lot like your hubby's half....LOL!! Men!!
    Belated T-day wishes ad thank for stopping by my blog while I was busy painting with my friends!

  28. Love your sign and mug. I can get lost in the journal pages. So many textures to look at. That is so cool about your husband's train hobby and how he fashions building for his railroad.

  29. Your messy red pages are very beautiful! I also like the photo of the craftroom and the railway station and your "tea stop" photo!
