

Friday 20 January 2017


Imagination is a wonderful thing.
Children have it when they play, theirs can be a magical world of make believe,
 as well as the reality of learning and growing up.
  But stop and think.... how as adults do we use our imagination.
Easy to answer for folk who love crafting and creating, 
we use it without thinking when we sit down  and pick up the first pencil or piece of paper.
 Read a good book and you can be transported into another place, or time.
Do you ever get so engrossed in a book, that you cannot put it down
 and it becomes real in your head, as the story unfolds.

Faced with a problem do we wonder/ imagine how we can sort it out

My   hybrid journal page started off with this, inky and stamped   ATC 
We had no TV's when I was a child , toys were mainly home made and the garden was a magical place for me.  At bed times we always  had stories.
 I think this is where my imagination all began.

Back then,  I thought there was a fairy living among the flowers, something  I have never forgotten.
It made the huge garden feel safe  with her
 watching out for me.

My own boys always loved adventure stories at bed time and probably would have wished for something entirely different to live in the garden and laughed at their mom for wanting a fairy to live there. 

So I am linking with friends over at Art Journal Journey
and Erika's theme for this month
Every Journal Page tells a story......... this was one of mine.

Thank you for calling in to see me today, you are very welcome here.


  1. Love your story and page. I always enjoy hearing my son play with his make believe stories. Reminds me of when I was little and what fun it was. I still am a daydreamer, I love letting my imagination go even if it's not childs play.

  2. Wonderful page, love the ideas behind it. Imagination is so important, and being able to play. We may have had less material goods as kids, but we knew how to play, and dream. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. You have me pegged to a T. I start a mystery and can't put it down until I read the last page and find out "who done it." I truly love your imagination spread today. It is really awesome! And I had no TV growing up, either, because my grandfather wouldn't buy one until I graduated from high school. He thought it would interfere with my homework. But every summer when I was a child, I would play and dream and imagine I was someone else, living somewhere else. This spread really spoke to me, as I suspect you can tell.

  4. Wonderful page that tells a story that fits with most of us I'm sure. I find I am not lonely as imagination is a wonderful companion.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. How wonderful to that fairy is still alive and kicking at the bottom of the garden! We all need one of those in our lives:-)

    Sally xx

  6. I truly love your imagination spread today it's just great!
    Thank you for another fantastic idea for Erika's theme!
    Happy weekend dear Yvonne!

  7. Such a lovely page, quote and story Yvonne.
    I know what you mean about being engrossed in a story - life would be so dull with out imagination..
    Love what Chrissie said about not being lonely as imagination is a wonderful companion - how true that it.
    Happy Saturday, hope you are doing something fun .... Gill x

  8. What a lovely page Yvonne. I adore that quote, so true! Your fairy is darling and I love the digital enhancements you made to the final piece. happy weekend, sending hugs :)

  9. This is a great page Yvonne. I love the little fairy girl. Truly a gift of imagination. Imagination is such an important thing! For everyone-specially those who don' think they have imagination. Glad you shared this page with us at AJJ. Hugs-Erika

  10. I love your pages Yvonne - but this one is outstanding.
    I love books - used to stay in my room for hours and hours with my nose in a book. I even used to prop them up behind the bath taps!
    The quote is probably one of the best I have seen. Great job. x

  11. Lovely story Yvonne and I believe that every garden has fairies :-). I adore your page, the quote you have used really speaks to me ... where would we be without imagination :-). Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories and creativity, and wishing you a great weekend! J :-)

  12. Gorgeous page Yvonne.
    Hugs Flo x

  13. Wowwww Yvonne, the page is wonderful. Great colours and design. I love it.
    Greetings Carola

  14. A great page Yvonne. Love the quote and the lovely story!
    Mar xx

  15. Love this and the sentiment is awesome..great colours here...{aNNie}

  16. What a lovely page, great sweet image , beautiful story about your youth !! Have fun!
