

Tuesday 10 January 2017

How times change

Hello  to everyone who has called in to see me today from

 to  share a cuppa on T Day.

 Putting the world to rights, as I  shared a cuppa,  with a close friend
  on our weekly  get together day,
we talked  about how times change over the years,
 especially what Santa delivered to our children when they were young  on Christmas morning.
Having Boys it was always cars and lego,  we remembered another friends daughter one year asking  for an Action Man toy, then had a good laugh the year she got a dolls pram.
 Her brother and our  sons, fought over the right to push it up and down the garden.
She played with the trucks.
Happy Days and fond memories.

This past Christmas , showing  how times change, my two  sons wanted a New Microwave/ combination  oven and a Coffee machine for their homes .  Cash exchanged hands  and they sourced what they wanted themselves. Much easier for us. I did search the net for the images I used on the digital page, not what they actually got, but similar.
We have visited  with the one who got the coffee machine, it  serves real  good coffee
 [I do drink it occasionally].
My other son says that his  new oven is good as well. So Santa's job was done for another year.

I created a tea related digital  page .
The   friend I mentioned  earlier and  myself  have shared many cups of tea and coffee, support,  companionship, laughs , sadness and tears  over the many years  of our friendship, we met when our children were babies.
So we go back a long way.

However,  I equally value the friendships I have made here in Blogland, you all deserve a mention here.

As there is a story to this post and a journal page I will pop over and link with
Art Journal Journey
and Erika's theme of Every Page Tells a Story


I  am also adding a thank you to  Pam from
My Creative Side who sent me this
beautiful piece. It arrived on Saturday, a total surprise and I was thrilled to receive it.
As you can see it is free standing,  she describes  what she uses to make them  here.

Thank you for taking time to call in and share a cuppa with me today.  You are all very welcome.


  1. A really great post Yvonne and enjoyed reading it as well as seeing your fantastic makes and wonderful gift.

    Have a Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. It's nice to read your post today and see your lovely creations and go back with you in some memories. Time has gone so fast hasn't it....but it's nice to see the grandkids love lego too and I am busy for hours with the little ones to build and to play. Time changes and some things don't.
    Have a lovely Plony

  3. Lovely post Yvonne, and a beautiful journal page. Glad Santa got things right with the kids and am sure they are happy with those wonderful presents. Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Love your pages Yvonne! Great to make a page based on the christmas wishes of your children-- clever!
    The fairy in the cup is such a romantic image on your page!
    Wonderful post on T-Day from you dear Yvonne!
    Thank you for joining AJJ again ♥
    Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  5. That's such a fun story about the doll pram and the trucks/action figures. Figures huh? Now I don't think it would even be at all strange to get a girl some action figures if she wanted them. :) It a great idea for a page for AJJ. And your tea page is also lovely. Enjoy your T day. Hugs-Erika

  6. What a sweet page to remember what was, and what is at Christmas time. The fairy page is darling, what a great friendship you have over the many years! And thank you for sharing the gift! Friendships are made in blogland, and I'm happy to have you as one! I think it's been 5 or so years now!

  7. Good morning ... or evening which ever it is as you read this :) Great post on how our gift giving changes over the years. It used to be thoughtless to give cash and now has become the more appreciated gift in many cases. I do miss the look of wonder on the little ones faces on Christmas morning though.

  8. a wonderful post filled with warmth. Very true about how things change regarding Christmas gifts. Your art is beautiful as always, and what a lovely card to receive in the mail-a thoughtful gesture. Happy T day!

  9. How wonderful to have a friend like that... that is something i haven't been blessed with but i have made a few good friends in recent years... most thru blogging.... Thank you for the trip dodwn memory lane with Santa and presents... I was one of those children who would have preferred something other than dolls... mine was Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  10. yes, Christmas turns into a different Thing concerning presents when the Kids grow up. but on the other Hand: it´s easier now;) have a great t-day, Yvonne.

  11. Sorry I'm late visiting. My old computer keeps having major meltdowns. I had to reboot it twice in order for it to run again. I was able to visit a couple of people, then it stopped working again. I gave up and went to bed. I'll be really glad when I get my new computer back.

    I adore your thoughts on Christmases past and present. I thought the coffee maker looked fantastic. I would gladly take one of those, too. Not so the trucks, but the legos would make great background stamps! You can tell I'm not a digital artist, can't you.

    I also enjoyed the incredibly different, yet feminine and beautiful friendship tea cup you created for AJJ and Tuesday T. It's fantastic. You make great digital art.

    Your friend sent you a beautiful piece, too. It's gorgeous.

    Thanks for sharing your awesome art with us for T this Tuesday. This was a fantastic post.

  12. Such a lovely and moving post Yvonne! Time flies doesn't it and it is wonderful to have such cherished memories of family, it made me remember the time when my sister got an Action Man for Christmas, she was always such a tomboy growing up :-). I love how your page represents Christmas past and present. Your friendship tea page is so magical and it makes me thankful to have met you in blogland and for our friendship :-). Thanks for the memories and wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  13. Super fun post this week, since I only had boys I can relate very much to it....LOL! One is pushing 40 and his older brother went over the hill this summer, but I still get them silly holiday underwear and a bag of socks. I wonder if they will know how to shop for socks when I'm gone!
    Having 4 granddaughters has been a change for me, but a good one *grin*
    Happy T-day

  14. Lovely post about friendship and change and more.
    Your fairy in the tea cup is a precious piece which goes along beautifully with your friend.
    I too am most grateful for so many far away friendships that can begin to feel quite close!
    Money is always the right size and color isn't it and how nice your sons got to use it for what they needed and wanted.
    Happy T Day Yvonne oxo

  15. Your digital page is wonderful Yvonne !! I like it very much. And, you are right !!! children always want toys, but when the grow up, they prefer more practical things !! Better for us ! ♥ Happy week to you. Hugs

  16. Your gifts list sounds a bit like the ones that we end up with! A lovely tea related page, great images:-) and your friends blog is about to get visited!

  17. A great post and some wonderful creations! Lovely gift too, thanks for sharing!

  18. Lovely post Yvonne I think we all relate to the Christmas present story.
    Val x

  19. Adorable tea page. What a sweet saying. Thanks for sharing your memories and your awesome gift. Happy T Day

  20. A lovely post about memories, and friends enjoying tea together! Beautiful digital tea art!

  21. So true about how things change over time, and I love how you interpreted that in your piece! Your tea page is just wonderful, love the soft pinks and the floral imagery! hugs :)

  22. Great projects Yvonne, times have changed.xx{aNNie}

  23. I think about how the times have changed all the time and so often I wish we could go back to a more simpler time! Yvonne, your project are wonderful. I hope you are having a wonderful 2017!

  24. That is so true about the toys turning to grownup stuff for Christmas. Even my teens got grownup useful stuff this year. Wool socks, dress shirt and tie, blanket,etc. Although they did each get a little toy. Legos for my girl and trading cards for my boy. :)
    Happy T day!

  25. What a hreatwarming post and fun reminiscences. I love sitting with my younger sister like that. We can talk and reminisce for hours! Probably because we don't get to see each other often and have so much to say. That's a lovely T day page and a lovely thought. Happy T Day, Yvonne!

  26. Yes, times do indeed change! Even my grandchildren no longer hope to get toys! Don't get me started on reminiscing….we were talking this morning about how the baker, butcher and grocers used to have vans to bring food to the village where I used to live - there was only one shop that sold just about everything too but it was quite a walk away! I still remember the aroma from the bakers van!! I love your pages! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  27. Yes, how times have changed. My grandchildren get similar things to what my son got (cars and lego) but they get so much more and so much bigger! That is the difference.
    Your T-page is lovely and I love that sentiment. Friendships are precious.
    Sorry I'm so late in commenting, I've been away from my desk.
    Belated happy T-Day,

  28. Your digital friendship-page looks amazing! I was one of that girls who played with trucks and cars - and my dolls had to look on.
    Happy T Day!

  29. Lovely post and trip down memory lane. Times certainly have changed.
    What you said about the friends daughter wanting an action man made me smile.
    I remember wanting a 'Ken' for my Barbie doll and instead waking up to find 'Brains' and 'Jeff Tracy (the father!) instead in my Christmas stocking - well I can tell you Barbie was not impressed!
    Gill x
