

Thursday 22 December 2016

Tread softly for AJJ

Taking time out again from the preparations for the Festive weekend.
Not that I am thinking about doing  much more,
house tidy,  shopping done,  gifts  wrapped,  think you get the idea.
Why get stressed out and forget about the real meaning of Christmas.
I could not believe how busy and frantic folk were,  doing their grocery  shopping today.
Our stores only close for one Day and yet I think they were buying food for a month.

Anyway, back to the journal page, I have always enjoyed reading poems, 
  last night a poem by Yeats came to mind. 
 I thought how  I could maybe use it on a  page   for 

and Valerie's theme of Light and Darkness.

Thank you for calling in, your visit is always appreciated.


  1. What fabulous atmospheric page, which certainly goes very well with the Yeats poem! I can never understand those folks with piled high trolleys either - I imagine they must not want to go out again for a week (or they have a lot of parties - in which case good luck to them!!) Hugs, Chrisx

  2. Great page again Yvonne, love the look of this. Our Christmas Day is just the two of us lazing around the live elsewhere so a quiet one for us...have a good one with your family.xx{aNNie}

  3. Wonderful page and words from Yeats, beautifully combined. Thanks for another page for AJJ. Enjoy your Christmas, hugs, Valerie

  4. Stunning page, Yvonne.
    Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!

  5. Fabulous poem and page. Merry Christmas to you and yours Yvonne, have a wonderful festive weekend. Huge hugs xxx

  6. Wonderful page with the Yeats poem. I'm with you on the no stress Christmas. Enjoy whatever you are doing Yvonne

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Such a fabulos atmospheric piece Yvonne and a great poem! I so agree with your thoughts about Christmas, I was just talking to hubby about how crazy the shopping seemed to be this year....

    Wishing you and family the most wonderful festive season!! Thanks for all your support this year!

  8. A wonderful poem and fantastic atmospheric page Yvonne!
    I totally agree with you about Christmas !
    Thank you for another beautiful entry to the theme at AJJ and thank you from the bottom of my heart for
    your blogfriendship!
    oxo Susi

  9. Fantastic project Yvonne. Love everything about this. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Health and Happiness for 2017.
    Hugs Flo xx

  10. Lovely poem, and page Yvonne! I went out to the store yesterday and was pure madness. My fault for waiting so long, will be glad when things get back to normal.

  11. This is fantastic, Yvonne. I really enjoyed reading both the Yeats poem, and seeing your lovely interpretation of it.

    I was shopping yesterday also, and I saw people piling their carts so high, it looked like they were inviting an army for Christmas. Although I bought one thing I don't normally buy (EGGNOG), everything else was on my list that I get every two weeks.

    I hope to visit again before Christmas, but if this is your last post before then, I want to wish you a joyous, safe, and peaceful Christmas.

  12. I've never heard that poem before - it is really lovely Yvonne and so is your page that accompanies it..
    I love LOVE it!
    We are all ready for the big day..'Mr Sainsburys' has delivered Christmas (ha ha that's just made me think of Margot in 'the good life' :) and Dave has baked far too much - I will have spend several weeks trying to walk off all the extra calories.
    Hope you are completely finished and able to relax now.
    Best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful Christmas xx

  13. Very cool page. I think black and white makes it quick stunning. Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Hugs-Erika

  14. Another fantastic page Yvonne! The design is amazing.
    Mar xx

  15. This is a wonderful page. Super design.
    Geetings Carola

  16. oh that quote!!!! what an amazing page! Helene
