

Thursday 29 September 2016

Never stop learning for AJJ

This will be my last  page for the current theme over at

where Bluebeard and Elizabeth chose a super theme for the month of ....
Back to School..
I am a firm believer that you are never to old to learn something new.

I did join night classes over the years, they were real fun,
 especially as I had chosen the ones related to cooking
 e.g.... Indian...Cake Decoration...Hostess cookery
I have been lucky to have  had two careers in my working years,
  Radiography  came first,  then a second- retraining to work with children
 who had special educational needs .
It was a big issue to keep these children in mainstream schools  where possible.
 This second one gave me the most work satisfaction.
The training for this was ongoing over the years,
as new ideas and the children's needs changed.
. Some children  had health  or physical issues
  others struggled with the basic of language and numbers,
there was laughter as well as sadness, but each day was a joy.

So thank you Elizabeth for this months theme,
 I wish I could have made more pages
 but I have enjoyed my personal trip down memory lane with this subject after seeing all your fantastic pages and those from the other folk at AJJ.

Thank you for calling in to see me today.
I really appreciate your visit.
Digital images from
Mischief Circus kits.


  1. Your page is beautiful, and full of sound advice, too many people stop learning and that is never good. It was a fun theme, I just posted my last piece, too, and on Saturday we start with our new theme! Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your blog very sound advise. I am 74 and I am still want to keep my mind sharp. This is why I love to do at-least two themes or more a week. Three Muse and Take A Word. Themes make you think and apply. Plus have fun and I enjoy others creativity. Like I do yours.

  3. I used to joke that I never saw the sun on campus when I was an undergrad. All my undergrad classes were at night and I had enough when I graduated for FOUR degrees because I couldn't get the necessary classes to fulfill each program, except once ever four years. I hope night classes have improved at my undergrad school because it certainly held me back when I had to wait, especially for my upper level classes.

    I adore this page and I agree that you should never EVER stop learning. Your art today illustrates that perfectly. too. So glad you found time to join AJJ with it.

    I also have had two careers, but yours sound like they are more satisfying, especially since you were working with these disadvantaged children. Good for you and your super skills.

  4. A great page Yvonne and I agree that you're never too old to learn.
    Avril xx

  5. You made such super pages this month Yvonne - this one is no exception !
    Great advice for everybody! Super to learn something privat about you and what your jobs were as well!
    Thank you for all the support you put in again this month Yvonne!
    oxo Susi
    Hope you have the same nice weather as we have just now... until Sunday it is late summer forecasted - next week autumn is on it's way - they say!

  6. Great advice here and wonderfully depicted in your super page.
    Jean x

  7. Another fabulous page Yvonne, and I'm glad to know your dedication to the special education... a great job!
    Mar xx

  8. I think showing the graduate is the perfect for the end of this months great theme. Its a fantastic page Yvonne. And yes, we are never to old to learn, or maybe if we can't learn we have gotten too old. :) Hugs-Erika

  9. Love your page and your post Yvonne, I too loved my teaching years and had a primary school with a special needs unit, so your experiences and feelings really resonate with me. Xxx

  10. Wonderful page to end the school theme month. It was nice hearing of your past teaching adventures as well.

  11. Gosh this is just fabulous. xx Thanks so much for commenting on my scheduled cards while I was on vacation...appreciate this so much. Have a lovely weekend.xx

  12. Fantastic page and I liked taking a walk down memory lane with you too - I can imagine the joy working with children who have special educational needs brings, such a fulfilling and motivational role! Thanks for sharing, this month's theme has been so much fun :-). Wishing you a happy weekend! J :-)

  13. Such an interesting post to learn more about you Yvonne.
    Working with the children must have been very special indeed.
    The page you created would make a great poster.
    It's just brilliant! That "box" sucks up a lot of time when we could be doing other things.

  14. Yes, that was interesting read about your two careers, the second one sounds as if you made a real difference to the children.
    Great page, Yvonne, beautifully composed, but I hope when I go to a night class he is not the teacher.

  15. Playing catch-up now we are back home. Great idea for a page Yvonne. I did lots of night school classes as well and got to take subjects that didn't exists when I went to school

    Love Chrissie xx

  16. What a cracking teacher teacher he looks!


  17. A totally awesome and arty piece Yvonne x love the details and the box is so clever.........a very true sentiment too

    I wanted to be a radiographer but ended up supporting children and families.....difficult but rewarding

    Tfs and best wishes
    Annie xx

  18. Hi Yvonne, this is beautiful. All projects the last time are great. Finally I had time to look here on your blog.
    Greets Carola
