

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Colouring in on a rainy day

Another journal page for

 and Elizabeth's theme of ,,,,
Back to school.

A fun digital page,  remembering one of the phrases I often said to my boys when they went off to infants school, all those years ago..... be sure you listen to the teacher and be good.


We are still in the caravan and have some internet today, so am able to add this post,
My crafting stash for this journey was the Lap top computer, colouring book,  pencils and pens.
Just enough to go in a small drawer, not one of the larger cupboards I usually take over.

 Location....Strid Wood.... site near Bolton Abbey....Yorkshire.

We had a neighbour over the weekend. 
who liked to feed the birds.
 This duck had us laughing. at its efforts
 to land on the bird table for the bread and grain.
Even Meg barking at it, didn't get it to move off.
The greedy thing could hardly fly as it ate everything that was in sight.

So as its been a wet day  out with the colouring book and pens and of course the cuppa.
I hope I will be able to link up with friends for 
T stands for Tuesday's over at

I took the colouring pages out of the book [The colouring studio]  to make them easier to handle .

This page in the book was by Dyan Reaveley

A few more words and a background added digitally.

Thank you for calling in to see me today you are all very welcome.
my scheduled post for the new challenge theme over at try it on Tuesdays will follow soon.


  1. A rainy day well spent! I love your journal page - good advice too! The duck on the bird table looks so funny - I hope you get some smaller birds too -it looks like a lovely spot! Enjoy the rest of your time! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. Have a fun day, the colouring pages are great, and love the school page for AJJ. Ducks are really greedy, that's true. Happy T Day, hugs Valerie

  3. Glad you had internet for a bit Yvonne.
    Your caravan looks like such fun.
    That duck had a mission for sure glorious food!
    Nice that you're having some creative fun while you're away too.
    Happy T Day oxo

  4. I usually bring artsy stuff with me on a trip.... but i find i rarely use it... not sure why... just kind of works out that way... Glad to hear your having fun... around here its the greedy greedy crows!! When they visit they just scoop up huge mouthfuls.. Love your coloring! Happy happy Tday Hugs! deb

  5. What a fun day at the caravan. First, a great digital entry for AJJ made me warm all over with that sage advice, then the wonderful coloring you created with those pens that brightened the page made me smile. Of course, the warmth of the tea may have had a bit to do with it, too.

    Thanks for sharing your tea, your caravan, your art and your AJJ entry with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

  6. There's nothing like a bird feeder for providing free entertainment lol

    Happy T Tuesday

  7. LOVE your AJJ page! I think those of us that raised boys probably said that more than anybody else...LOL!!

    The duck had me laughing, they are so bold and greedy.

    Your coloring page really turned out great, I have those pens too, and few small coloring books. Yes, I usually take some kind of art work with me when we travel. I really like how you digitally enhanced the coloring page......great idea.

    Thanks for the earlier visit and the comment.

  8. i love all your journaling pages. a good idea to enlarge the Equipment by a Computer for digital art. love the coloring pages, too! happy t-day!

  9. Fantastic art at the caravan Yvonne! I hope you enjoy yout days and wish you good weather!
    Here it is still warm and sunny and this is brings much joy to the heart!
    Thanks for another fab entry to AJJ !
    oxo Susi

  10. So glad you are back online! Your art work is beautiful - I love all the details :-). The duck really made me smile - so so funny ... lol. Have a lovely time, wishing you sunshine and a Happy T Day! J :-)

  11. Looks like you are having a great time especially with the duck coming to visit. How funny. Lovely colouring.
    Hugs Flo x

  12. A fun page & a fun post! Glad you put that rainy day to good use! I went to lunch in an Italian restaurant at lunchtime & had fun doodling on the paper tablecloth, did a brilliant version of Dali!


  13. Great school page with fantastic ideas, Yvonne. Your coloring page looks so fun!
    Mar xx

  14. Is that a Dyan Reavely coloring page? How cool. Looks like you are having some relaxing time away-and enjoyable. :) Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes it was one of Dyan's pages to colour it is a great magazine and there id loads of well known artists sharing pages for us to colour.
      Yvonne x

  15. Love the Girls's face on the school page, very fun! Love that coloring page, looks like you took enough supplies to keep busy during your trip. Sometimes less is more. That duck is just the cutest, would have loved watching it!

  16. Good use of a rainy day! Super creations!

  17. Great art today ! Rainy days are perfect for coloring and reading ♥
