

Tuesday 23 August 2016

More Book pages and a cuppa

I really wanted to try book folding. for the current challenge theme at Try it on Tuesdays
but so far this was
 and is possibly the only one I will be attempting. 
 It took me a long time [days] , mainly because my eyesight cannot cope with the measurements in millimetres. I'm pleased I didn't choose a longer word.
Folding the pages was the much easier part of the exercise.

Hello  to my friends at
Bleubeard and Elizabeth's

Even the trusty Cup of Tea didn't help my concentration.

I tried a selection of rulers.

 I ended up using the green one.
In case you wonder about the apple, it was crisp,
slightly sour  but refreshing.

 Our eating apple tree  is giving us a small crop this year, the cooking apple trees  have taken a rest

It will be a  little while longer 
before they all ripen,
I stood under the branches with the camera pointing to the sky  to get this photo, a  ladder,  broom will be needed to get them from the tree,  they don't shed so well from this tree.

I will end with my altered
 digital book page version,
 which I have to say
 gave me more pleasure in the making

Thank you for calling in today, you are most welcome and I love to have you visit.


  1. Oh wow Yvonne this is amazing, brilliant and how beautifully you have photographed it too.
    I am in awe of your creation - I just wouldn't have the patience to do that.
    (I've been cutting the centre out of a book on and off for months and that's bad enough)
    I smiled reading that making the digital version was more enjoyable - I love the expression on the lady standing by 'her artwork' proud but exhausted - love it :)
    Have a lovely day - Gill xx

  2. Awesome folded book, that must have taken some time!! Love the digi version. Wonderful to have a yummy apple tree handy, my son would enjoy that!

  3. OMGosh. I am in love with your book pages. I would never be able to do that. I might be able to fold them, but never create letters from the pages. You did a fantastic job. And of course, by creating a digital page, it was twice as nice and far less work the second time around!

    You must have a fantastic yard with both eating and cooking apples. I would like a single tree in my back yard.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your apples, and your tea with us for T this Tuesday. I'm in LOVE with that book folding and you can be proud of it, too.

  4. The book pages look great, I know what a lot of work it is, I used to do things like that with the kids at school, but neither my eyes nor fingers can cope with it these days. Love the digital page, too. Your apples look gorgeous, hope you can harvest them safely. I have only harvested sunflower seeds these year, and the birds loved them! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. wow Yvonne-your book is simply awesome!!! And I love the digital version too-lovely collage. How cool to have your own apple trees...
    hope your eyes are resting a bit now. Happy T day!

  6. WOW!! I've always admired these on pinterest but haven't ever tried it. Too much measuring for me and like you my eye sight isn't the best...desperately in need to bifocals but not ready to make that move.

  7. I am impressed Yvonne. That folded book is amazing. I have never tried it, but I am tempted to now. Maybe when I go back to school and the kids are busy working I can stand there and fold. :) Seriously, I might do that. Of course they might all decided to fold their textbooks, anything to get out of work. Hope all is well-love the digital page you created from the book before I forget too. Hugs-Erika

  8. OH Yvonne you picked a wonderful word and what brilliant results!
    I am in awe of what it must take to accomplish that.
    How lovely your lady looks in your digital collage too.
    All around brilliant.
    Happy T Day to you oxo

  9. Kudos for even giving that a try. I am not sure I would have the patience and like you the old eyes might not handle it well. Your result is fantastic and looks every bit as wonderful as others I have seen online.

  10. Amazing work with the folding and the word Yvonne and it looks stunning on your digital piece. Very inspiring

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. You did a fantastic job with this ART - book-folding- my great respect for this Yvonne..and I love what you made digital with it in the end! Super page!
    I hate measuring - and always make mistakes during measurments - stupid from me -but it isn't my thing !
    Our two apple trees have both just a few apples this year also.... but it's o.k. for me- last year they gave so so much - they have to rest this year I think!
    Happy T-Day ♥
    oxo Susi

  12. Having apples from your own tree sounds delightful! A real treat :) Happy T Tuesday

  13. Oh that must have been a lot of work! Well done you! The result is awesome! I don't think I'd have the patience... And I absolutely looove tha journal page you have made with the photo. Stunning.
    Happy T-Day and a good week ahead,

  14. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful piece you have created! I'm in awe of your skill, patience, attention to detail and precision - amazing! I think I would need several cups of tea, very inspiring! Wishing you happiness and a lovely T Day! J :-)

  15. Oh mu gosh, your ART book is astonishing, I can well believe it took you days to make and you would have to be so accurate all the time.
    Nice to see your apple tree. Sometimes our cookers take a rest, we have a very old cooker tree.
    I love your digital painting, with your book, how clever to incorporate it to make an exhibition poster.

  16. That book certainly took lots of folding from the look of it. It is amazing. Nothing like a piece of fruit from your own tree is there?

  17. No matter what equipment I had, I would not have the patience to create that book. It is amazing. What an awesome creation. On the other hand, I really like the page you created at the end of the post. The girl and the bird along with the book makes for such a pretty scene. genie

  18. The book is beautiful. I've wanted to try this, it is on the To Do List but measurements are not my strong point (!!!) also looks beautiful incorporated into the digital artwork.

  19. Wow Yvonne! Your book is absolutely awesome, you have had a lot of patience and the result is fabulous.
    The version digital is fantastic!!!
    Mar xx

  20. WOW! WOW! WOW! That is incredible!!!! No way would I have the patience for that and you did a great job!!! Love your art piece too. I also happen to envy you the apples. Once again the squirrels have stripped my trees bare :(

  21. Oh boy very arty and clever....this is fabulous.xx

  22. Oh my!!! I have admired page folding art for a long time, yours is positively amazing! The hybrid piece you made with the book is just fantastic! I know I don't have the patience to sit and figure out all the dimensions to fold pages like that.......well done Yvonne!!

    Thanks for making it by my blog for T-day and leaving me a comment.

  23. I've always admired these folded books, but thought it must require immense patience and precision, so I'm interested to read about your experience. Maybe I'll just continue to admire them - I certainly love this one! It looks great incorporated in the digi page with that wonderful Modigliani-esque woman.
    Alison x

  24. Great page folding Yvonne, it must take great patience and I love how you've used it with the digital image, makes a fabulous poster.
    Avril xx

  25. I do so admire you book folding skills Yvonne - I am sure I would make one unholy mess! I love how you made a digi version too! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. Well done for giving the book folding a go, I'm off the the hairdresser then dentist then optician to get my specs fixed this morning.....wouldn't dream of trying the folding at the moment!

    Sally xx
