

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Book pages for Try it on Tuesdays

Brave Spirit

Book Pages,,, is the new challenge theme at Try it on Tuesdays.
Please pop over for all the details and see what the team have been making.
 From me a mixed and hybrid page, with digital additions,

This is the original  page  on the left.
 A paint  sprayed and splashed background.

The Book print is a page from a very old french book I picked up in a jumble sale many years ago,

The main image of the girl is stamped., its a Wonky Tonk girl from  Which Craft.

She was coloured a little, before the photograph was taken to my digital program to have  the animals and more splodges added.


I am also sharing a card with you this week, which I made a little while ago but didn't blog

The image was stamped and embossed onto the book page , then  watercoloured .

But as many of you know I love to alter my                     original pieces, in a digital program.

So this is the result.
I used elements from Mischief Circus kits as well as some of my own backgrounds.

Thank you for calling in to see me today.

I'm sure you will think of many ways to use book prints and I hope you will pop over to TioT's and join us there.

Thank you for calling in to see me today.
 You are most welcome.

If you called in for T stands for Tuesday, please scroll down to my earlier post.


  1. Wonderful project, Yvonne, it is such fun to mix your own work and digi pieces, you know I love doing that to. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. A fabulous page and a beautiful card - I love the digital version too.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. Wonderful Yvonne I love how it all works together brilliantly
    Amanda x

  4. Love the altered page on the first one, the animals and quote give her a totally different look - Hiawatha springs to mind.
    Loved the card, thank you, and the digital elements make it into a really beautiful page.
    Avril xx

  5. Such a darling Girl image, the animals look perfect with her. Your flower card is lovely, and more so in the digital version.

  6. Both are stunning projects Yvonne and both so different.

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Beautiful pieces Yvonne. Love the imagery in your Brave Spirit - beautifully created page.
    The great thing about digital additions, especially when it comes to splodges and splatters, is that they go first time exactly where you want them to - heaven!
    Your card is gorgeous - the lucky recipient of that will surely treasure it.
    Have a great day.. Gill xx

  8. Wonderful book pages Project :)

  9. Wonderful book page. I see there Red Riding-Hood. Like the projects with a story.
    Another page and card are lovely, too.
    Have happy Time ❤

  10. Admire all your pieces Yvonne! Have never tried digital additions, but yours look just stunning! Hugs!

  11. Oh My! These are both gorgeous Yvonne - I really should try more digital but haven't found much that is compatible with a Mac! I love the animas you added - makes the girl look more worried than on her own!! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. Beautiful cards and a lovely digital version, Yvonne. The first one is really wonderful, I love the girl stamp and the digital additions. Fabulous as always! Mar xx

  13. Gorgeous use of book text in each piece Yvonne.
    The way you combine artwork with digital touches gives such depth and interest.

  14. Two fabulous shares today Yvonne, those digital additions on your page are fantastic and the card is unite stunning:-)

    Sally xx

  15. Beautiful Yvonne! Great use of the book pages! That flower in red looks amazing against the neutral pages in the background, love it!! hugs :)

  16. Once again I'm running behind on visiting. As always, I'm impressed with both versions of your art. It shows how dexterous you are when it comes to both traditional and digital art. These are both genuine winners.

  17. Gorgeous book pages Yvonne. Your first one is my favorite- I love the wolves. How stunning. Hugs-Erika

  18. Both beautiful, how well using book pages works here.
    I especially like the last picture, everything is just right in it, the girl to the side, the angled book page, the dots, the words, everything.

  19. Oh yes i love how you did these. Beautiful znc i have to say i love how the contrast is between the text and the flowers. Stunning.

  20. Gorgeous how you used the book pages..thanks for having me as GDT..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  21. All gorgeous Yvonne. Love them.
