

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Poppies, cycling and Tea on Tuesday.

First of all I am sharing another journal page for 

A simple page today  for  the theme .......... In my garden there is.....

A watercolour background, finished in my digital program.
I loved the words [cannot remember where I found this quote] and wondered
 if I could only grow one flower in my garden , what might it be.
The poppy won my vote.
It means so much to so many people, my family included.

Now I am off to visit and share a cuppa and a chat with friends over at

We are away in our caravan , staying in a lovely town on the Scottish Borders...Melrose.
The weather is awful, wall to wall rain today , so not many photos to show of the town
This is the old Abbey

Back in the caravan we decided to spend an afternoon watching TV

Tea made, didn't have to jostle with the crowds

Here they come,  sprinting to the finish.
they had been riding nearly 6 hours.
We just watched the last 2 hours.

Even a photo finish at the end.
After a small delay, we were jumping with the crowds 
as it was announced that Mark Cavendish had won.

I think you can tell that cycling is a sport we follow as a family.
Thank you for visiting  and sharing a cuppa today.


  1. I love your journal page XOXO Zoe

  2. Like you I love poppies Yvonne x love your journal page and the colours are stunning x great sentiment too

    Hope your weather improves and you have a fabulous holiday x you are not far from the stunning Rosslyn chapel, probably about an hours drive. It's one of my favourite places to visit

    Hugs Annie xx

  3. Enjoy the borders, hope the weather is a little kinder for the rest of the visit. Wasn't that a great finish of Cav's yesterday- I could barely contain myself lol.
    I'm enjoying my poppies red, orange, pink & white large ones as well as yellow Welsh but the Himalayan blues are finished now.

    Sally xx

  4. A wonderful poppy page! This abbey looks gorgeous and a good idea to watch the event - so the bad weather is not so annoying!
    Happy T-Day and ♥♥♥ for another hostess page to the AJJ theme!
    oxo Susi

  5. Such stunning poppies Yvonne! And so topical with the Somme Battle's commemoration just a few days ago. Hope your weather will improve!!

  6. Hope your rain clears up so you can enjoy the rest of your visit. At least there is now tv to watch in the caravan. I remember when that didn't happen. Love your poppies too. Poppies are one of my favorite flowers. Hugs Erika

  7. Love your poppy page, really beautiful. Happy T Day, and have fun in the caravan, hugs, Valerie

  8. Pretty water color poppy page, and what a cool photo of the old building.

  9. Yes…poppies…a beautiful flower that has a wonderful meaning! I hope the weather picks up for you - the abbey looks interesting! Still, what better way to avoid the rain than to watch the Tour de France - we did too! My sister in law is hoping to go to see it go past toady as it is not far from where they live - she told me what she is planning on wearing so that we can spot her!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. I am looking forward to playing along with your great garden theme for AJJ Yvonne.
    Your poppies look so beautiful.
    You did good picking one favorite flower.
    I am not sure I can as each flower that blooms seems to be my favorite.
    Oh that abbey looks gorgeous and so photogenic.
    Smiling at your family Tour de France fun.
    Happy T Day and Happy July oxo

  11. Pretty poppies! I used to follow the Tour de France but haven't seen any of it in years. I've been watching the soccer tournament this year, though. Happy T Tuesday!

  12. I used to follow the sport avidly! Until the whole thing with Lance Armstrong... gosh i was his biggest fan. He was really an inspiration to me for losing weight and getting healthy... Just so disappointed... I haven't found anyone else in the sport to follow or be interested... Loved the photo of the Abbey. Thank you so much for sharing!! Happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  13. Oh I do so love the poppy page!!! They are one of my favorite flowers too and I only had one this year. Too bad you had to deal with the rain but sounds like you enjoyed the cycling event on TV well enough. :) Happy T day!!!!

  14. the poppy is divine and the abbey Looks gorgeous, too. shame that there is so much rain this year, not really summery at all. and great you have a Family Sport interest.
    happy t-day!

  15. Beautiful journal page with the poppies. You're not missing anything with the weather at home Yvonne, rain here too.
    Avril xx

  16. Love you poppy page!It's sweet!That abbey is superb! Happy T Day!

  17. I'm really sorry you are having such awful weather, but just being away is a holiday I always find. Lucky you have a telly in your caravan. So with the tour de France you won't get bored. My mum also follows it and she told me it started at Mont Saint Michel (the Franch St Michaels Mount).
    Thanks for visiting,
    Happy T-Day,

  18. You have captured the poppies beautifully and I love the quote, so true! Thanks for for hosting AJJ this month, your garden theme is very inspritational. Happy T Day! J :-)

  19. Next to roses, poppies are my favorite flower. Unfortunately, I can't grow them in my climate. Not sure why not, but they don't seem to like my weather. I love that saying and used it in one of Chris's pages for our swap recently. Didn't have poppies to share, though!

    Wow. I was surprised because we have not seen much of the Tour de France race here. In the states, it seems we are inundated with either soccer/football or Wimbledon. I may not get the channel that it would be shown on, though. I think I would have enjoyed this race, better than the other two sporting events. Glad your "man" won. The tea shared with family and racing without having to fight the crowds seems like the perfect way to view this sport. Thanks for sharing both your art and your tea (and bike race) with us for T this week.

  20. I LOVE your journal page. The puppies are so very pretty and those blue tea are beautiful. genie
