

Sunday 31 July 2016

Garden of dreams......Last day for In my garden there AJJ

In my garden there is................. A garden of dreams.

My last post for  months theme of....
In my garden there is......
 at Art Journal Journey

I hope you have all found your garden of   dreams this month.
I would like to thank you all for the inspirational pages you added to AJJ.
I have loved visiting with you to see how you interpreted the theme.

Also a huge thank you to
  Valerie and Susi 
 for inviting me to be their
 Guest Hostess this past month.
I have enjoyed every day.

I  took a photo of this canvas base  to use as the  background and went off to create  a page  in my digital program.
It will be  printed out and added to my 8 x 8 inch journal.

The canvas is still waiting for further inspiration.
I used elements from Mischief circus kits and some of my own stored ones.

I nearly stopped at this stage [left] , but added the image of the children, sleeping and dreaming. .. I hope about playing in their garden.

Now for the rest of my photos from my visit to the garden center.
It seemed right to share them on this last day of
 my Garden Journal Journey.

Did you notice I had to censor one of them.
Now lovely as these may , I know that the marble style ones, wouldn't be at home in my garden.
But gardens are for us to enjoy and to add the things we like in them
I think I would choose the cheeky imp in the last photo

My last digital page on this theme, is a fun one, with a little story to go with it.

Cyril and Maddie,  are discussing with  their Head Gardener...... Billie,
 the merits of what to have in their garden to scare  birds from the fruit bushes.
Maddie wanted something smaller.  Cyril was happy with the beautiful marble statue. I wonder who won that argument.

Thank you for calling by to see me today, I  have enjoyed your company  and comments this past month

I do  hope like me.  you will join the folk at Art Journal Journey, next month .
They will be announcing a new theme tomorrow..


  1. Wonderful pages again today, both of them. Looks like you had a fun visit to the garden centre. That cheeky imp would really be lovely for a garden. Thanks again for all you have done this month - we had a wonderful time, and your theme was enjoyed by so many. You were really a super hostess! Hugs, Valerie

  2. The most beautiful shades of lavender! Reminds me that the Plateau de Valensole, which is just a short drive south of here, is a huge lavender growing area!

    That cheeky imp would find a home in my garden too! Struggling with the magnifier glasses (not as sharp as my real glasses) but I'll have to make do!

    Sally xx

  3. I have enjoyed every day of your lovely art you have created this month and these last two entries are no exception. The beautiful bird house and the gorgeous lavender are stunning, but the scarecrow made me laugh and laugh.

    I wish I had been able to join you more in your lovely garden this month, but it's truly been brutal, and I still don't have my head above water. However, you have been a fantastic host, and I really loved coming here every day to see what you created in your garden. Your hosting skills have not gone unnoticed, that's for sure.

  4. It has been a great month at AJJ with the best of everything to enjoy. Thanks Yvonne.

    Love the first page with the dreamy colouring and lavender to scent the air.

    Lovely pics from the garden centre and I think Cyril has the right idea for the garden anything smaller would be lost amongst the bushes and trees. Not sure a goat is a great choice for a head gardener as they eat everything in sight lol.

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Oh yes Chrissie I also would have chosen this lovely Gnome for my garden and one of the Buddha heads. Your digital page looks very nice and funny. It would be perfect for a page in a children's book.
    Happy Sunday

  6. Love your Garden of Dreams - it is such a beautiful soft and gentle page Yvonne.
    (and I love the colour!)
    I spend too much time dreaming about what changes to do in our garden
    instead of getting on and doing them :)
    The digital one made me chuckle - scarecrow? I think they should chose your cheeky imp instead.
    I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of your lovely, inspiring pages this month full of great ideas and tips.
    Gill xx

  7. wonderful pages yvonne,i love the lilac color,iam making the same theme in my pages for today,yes a garden is a beautiful place for dreams.
    happy weekend.

    hugs jenny

  8. Both pages are superb Yvonne and I would choose the cheeky imp as well for my garden - you were such a wonderful hostess!
    THANK YOU very much!!!!
    oxo Susi

  9. Thank you so much dear Yvonne for a really lovely month of creativity.
    Your garden theme is one that inspires me always as gardening has been a part of my life since I can remember in one form or another.
    Beautiful lavender pages and great that you took the time to photograph your background.
    I got excited over my latest canvas and did NOT snap a pic of my background which I almost didn't want to cover up but forged ahead.
    That little imp does look cute peeking out :-)
    That funny menagerie having their scarecriw discussion made me smile!
    Thanks again.

  10. Your last page for the garden's theme is totally gorgeous, the lavender tone is so beautiful, and the second one is so fun!
    You've been a great hostess at AJJ with a lot of lovely pieces!
    Mar xx

  11. Two wonderful pages and great photos - I love the cheeky imp, he would look great in my garden.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Love the purple page. The last one is cute, maybe a grand scarecrow would be a good thing!!

  13. I so enjoyed your theme at AJJ, just sorry I was too busy to join in more! I wonder if a statue might scare away the crows - I have never seen them lifting off the seed feeders as they are always very early! Hugs, Chrisx
