

Sunday 17 July 2016

Believe for AJJ

In my garden there is...........
Magic to be found.
A digital page for

Were you ever told that fairies lived in your garden when you were young?
If we found a mushroom under the trees , we were told that it was where the fairies lived.
Back then,  we played in our world of make believe,
were content, happy and didn't know how our lives would change as we grew up.

There is so much sadness in our world, you turn on the news and something else has happened
that effects peoples lives.
So today my page reflects 
 a moment, in my garden,
when  time stood still for a while....., to be happy.

Thank you for your visit today, I always enjoy your company.

Made using my own photos
for the background and images from,
Dezinaworld and M.Circus kits


  1. Wow, this is again very beautiful. Wonderful!!!
    Greetings Carola

  2. Wonderful page, love the fairies! Saw lots of toadstools today, the wet weather has given us huge ones! Have a nice Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  3. I absolutely love how your page reflects a moment in your garden. It is gorgeous! I love, LOVE the quote, too. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with all of us, and for visiting my blog, too. HUGS!

  4. Such a lovely page with the beautiful words full of peace in the beautiful Garden.
    Love ♥

  5. What a fun page. I love the kissing fairies. That is a great image you added. Hugs-Erika

  6. A wonderful page and post Yvonne. Fairies are everywhere they just don't want to be seen. Hope they work some magic in the world soon

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Magic and fairy tales. Such fun to find both in any garden. I really love this because you have a way with these fairies. Nope, never was told fairies lived in my garden, but I would love to go back to a simpler time when people didn't hate each other so much. So much sadness right now, whether it's in France of here in the states.

  8. If only Yvonne! Imagination ruled my childhood and fairies and elves played a big part. Love your page
    Val x

  9. awww ... and they lived happily ever after...
    Beautiful magical quote and page Yvonne and a reminder of happy innocent and carefree days.
    I think the fairies are still here but have seen what mankind is like and keep out of site :(
    Gill xx (thanks for the lovely comments on my last page too x )

  10. Fantastic page Yvonne! Adorable fairies images and great words.
    Mar xx

  11. That ´s a so magic page Yvonne !!! Of course.... I believe in fairies!!!! in all magical worlds !! jiji..... Love your garden! And I am so sad because what happen everyday all around our world...Send you big hugs.

  12. Definitely faeries at the bottom of my garden - and sometimes right in the middle of the lawn if the mushroom rings were anything to go by. Love your page - like something out of a folk tale.
    Alison x

  13. A beautiful and poigniant page! Thanks for sharing your magic. Wishing you a happy week ahead! J :-)

  14. This is so sweet, Yvonne!!

  15. That is a page right for my soul- lovely and your words in the post say it all so well♥♥♥
    A good new week for you Yvonne!
    You are just like a fairy - I guess you have some gnomes to help you as well because you have made sooo many beautiful pages yet! I am thrilled about your theme and hostessing !

    oxo Susi

  16. A fabulous page Yvonne and how lovely to step back in time and away from the troubles of the world for a moment xxx

  17. Beautiful page Yvonne. You must have had a wonderful childhood. Lovely post.
    Hugs Flo xx

  18. Really adorable page Yvonne. It would be nice to live in a fairy tale sometimes, leave all the hatred behind.

  19. I love when art can bring back memories. Your story reminded me of our little rock fort in the woods. We were sure all the animals gathered there at night when we were asleep, and of course, they talked!! haha!! Beautiufl page Yvonne, love the elf/leprechaun in the corner. hugs :)

  20. Thank you for the sweet respite of your lovely collage.
    It is nice to go back to memories of simpler more innocent times.
    I realized some time ago that with our modern age comes sometimes/oftentimes too much information.
    News of all kinds reach us from around the globe in an instant.
    It certainly is alot of sadness to process.
    Lovely post Yvonne ♥

  21. Wonderful magic! I'm still looking for my fairies lol

    Sally xx

  22. Oh I do believe in magic when I see a page as beautiful as this! Chrisx
