

Wednesday 4 November 2015

How did you get there?

June at Dezinaworld is inviting us to join in a new weekly,
 'Cheeky Challenge at....
I may not be able to join each week but I will be trying my best.
I am quite new to creating  digital pages, but am enjoying the journey
and I think this prompt was just right for me to experiment with.
This lovely lady deep in thought,  was the image given  for this week.
All the details are here.

I had great fun  digitally extracting the figure from the background,
definitely more practice needed for this.
I think she is wondering how the monkey got into the cage  and let the parrot out.
The backgrounds and other images are from my Craft Studio, Mischief Circus sets
and from my stored free to use  images.

Thank you for stopping by to see me today. I do appreciate your comments.


  1. This is beautiful, love the gorgeous colour combo and the whole concept of your creation. ♥
    {The Journey Is The Start aNNie my personal blog}

  2. Very beautiful illustration of he given image. Love the colours and pictures you used.
    Have a happy day xx

  3. Very inquisitive monkey! I don't think I will ever get to digital....I find too many other things take over!


  4. Hi Yvonne, it`s great to see your work again! Just a quick note to say thanks so much for all of the kind comments you left for me while I was away, you are so sweet! I am mostly all settled in now and finally able to take some time to visit my favourite blogs!! Take care and I will see you again soon. hugs :)

  5. Lovely piece Yvonne, I think the monkey will also be wondering how he got in there! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Wow.. what an amazing collage.. I love what you did with her!!! Super!

  7. Hi Yvonne, all I changed on my blog was the main page and header and google and blogger did the rest, not liking it as I don't know who the comments are from anymore ..

  8. This really made me laugh - love it! This challenge interests me too - hope I have time to play! Chrisx

  9. Wow thats a great take on the image provided. And you did a good job extracting too, Love this, its so fun.
    june x

  10. A terrific creation Yvonne with lots of imagination

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. I love what you did with the inspiration photo. A great collage and colours.
    Jean x

  12. Fab digi work Yvonne, it looks great!

  13. i love your page,i think the monkey its so happy there,fun page and imagintaion,love this so much with the beautiful images.

    hugs jenny

  14. No one could ever guess you are new to digital art. This is amazing. I love the expression on her face and the scene you created.

  15. Very clever intserpretation of this week's challenge! It left me smiling~!

  16. Stunning digital collage with a fun scene! Love the colour combo and images.
    Hugs, Mar

  17. I have a new blog due to google plus playing a game or two on my old one and I don't know how to change it all without losing my followers comments. If you have the time I would be honoured if you would follow me again.
    Here is a link to my new one..  { aNNie}

  18. Yvonne, I simply have not taken the time to learn digital art. I LOVE what you did, and your sense of humor shows through. You certainly had me laughing at this one. That parrot doesn't look nearly as confused as the lady, so maybe she should ask the parrot.

  19. Very fun details in this you have done a great job with it...beautiful.

  20. I like that very much, a monkey in the birdcage !!! Of course, the lady is surprised! Ulrike

  21. Very fun the monkey in the birdcage...hihi. Thats a fantastic page.
    Greets Carola

  22. Yvonne you would never think you are new to digital art when you look at this wonderful piece, love the monkey in the birdcage.
    Avril xx

  23. Fantastic! Love all of the different elements. Have a lovely week Yvonne.
    Hugs Flo x
