

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Colours of Autumn for TioT's

We are now into our Autumn season in the UK.
The new challenge  over at Try it on Tuesdays is....
Autumn, - colours, -leaves etc.
Please pop over for all the details
 and see how the team interpreted this theme.

The hay will have been collected many weeks ago, 
but I  am using  these stamped images  [ by Sheena]  for me they  depict end of summer
 and bring us into autumn.

I used water colours for most of the colouring.  Fussy cut the oak leaves and acorns.
The trusty Vintage Photo Distress ink used for a bit of aging and on the stencil I used in the foreground, which is nearly all covered with the ribbon.

Thank you for calling in to see me, the comments you leave are always very much appreciated.


  1. Beautiful scene, lovely colours, hugs, Valerie

  2. There is a lovely autumn in your piece.
    Have a nice day,
    hugs xx

  3. This scene is awesome.. and I like the 3D effect on it! Just for my heart!

  4. How lovely - a beautiful autumn scene that makes me long to go for a ramble in the countryside - it's so wonderful to have these blue skies after that grim grey "summer" we had. Lovely oak leaves in the foreground too.
    Alison xx

  5. What a fab scene Yvonne, could be the field at the back of my house ! Love that tractor stamp too and the gorgeous colours


  6. This is terrific Yvonne. Would make a great book cover..and a good story title

    Love Chrissie

  7. Love the country theme, Yvonne! The autumn colors are so lovely with the tractor! Brings me back to a happier time! Happy Tuesday!

  8. This is just lovely Yvonne. Gorgeous autumn colours -not autumn here - 30 degrees!! Back to reality tomorrow night though! x

  9. Oh... Yvonne! You created an awesome scene, I can imagine a nice walk in the country. The images stamped are really fabulous.
    Hugs, Mar

  10. Love the countryside scene Yvonne, and it looks a perfect day for a walk with the lovely blue sky and gorgeous colours.
    Avril xx

  11. What a fabulous scene, an autumnal treat for the eyes
    Amanda d

  12. Gorgeous scene Yvonne! Love the warm, autumn colours!

  13. Wonderful card Yvonne and great use of those Sheena goodies :o) Love how you did the sky as well, - it has such a beautiful late summer feel to it, just right for the weather we are having at the moment.

  14. A fabulous autumn scene, and I love the leaves and acorn embellishment in the corner.
    Jean x

  15. What a fantastic Autumn scene! Some farmers do actually seem to have waited a while this year - still some activity going on! I am still trying to keep up with blog visiting - apologies for being late here! Chrisx

  16. Raining today so I am glad they collected the hay weeks ago Yvonne. lol. Gorgeous colours.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x
