

Thursday 29 May 2014

Sharing a little MUD

Hi every one. Have managed to get some internet today and thought I would show  you a little of  what I  have been up to in,  my my non craft world of Caravan land. This past week we have been with the family at the National Off Road Land Rover event and as forecast there was MUD, lots of it and constant rain

Now you would think that was enough mud,  'but',  in the early hours of Wednesday morning at approximately 5 a..m. this was our wake up call.

Out side Chez Meggy's joint

 That's us on the right, with our friends who all  enjoyed the same pool.
Don't think we'd all been up that early in years and at times like this its good to know you have good friends.

Time to leave  with our family's  Big Boys' Toys .
It took  the two landies to get the caravan out .
We are now on firmer ground, weather update, still raining

Again, not sure when I will get to visit with you all, hope you had a smile when you saw these phiotos
and yes I was wearing my Union jack Wellies.


  1. Oh heck it does look wet. We have had lots of rain but not as much as where you were for sure.

    Love Chrissie x

  2. OMG, it's worse than here! Hope it gets drier for you. I want Union Jack wellies, too! Hugs, Valerie

  3. That is a lot of mud!!! Just be safe and hopefully it will clear up soon! Hugs!

  4. Thanks for sharing your pics! My husband would love this!! :) Here in the States they have Jeep Jambories, similar to the one your at but more in the woods, and he used to go all the time!

  5. Oh Yvonne, that looks like some mud!! You are being very brave!! Hope you do get some enjoyment out of it all and I believe the weather is meant to improve, - fingers crossed!!

  6. Oh dear what a lot of mud!
    At lease you are on firmer ground now. Enjoy Derbyshire.
    Avril xx

  7. thats a serious amount of mud, fun to slosh about in it with your wellies on

  8. How cool - these photos remind me on last years event here in my home town. We've had a lot of fun in the Mammut park watching all the off-roaders. If you're interested take a look here:

  9. Jeepers - glad you had those big Landrovers to get you out of the mud! Fun, fun, fun!
    Alison xx

  10. Wow Yvonne, that was a lot of mud! Bet the boys really enjoyed the challenge though xx
