

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Journal 52-Recycled Art

We are up to week 16 at Journal 52 and this weeks prompt is Recycled Art.
For me this involved a rummage around my scraps and bits and pieces. Like most crafters everything will have a use some day, I cannot throw stuff away. The original base was a page torn from an art  book. Now don't be shocked,  this was a bargain in  a charity shop, you can just about make out the building in the background..
Next came a few sprays with coloured ink and some  left over unused  trimmings.
 The lady [I called her the wise woman] was cut out and is from a magazine picture of  a Van Gough painting, I knew I would make use of it one day. I tend to cut out this sort of stuff , thinking it too good to put in the bin, when they are to  be used is another matter.
Thank you for taking the time to take a look, the comments you leave are always appreciated.


  1. how fabulous Yvonne..........You have created a wonderful piece with amazing details. I have never thought of this before........but will certainly give it more thought as this is so inspiring. Have a great week
    Annie x

  2. Fabulous page Yvonne you must be very organised to find such small snippets that you've saved:)
    Val x

  3. smashing page Yvonne, great layout.
    Annette x

  4. Lovely recycled art! Love all the details on your journal page and layers. Enjoy.

  5. Your page is gorgeous, lots of details and layers. Hugs, Valerie

  6. It's a lovely page Yvonne and is it not a wonderful feeling to have boxes of bits n bobs to turn to for things like this:-)


  7. Love how you have recycled pieces and created a fabulous piece of art, great creativity Yvonne xx

  8. Wonderful ideas for this beautiful page

    Love Chrissie x

  9. Another perfectly recycled page!!

  10. This is so atmospheric, Yvonne - love how you've combined the elements and the inky background is glorious!
    Alison xx

  11. That's a great page, great use of all these bits and scraps.

  12. It's great Yvonne, I love how vibrant your wise woman is against the pale background. - and it's so satisfying when you put those bits and pieces to good use xx
