

Saturday 18 January 2014

Down in her Garden

More than half way through January and another new challenge over at Sugar Creek Hollow. The theme is 'Fibres and Textures'. [not just ribbon and lace].
This time I decided to look in my material scraps box to see if any could be used as a layer for my card.

Well its not very square, but it was just what I had in mind for a background layer.
Next came the muslin , closely followed with some waste scraps.  To make the bow, I sprayed the honeycomb waste with gold, this made it quite stiff and easy to gather up in the middle.
The rose is made/molded  with wax and coloured with mica powder.  I have made a promise to myself to get more use out of my melt pot this year, it has been gathering dust for months on a shelf.
The little girl  is from Graphic 45 Secret Garden stack.
All the layers were stuck down using a  material spray adhesive, its great stuff it even worked with the card stock.

Thank you for your comments, I do so appreciate you taking the time to stop by.


  1. Beautiful card, love the use of the textures and the soft colours. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Love all the layers & textures!
    Thanks for your message, bill has got his leg in traction for 21 days :-( but so far no surgery, will have to wait to see if they decide he needs artificial joint! Had another 4-5"" of snow today....


  3. How beautiful, Meggymay!

    Love the colours and the delicate but also tender feel to your lovely card!

    Claudia x

  4. Gorgeous - love all the texture from the fabric layers, and the beautiful G45 image with such perfectly matched fabric in the background and flower in the foreground.
    Alison x

  5. Just divine Yvonne I love the G45 topper.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x

  6. Great textures and colours makes for a beautiful card
    Amanda x

  7. love all the fibres that you added Yvonne especially the bow effect you created

  8. Wow, this is gorgeous! I love the entire piece, but that bow is out of this world! Happy Weekend!

  9. Stunning Yvonne, such a pretty creation! Love how you have used those fabrics, such great texture and the G 45 image is just perfect with it all!

  10. Gorgeous card, love the look of the fabrics, and such a lovely bow.
    Great new blog header too.
    Avril xx

  11. Very beautiful card. The layers you have built up add so much texture to the background and the image you have chosen is perfect to top them.

    Love Chrissie x

  12. Fabulous layers and textures, such a pretty card.
    hugs {Brenda} x0x

  13. Your card is amazing Yvonne. All the different fabric layers blends so well together. The bow and rose are stunning.

  14. Love the fabrics!! Lovely bow and wax flower. I'm with you about the melt pot, mine is collecting dust too!!

  15. I do agree with all the ideas you have presented in your post. There really convincing and will certainly work. Still, the posts are too short for beginners. Could you please extend them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post

    Cardsharing Server

  16. Hi Yvonne! Your card is stunning. Another one to print and hang on my bulletin board; if I can't replicate it, I can at least drool over it!! You're amazing.

  17. This is so pretty, I love the colours and the moulded rose is fab! I too have a dusty melt pot in my cupboard - lol xx
