

Tuesday 29 January 2013

From the Heart

'Get ready to Celebrate Valentines Day' with us over at Try it on Tuesdays, all we ask is that you include at least one Heart on your entry. Please pop over to see what we have all been making.

My project is going to be a hanging, except I have yet to add the ties and the backing board.
The layers are  from my stash  edged with a Martha Stewart corner punch

The heart shape  was triple embossed before stamping into it with a favourite rose stamp while it was still molten hot..
The shading is Victorian Velvet distress ink and the bird an Alterations die cut..

Thank you for stopping by I always appreciate your comments.


  1. What a very sweet Valentine hanging Yvonne!! Great texture on the heart!

  2. This is beautiful, the dark heart makes a wonderful contrast. Hugs, Valerie

  3. it's so lovely Yvonne - great design
    big hugs
    Doreen xx

  4. wow, that heart looks like a stamped piece of leather, just gorgeous! This is going to make an awesome wall hanging Yvonne! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  5. A very stylish looking heart making this a special Valentine piece.

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. So elegant and stylish Yvonne. The heart looks amazing and I love those little rosebuds sitting on one corner! x

  7. Loving the hanging, it is really lush. Hope you have a nice spot for it. Hugs Bee

  8. A lovely piece Yvonne, full of gorgeous texture.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  9. Wow, wonderful layers on this piece! I love your sign hanging from the bird's branch, and the wings you attached perfectly so that the bird appears to be carrying the message to your Valentine!

  10. Gorgeous, wonderful details, and texture.

  11. This will make a great hanging, love the heart shape.
    Avril xx

  12. I love that embossed heart...such a fun technique!
