

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Quoth the Raven

A new challenge and a DESIGN TEAM call over at Try it on Tuesdays 

Exciting news at TioT's we are looking for some new folk to join us on our Design Team. All the details can be found here.

We are celebrating ' Halloween',  as the theme of our new Challenge over at Try It On Tuesdays.
Please pop over to see what we have been making and get all the details.

My contribution is the Front Page of my 6 x 6 Halloween book.
There are still more pages to come before the end of October.

To begin with I stamped up this fantastic Stampendous  Raven stamp, using a black ink pad and black embossing powder.
All the distressing and shading  is Weathered Wood and Black Soot distress inks.
Then the fun bit , after masking off the stamped area I used Mod Roc  to create the textures.
There is no way to describe the mess I got into,  its dusty, chalky,  has to wet to use it.   I think you will get the idea of the resulting mess.
When dry, [ you need to be patient at this stage],  I gave it a few 'gentle' whacks with a small hammer.   It needed a few bumps and bruises , then  painted it over with acrylic paints.
It is finished off with some metal charms, lace and black pearls.

Challenges I will also enter are-
Crafters Cafe  Blog Challenge  Challenge 9 Halloween with Distressing.
Artful Times   Challenge 15 Fur or Feathers
Live and Love Crafts  Challenge 4  Halloween and or Autumn colours.
The Stampman Challenge    October -Butterflies, Birds and Bees

Thank you for stopping by to take a look, your comments are always appreciated.


  1. Wow Yvonne - it's amazing again. Fabby image as well
    Doreen xx

  2. Brilliant page Yvonne loving all the elements you have added - Janet x

  3. A perfect cover for your book! Love those charms!!

  4. Fantastic Yvonne :) wonderful texture ! I can vouch for the mess as I gave some to my son for a project he was doing.
    Thank you for sharing it with us at Artful Times
    Von ♥

  5. Saw this on the TioT site and, well, it's fabulous. Love the texture you've achieved and with a hammer too! Not a tool you would normally associate with crafting :) Elizabeth - now a follower

  6. Love that side panel Yvonne - so tactile! Your 'pain' brought stunning result! Nicola x

  7. What a fab Halloween raven you've created, love it!


  8. Amazing front page Yvonne this is going to be an amazing book! Love the raven:)
    Val x

  9. Fabulous Yvonne, love the image. and the texture. A great front page. look forward to seeing all the others.

  10. Wonderful Yvonne! A lot of texture and the raven image is terrific.

    Love Chrissie xxx

  11. I am not into Halloween at all, but I must say all your book pages in previous post are brilliantly done, and this cover is amazingly spooky. I love the textured edge and all the embellishments look fabulous. Jean x

  12. ohhhh just loving the front of your book, love the image, brilliant Yvonne

  13. Love this Yvonne, I've never used mod rock but I can imagine how messy it must be. It looks fab though, and I love the lace and the charms. xx

  14. Very spooky Yvonne, love that raven stamp ! I haven't played with mod rock but it sounds like fun !


  15. Fabulous! I will be looking to see more pages!!!

  16. WOW! this is really cool! I mean seriously very cool indeed. I love it all. I want to feel that texture too. I can't wait to see what you put in it. Michelle x

  17. Love, love that image! Very cool book page. Something else on my list now!

  18. It's beautiful Yvonne, so very atmospheric x

  19. A great card really like it. Hugs Bee

  20. What a great teaser makes me want to come back to see what's next. Just gorgeous...I love all of the texture and age to the piece. Awesome choice of images, too.

  21. Terrific cover Yvonne and loving the textures, Annette xx

  22. So wonderful, a great front page.

  23. I LOVE ravens so this is one of my favorites so far! It is nice that you kept it in those rather "dull" colors, otherwise no one would have noticed all the groovy embellishments - at least I wouldn't.. Beautiful!

  24. Gorgeous cover to your halloween book! Love the image, it's stunning. The colours you've chosen are perfect and I had to laugh at your discription of the powdery, chalky mess - I don't need anymore stuff to get messy with!!

  25. Love your front page, have not hear of Mod Roc before, but anything that involves a hammer is just fun! lol The crow stamp is awesome and as I write I can hear our murder of crows outside my window, spooky indeed! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  26. Amazing.
    I love this dark, edgy appearance, it is very menacing and the texture is remarkable.

  27. Wow - completely gorgeous! I love the raven stamp, and your Mod Roc (?! - got to go and look it up) textured frame is astounding... these is going to be one heck of an album! Fantastic inspiration, thank you...
    Alison x

  28. Hi Yvonne, just catching up at last!
    This is a fabulous cover, Love the look of the Mod Roc! need to find out what this is.
    Avril xx

  29. This is awesome. Thanks for playing our challenge at CCCB. I hope to see you back next month! Good Luck~Patti CCCB DT

  30. Sensational piece very spooky and so much detail, texture and gorgeousness on this wonderful work of art.


  31. Sorry I am so late - blame it on sunny Cyprus!
    What a fabulous book you have started to make, must check out more that you have done on it.
    Thanks for joining us at Artful Times - Hugs, Neet xx

  32. Hi Yvonne,
    This page is wonderful. Perfect stamp for Halloween, and so many cool charms you've attached to it. Lovely textures, but Mod Roc is not something I'm famil;iar with. Need to look into that. Thanks for joining LLC for our October challenge (sorry I'm so late commenting) - hope to see you again this month!

