

Monday 9 July 2012

Work in Progress

Its 'Configurations Time'.
This is most definitely work in progress, the next stage of our journey exploring the techniques in Tim Holtz's  Compendium of Curiosities  Volume 2.
 Linda over at Studio L3 has directed us for Challenges 11 and 12 to pages 33 and 34 of the book.
Mario has given a fantastic prize for this challenge as well.
As you can see, its nowhere near finished, but Linda said this would be okay as its the techniques that are important not the details of what we add. As always we cannot say what we did, just guide you to the pages we used.
The only thing I realy would like to know is  how do you get the tissue tape to stick down?
Mine was not playing ball.
I may not get to visit all my blog friends in the next few days, I look forward to visiting   with you all later.
Thank you for taking time to take a look, your comments are appreciated.


  1. Lovely piece! When I made one of these last year the ends of the tissue tape kept coming unstuck, so I used a bit of glue stick, and smoothed the ends down till they really stuck! Valerie

  2. Such an interesting project Yvonne I love all the artefacts in their niches:) Don't know anything about tissue tape I'm afraid.
    Val x

  3. You are a far braver girl than me Yvonne !!!

  4. You are far braver than me Yvonne - have fun with this project

  5. Fabulous Yvonne, looking forward to seeing it when you have added all the other bits.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  6. never done one of these Yvonne, your looks like its coming along really well, I bet they take some filling, looking forward to seeing it when you have completed it
    hugs and best wishes

  7. At least you have made a start and its looking great. My box is still packaged up and its been a year like that.......
    The only suggestion I can make Yvonne about the tape is.....have you tried Modge Podge will also act both as a glu and as protection. Annette x

  8. Wow Meggymay! Already you can see the incredible depth that this is going to have. Can't wait to see the finished project, it is going to be amazing...
    Dot x

  9. Oh I so wanted an old car to add to mine! This is so fun and I can't wait to see the completed project! Love this! It does take time and I kept adding and thought I might not finish!

  10. Ouu! Awesome! I love your box so far! Bet it'll blow my socks off when you're finished!

    I use a bit of mod podge, glue-n-seal or Aleen's quick dry tacky glue to cope with the tape when it won't behave!

  11. What a beautiful piece this is already with interesting things to look at.

    Hope you solve your tape dilemma.

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. I think your box looks great the way it is!! I have never played with Tim's configurations boxes yet, but it looks fun!

  13. It looks great so far Yvonne,love all the bits and bobs you put in it. I've never tried one of these, it does look a bit fiddly. xx

  14. Your configuration box looks Awesome mine is a working process as well :)

  15. loving it, I love these boxes- i use gel medium to stick the odd bits of tissue tape down :) Its looking fantastic :)

  16. Yep tissue take is a little so and so to stick ! fabulous project Yvonne such teeny weeny things and all perfect, love it.


  17. What a great start! You have gotten in the spirit and are well on your way.

  18. Such a wonderful configuration, great details.

  19. Fabulous work Yvonne. So much detail already.
    Regards Florence xx

  20. Hi
    This is fabulous with amazing interest for the eye.
